Thursday, June 16, 2011

Roger's Brother Is Looking for Digital Sources,
Orthodox Lutheran Books

A.D. is a Lutheran. He is shown looking for Kudu Don's new multi-site, figuring they would market a popular brand in Texas.
Everything is adiaphora in Kudu-Don-land, except UOJ.

I am trying to put together a set of electronic literature for African Pastors (Not that such would hurt for American). There will be a problem getting them to have and use computers, but cell phone proliferation has astounded so computers probably will too. Anyway no one could afford the paper ...

Chemnitz' Loci Theologic, "Garrett" mentioned translating. Would he have an eletronic version available? CPH is only interested in money ...

I have Keil Delitz and Edersheim electronic. Will be looking for your listings of basic authors.


GJ - All Martin Chemnitz Press books are free PDF downloads at Three books are being turned into e-books by Lulu. I am also looking at Amazon resources.

Lulu link for Martin Chemnitz Press books.