Friday, June 24, 2011

Twenty Years and Counting:
Stupidity from the Sausage Factory

Reuel Schulz supposedly earned two STMs at Mequon, yet he also studied under Pentecostal Pete Wagner at Fuller Seminary. After reading the recent history of Mequon, anyone can conclude - "The faculty promotes anti-Lutheran Enthusiasm while calling themselves confessional Lutherans."

Larry Olson's congregation never grew, so WELS hired him to teach Church Growth at its shrinking college. He earned a DMin from Fuller Seminary, the first of the Shrinker-Enthusiasts in WELS with a drive-by degree: Rick Krause, Paul Calvin Kelm, Steve Witte, John Parlow added to the shame.

Walther commanded, "Make a decision for Christ," so people rightfully call him the Father of the Syn Conference. The great thing about being born already forgiven is the way one can ignore adultery, kidnap a few kids for their own good, evade arrest warrants, and usurp the adulterer. Walther dishonestly organized a mob against Stephan and robbed him, rather than moving forward in a Christian, brotherly way. As his disciples will say today, "Matthew 18 is for suckers and losers - mobs are more fun and far more effective."

No wonder they worship the grounds Sig Becker once occupied as the Zwingli Professor of Enthusiasm:
  1. He published against the efficacy of the Word in WELS' battle against their own brother in Mankato, B. Teigen, who proved with genuine scholarship that the Syn Conference was wrong about their Receptionism. One WELS pastor told me, with a straight face, "The elements become the Body and Blood of Christ when the communicant receives them."
  2. He supported the excommunication of two WELS families who dared to question the precious but obviously new dogma of Universal Objective Justification.
  3. He published this bald-faced lie, when anyone with a superficial knowledge of the Gausewitz catechism realizes the falsity of this unsupported claim. Why support the lie with quotations? Research makes one late for dinner.