Monday, June 13, 2011

When All Else Fails - Try Religion.
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Some slept through that lecture.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Bad Real Estate Investments: How the Syn Conferenc...":

The Love Shack has the model for the local parish to follow. At my former WELS congregation, they committed to a multi-million dollar expansion several years ago. What follows that are the feeble efforts to squeeze blood out of the member turnips. "If only each giving unit gave an additional two dollars per week our operating deficit would disappear."

"Don't forget about electronic giving" (we get your dough even if you are not present). "Our new carpeting in the narthex cost $9,000......." Here is a strange twist on synergism - "we cut one teacher from the staff. Now you must respond with increased givings". "Do not worry, God will bless you in accordance to how much you give."