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Friday, July 1, 2011
Organ Recital at History St. John's Lutheran Church,
July 24th.
Attend the Worship Service at 10 AM
Sunday, July 24 · 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Historic St. John's Lutheran Church
804 W. Vliet St.
Milwaukee, WI
Created By
David Porth
More Info
David Porth will be giving a recital on the mighty 2/39 Barckhoff/Wangerin pipe organ of Historic St. John's Lutheran Church.
Before the recital why not consider attending a Divine Service at 10:00am in the church. Hear the wonderful message of Jesus Christ and what He has done for YOU!
All are invited to attend! Come and visit this beautiful landmark in Milwaukee! This church is considered to be one of the finest examples of German Lutheran church architecture in the United States.
A Festive Intrada -- Walter Pelz
Prelude in G Major -- J.S. Bach
Aria -- Paul Manz
Toccata in F Major -- Dietrich Buxtehude
Selections from Eight -- Charles Ore
I. Entrance
III. Diversion
IV. Procession
VI. Procession II
(10 minutes)
A Patriotic Suite -- Charles Callahan
Andante Tranquillo from Sonata 3 -- Felix Mendelssohn
Allegro Movement from Sonata 2
Improvisation on In Thee is Gladness -- Michael Burkhardt
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Organ Recital at History St. John's Lutheran Churc...":
I'm there! Before the Lord calls me home, I would like to ring the bells of old St John's. Our family attended a worship service there many years ago. The rope for the bell extends through a hole in the ceiling in an area that we now call the narthex. On another occasion, I was given a tour of St John's by one of the members. It is heart warming to know that the organ is still functional. Working on pipe organs is an extremely specialized skill.