Saturday, September 3, 2011

Joe Krohn And a Solution for WELS -
From a Veteran

About Joe Krohn:

Frankly, this kind of junk is going and has been going on in WELS for decades – even generations – with Pastors as well as with laypeople. You and I both know many people who have been affected. I’ve howled about it often, and I know you did when you were still in WELS. Nothing has changed – in fact, it’s gotten worse. 

Of course, it still should be “outed” whenever possible. But don’t think for a second that it will make any difference in the long run, because it won’t. That’s not defeatism, that’s just plain reality, pure and simple. 

Just another sad case in a long, long history of sad cases. 

The WELS cannot be “fixed” as it is – it must be dismembered, dismantled, and destroyed – and something new must be begun from scratch to take its place. And that’s the honest truth. 

But that also is VERY unlikely to happen, regardless of anything you or I or any group does. If it’s going to happen, God’s going to have to pull the trigger! 


GJ - I agree with the author up to a point. There is nothing I can do, except teach sound doctrine whether anyone else does or not. Secondly, I can repudiate false doctrine, in spite of the consequences. The Word of God converts and hardens. I have seen both effects.