Thursday, September 15, 2011

Joe Krohn Did Not Open Pandora's Box -
It Opens Itself



We made one final attempt to get an answer from DP Pastor Vilas Glaeske on September 11, 2011 concerning our question. As of this writing we have not heard back.

Our response:

"Thank you for your kind wishes, Pastor Glaeske.

Your statement about the appeal process as ‘an internal procedure for WELS members’ we find paradoxical…since technically we were excommunicated and are no longer members of WELS as of 8-28-2011 and/or even before that. So the acceptance of fellowship and/or Holy Communion from another Confessional Lutheran Church body is really moot.

So our question still stands. I believe you have been caught by the gravity of truth as your question caught us.

As you most undoubtedly know, we have made this matter quite public. We would grant you anonymity as to the best of our ability; even by your conditions, if you would answer the question regardless….

Do you believe that all men were forgiven of their sins before they were born; before receiving Baptism or hearing the Word of God? There are Lutheran pastors including some in the WELS that refute this teaching.

In Christ,

Joe and Lisa Krohn"

I'll blog a little bit more about our view of the WELS and its 'confessionalism' through the portals of our experiences, but then it will be time to move on...shaking the dust as it were...