Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Silence of the Wolves:
No One Responds to the Historical Truth about Walther

The American Pope is a better name for Walther, according to 29A, a WELS member known only by a hexadecimal number..

Except for Artful Dodger, no one has responded to the posts about Walther as a Pietist, kidnapper, mob organizer, and thief.

    This is actually the highest level of response to an concept.

  1. Agreement - That is not worth posting. Most blogs post at this level, so they can exchange slobbering praise among the other bloggers who do exactly the same thing.
  2. Anger - That post is worth publishing because it challenges the norms of self-deception.
  3. Silence - They take great pains to avoid linking the blog and using the research in an obvious way. They pay their SP $250,000 a year in salary and benefits to keep people from posting with their real names. On Facebook, they unfriend the author while friending the people they supposedly oppose. They tremble in their rabbit warrens, fearful that someone suspects an association with Ichabod. And they sigh among their pals, many of whom are synod stooges, "Isn't it terrible how bad things are today?"
The Stephan family did not go away. Bishop Stephan's son became a pastor and architect, and many descendants served the synod with distinction. The idolatry of Walther is so toxic that Loehe's name sends the Bronzies into paroxysms of rage.