NEW YORK: Lesbian Priest Nominee on List to be Next Bishop of New York
By David W. Virtue
August 29, 2011
She was previously rector of St. Paul's, Paterson, New Jersey; the Associate Rector at Christ Church, Ridgewood, New Jersey; and the Director of Community Ministry, Bronx Youth Ministry, in the Diocese of New York. She is 57 years old and married to Emily Ingalls.
If nominated, she will be the third openly pansexual priest to become a bishop in The Episcopal Church. The other two are V. Gene Robinson, 64, Bishop of New Hampshire, and Mary Glasspool, 56, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Los Angeles.
The Committee to Elect a Bishop of the Diocese of New York announced the names of the five individuals it will formally nominate at the Convention to Elect a Bishop to be held at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City on Oct 29...
This is not the first time Lind has run for bishop. She made an attempt to be the next Bishop of Chicago in 2007, but was rebuffed when the Rev Jeffrey Lee, a Midwest native, was overwhelmingly elected. Lind placed fourth with a mere 16 votes. She was not even close.
She is a disciple of her former bishop of 17 years, John Shelby Spong, Bishop of Newark.
More at the link.
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