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John Brug, Sausage Factory, endorses women's ordination in a book lavishly praised by Herman Otten. |
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Steve Jobs: Ex-Apple CEO Dies - ABC News":
Was [Lutheran]. Correct.
I thought someone would correct me about the late Steve Jobs being Lutheran. Acey is arguing the point that one's confession is one's affiliation. Being born Lutheran or even confirmed Lutheran does not count. I agree, although the vast majority of Syn Conference Enthusiasts do not.
Someone who is Lutheran cannot attend Fuller Seminary unless he has given up the Faith. Even worse, his confession is gratifying to the false teachers there, because he is saying, "You have something to teach me." Artful Dodger wanted to know how Notre Dame study was different from Fuller Seminary enrollment. Academic study does not pretend to tell people what to believe or even how to practice one's faith as a pastor or theologian. Seminary study does directs its students into the doctrine and practice represented by that school.
For example, Fuller Seminary endorses women's ordination. If someone speaks against women being in authority over men, a seminary committee will administer discipline--and if necessary--extend the Left Foot of fellowship. Notre Dame was liberal Protestant overall, even among the Roman Catholics, but they could not do anything about my mocking of their love for Tillich and other rascals. The issue was whether I could learn the material and articulate a position. I used my study there for additional study of Roman Catholic doctrine, for writing a book comparing Lutheran doctrine to Catholic and Protestant errors.
Most leaders of the Lutheran Reformation were trained in Medieval Romanism. Luther--gasp!--earned a doctorate from a Roman Catholic school, since that was the only choice at the time. Besides, he was a Roman Catholic monk and priest. What he taught was different from what he learned, and his studies gave him background for distinguishing between sound doctrine and false doctrine. Luther could run circles around the rest in handling Medieval philosophy as a tool to defeat the claims made on the basis of Medieval philosophy.
Fuller Seminary has prospered over the decades by brain-washing denominational leaders into accepting their assumptions, that congregational work is just a matter of statistics and marketing, with no reference to the efficacy of the Word.
Church Growth leaders are lucky to have an IQ in the triple digits. That is why the Lutheran Shrinkers claim to be "conservative" and even "confessional." In the Syn Conference, being born ELS or WELS or LCMS is equal to being orthodox. Wisconsin limits that to being born in Packerland and starting school in a Wisconsin (state and synod) parochial school. They really do not have those anymore. They are "academies" fighting for babies and toddlers to pay deluxe salaries and benefits for their teachers.
So-called "confessional" Lutheran professors like John Brug endorse women's ordination and do nothing about students and relatives basking in Groeschel Enthusiasm. Is Brug a Lutheran? He not by confession - nor does he use his position to correct error. He has a cushy job teaching a few students for a few hours each week.
Steve Jobs died a Lutheran by Syn Conference standards. At least he was honest about his apostasy.
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How is Steve Jobs different from John Brug or Frosty Bivens? |