Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Official Norms of the Wisconsin Synod Are Not the WELS Essay Files,
But the Word and the Confessions

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Another Fuller Program Will Cure the Ills Caused b...":

Notice how the WELS Constitution reads for synod and its districts:


Confession of Faith

Section 1. The synod/district accepts the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as the divinely inspired and inerrant word of God, and submits to this Word of God as the only infallible authority in all matters of doctrine, faith, and life ("and practice" is in the district constitution).

Section 2. The synod/district also accepts the confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, not insofar as, but because they are a correct presentation and exposition of the pure doctrine of the word of God.

I dug out my congregation's constitution. Notice the difference:

Section 4.
Hence, no doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is in any way at variance with these symbolical books and the Holy Scriptures.

Section 5.
Likewise, all controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjusted according to this norm of doctrine and practice.

Is there significance that in the synod constitution there is no "all controversies shall be decided and adjusted according to this norm of doctrine and practice" I.e. Scripture and the Confessions?

I think so. Ask your local WELS pastor or synod official, "Is the Book of Concord the final word on interpreting a disputed doctrine, esp. when the BoC addresses the doctrine in question?

Vestiges of first WELS president Johannes Muehlhauser who said the Confessions were "paper fences."


GJ - Now the Mequon graduates say that the Confessions are "boring and irrelevant." They would not say that if they actually studied the Book of Concord.