Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Age of Hypocrisy in Lutherdom
And Other Dark Places

"We do what we say, Brett.
Give us that much...
And stop taking notes."

The Age of Apostasy, predicted in the pastoral epistles, could also be named the Age of Hypocrisy.

KJV 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away [apostasy] first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

I was reading about a large ELCA congregation voting to leave, so I asked Mrs. Ichabod about it. Her instant recall and photographic memory relayed some details immediately, since she grew up in Indiana. The congregation has 1300 baptized members, so I looked up the website. In the news section I found that 22 youth were coughing up $1,000 each to attend a youth rally in New Orleans. I thought, "No, it cannot be. They are leaving ELCA and sending 22 youth to the ELCA youth rally, where they promote homosexuality as a gift from God?

Every Lutheran synod leader is a sock puppet.
Don't get too close.

As far as I can tell, since the parish article is not specific, that gathering is the ELCA youth rally. I can find no other youth rally in New Orleans on that date.

Why would a congregation leave ELCA over its gaity while organizing and funding an ELCA youth extravaganza?

Let's say that $22,000 youth trip is a terrible mistake, made by the parish or by me.

At the same time, the alternative denomination, LCMC, is crying  "FOUL!" over being kicked out of the ELCA Board of Pensions benefit plans - which cover abortion for any reason. I imagine ELCA also included domestic partners health coverage as well, after the 2009 convention.

The two alternative denominations leaving ELCA--the LCMC and NALC--are stuck like dog-fur on Velcro to ELCA.

Besides that, all the Lutheran sects are owned and managed by Thrivent as marketing centers. Thrivent is the pimp and they are the crack whores, weeping about their poor lot in life while counting on Big Daddy in Appleton to fund their addictions.

SP Harrison admitted to $50-60 million a year from Thrivent funds. ELCA must get far more than that.  WELS, the ELS, the LCMC, and the NALC all get their portions from the bowl of lentil soup. All the groups work together at various levels and attend the same religious functions.

The non-ELCA groups would have more credibility if they actually distanced themselves from the obvious apostates. Not doing so makes the rest hypocritical apostates - hardly a title fitting "confessional" Lutherans.


 LCMC, is crying  "FOUL!" over being kicked out of the ELCA Board of Pensions 

It's the NALC not LCMC that is being dropped because they are breaking a part of the agreement with BOP to only use their health plan. If NALC can use two plans then they could send all their high risk pastors to BOP and cherry pick others at a lower cost.

If my sarcasm is juvenile, what adjective do you use for this statement?

Thrivent is the pimp and they are the crack whores.

Bruce Foster


GJ - I didn't go to the first gay Lutheran seminary - Seminex - your bailiwick, Bruce. I try to use language that Seminexers can grasp.