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UOJ's Darth Vader is carved into the decorations of the Episcopal Washington Cathedral. |
The Universal Objective Justification advocates would like everyone to believe they represent grace, forgiveness, and love.
Is there a nastier bunch than the leaders of the Olde Synodical Conference? Pope John the Malefactor is maxed out on UOJ. He instantly excommunicates pastors and threatens congregations who do not genuflect to kiss his ring. His underlings are terrified of being accused of communicating with me.
Paul McCain, MDiv, is famous for his effusive praise of UOJ, his tireless criticism of justification by faith. Back in the 1990s, when he was Al Barry's assistant and ghost-writer, McCain got into trouble with Larry Darby, a generous supporter of McCain's alma mater. McCain wrote a letter accusing Darby and me about influencing an elderly pastor (who opposed UOJ on his own). I asked McCain for a copy of the letter - no answer. Darby could not give me a copy because his attorney was dealing with it as legal issue.
Since then McCain has set a record for nastiness on his blog and all over the Internet. I imagine he finally stopped messing himself on the ALPB discussion board, but he was given a time-out and a ban before that. I enjoy his flailing against me, but I wonder why he has to take it out on so many of his so-called friends.
Tim Glende and Don Patterson, both WELS pastors, are known for two things - their adoration of UOJ and their love for Emergent Church trickery. Ignoring what they might have said about me, in private or in public, anonymously or nonymously, they are savagely opposed to their own members. Why do they flog members for asking them questions? Why are they so quick to excommunicate when they say every single person is forgiven and saved?
All the Church Growthers are "passionate about sharing Jesus." So why don't they share Jesus with their own members? They sure enjoy sharing Moses with their members. No one can discuss Christian doctrine with them because THEY have studied Greek. Because THEY have been called to The Sausage Factory. Because THEY cannot answer reasonable questions honestly. Comicly, Patterson told two members that he would come over to tell them off, but they had to sit there and listen.
rlschultz has
left a new comment on your post "If
UOJ Is All Grace and Forgiveness, Why Are Their...":
As has been stated numerous times here on Ichabod, many of the present shenanigans in the synodical conference point back to UOJ. A good example would be Paul Calvin Kelm's Upside Down Evangelism. UOJ takes on a form of the Babtists' salvific knowledge teaching. They reason that since newborns cannot reason, babies are unaccountable. UOJ says, "you are saved, you just do not know it until we tell you so". It is akin to having an unknown malady, until the physician tells you what it is. In this manner, UOJ taints a lot of doctrine, especially evangelism.
All of mankind is either saved or unsaved, guilty or not guilty. It is a spiritual condition, not a mental one. This is why the Divine Service was meant for a body of believers, not seekers. It contains both Law and Gospel, in the proper usage of each.
As has been stated numerous times here on Ichabod, many of the present shenanigans in the synodical conference point back to UOJ. A good example would be Paul Calvin Kelm's Upside Down Evangelism. UOJ takes on a form of the Babtists' salvific knowledge teaching. They reason that since newborns cannot reason, babies are unaccountable. UOJ says, "you are saved, you just do not know it until we tell you so". It is akin to having an unknown malady, until the physician tells you what it is. In this manner, UOJ taints a lot of doctrine, especially evangelism.
All of mankind is either saved or unsaved, guilty or not guilty. It is a spiritual condition, not a mental one. This is why the Divine Service was meant for a body of believers, not seekers. It contains both Law and Gospel, in the proper usage of each.
has left a new comment on your post "If
UOJ Is All Grace and Forgiveness, Why Are Their...":
If you read the 'private' (probably 10-20 guys read it before it went out) letter regarding our termination of fellowship...we were accused of denying the forgiveness of sins. But Patterson preached my sins were forgiven already; even before I was born. 'But I hadn't heard the Word or been baptized yet' I said...so they said since you will not believe you were saved 2000 years ago; before doing anything...you are an unrepentant sinner and we are kicking you out...while they turn right around and preach to forgive your neighbor even if he is unrepentant. How jacked up is that?
If you read the 'private' (probably 10-20 guys read it before it went out) letter regarding our termination of fellowship...we were accused of denying the forgiveness of sins. But Patterson preached my sins were forgiven already; even before I was born. 'But I hadn't heard the Word or been baptized yet' I said...so they said since you will not believe you were saved 2000 years ago; before doing anything...you are an unrepentant sinner and we are kicking you out...while they turn right around and preach to forgive your neighbor even if he is unrepentant. How jacked up is that?
GJ - Randall and Joe, it's the Rubik's Cube. If one thing is wrong, everything else is askew. They deny or ignore the exclusive work of the Holy Spirit in the Word, the efficacy of the Word alone in the Means of Grace. No amount of explanation can make their opinions match the doctrine of the Bible.
UOJ legalism is compatible with the Babtists and Calvinists. In fact, some Babtists are Calvinists. Most Babtists are Arminians. "You are forgiven. This you must do to be forgiven." As <s>Barth</s> Kirschbaum said so eloquently and erroneously, "The gift is a demand."