Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Road to Perdition (Universalism) Starts at Halle University, Travels Through Fuller Seminary, and Goes Interstate at WELS/ELS/LCMS

Knapp's English text invented the double justification scheme favored by Walther and later the Synodical Conference. The UOJ leaders stomped out justification by faith, which was taught in Missouri and WELS for a long time.

Scheiermacher, Halle student and professor, dropped SJ from double justification.
He was a key intellectual leader for Karl Barth, Fuller's pivotal theologian. 
Barth was also a Universalist.

Tholuck was a self-proclaimed Universalist, but considered a transition figure between the old Halle Pietists who believed something and the new Pietists who believed nothing in the Scriptures.

Karl Barth and his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum wrote the Dogmatics together, nestled in a lonely cabin, until she moved in with his family. She attended a Communist convention, representing him!
Barth trained the new leadership of Fuller Seminary,
which caused them to dump inerrancy.

Not every Shrinker has a twisted smile and spikey, streaked hair. Some have one or the other.
Rob Bell is teaching what the Syn Conference is teaching.

Rob Bell - The Fuller Seminary Universalist
WELS Wants To Emulate.
Beware the Spikey Hair

Matt's Blog

rob-bellThe internet has been abuzz this weekend with news of megachurch pastor Rob Bell's latest book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived. The book synopsis released by the publisher states that Bell is "arguing that a loving God would never sentence human souls to eternal suffering." In other words, he appears to be openly professing his belief in universalism, the belief that everybody ultimately goes to heaven regardless of what they believe.
To help you understand the position of universalism, it might be useful to describe a few positions held by theologians on the subject of how a person receives eternal life. Here are some definitions that you should know:


A New Me has left a new comment on your post "Avoiding Doctrinal Issues Like the Plague":

Review: A Book About Heaven, Hell and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, by Rob Bell.

Excerpts of the review found at the New York Times (

"In a book to be published this month, the pastor, Rob Bell, known for his provocative views and appeal among the young, describes as 'misguided and toxic' the dogma that 'a select few Christians will spend forever in a peaceful, joyous place called heaven, while the rest of humanity spends forever in torment and punishment in hell with no chance for anything better.'

"Mr. Bell, who through his publisher declined to comment on the book or the debate, has resisted labels, but he is often described as part of the so-called emerging church movement, which caters to younger believers and has challenged theological boundaries as well as pastoral involvement in conservative politics."

"While sliding close to what critics consider the heresy of 'universalism' — that all humans will eventually be saved — he never uses the term."

Wikipedia article


Church Mouse article supplemented by Ichabod quotations

San Francisco Congregation Returns to the ELCA - News Releases - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Hanson Wonders Why ELCA Continues To Shrink

Chanting: "I already know your answer, Brett."

San Francisco Congregation Returns to the ELCA - News Releases - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

March 4, 2011
San Francisco Congregation Returns to the ELCA
[Click for larger image] Sierra Pacific Synod Bishop Mark Holmerud, center, declares St. Francis an ELCA congregation at the Feb. 27 worship service. At left is Grant Burger, St. Francis member and liturgical assistant, and in background, Bishop's Associate Nancy Feniuk Nelson. (Photo by Megan Rohrer)
     CHICAGO (ELCA) -- St. Francis Lutheran Church, San Francisco, rejoined the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) late last month by ratifying a new constitution and celebrating its return in a special worship service Feb. 27.
     The Rev. Mark W. Holmerud, bishop of the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod, Sacramento, preached and formally received the congregation, describing the service as "joyous, healing and celebrative."
      In 1990 St. Francis called the Rev. Ruth Frost and the Rev. Phyllis Zillhart as its pastors. At the time, both were not eligible for the ELCA clergy roster because church policy did not allow people in same-gender relationships to serve as ELCA pastors. At about the same time, another San Francisco congregation, First United Lutheran Church, called the Rev. Jeff Johnson as its pastor. Johnson was also ineligible to serve.
      After an ELCA disciplinary proceeding, the congregations were found to be in violation of church policy. They were suspended from the ELCA roster of congregations and removed in 1996.
      In 2009, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly directed that ministry policies be changed to allow eligible candidates in publicly accountable, lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships to serve as ELCA clergy and professional lay leaders. Frost, Johnson and Zillhart were all received as ELCA pastors in 2010 after new policies were put in place.
     "There is a lot of joy from the congregation and from supporters throughout the country," said the Rev. Robert Goldstein, pastor of St. Francis, in an interview with ELCA News. Goldstein said when he was called to St. Francis in 2005, members had mixed feelings about the ELCA. Some remarked that they didn't expect to witness St. Francis' return to the ELCA in their lifetimes, he said.
     "When we had this service on Sunday afternoon, it was just exceedingly joyous.  It's a service I'll never forget," he said. The high point was Holmerud's declaration that the congregation was a duly constituted congregation of the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod, said Goldstein, who presided over the liturgy. The Rev. Nancy M. Feniuk Nelson, bishop's associate, presided at communion. About 200 people attended.
     "People in this congregation have a very strong sense that the church is bigger than the congregation. We look forward to participating in the wider church," said Goldstein, who plans to retire June 1. St. Francis will be recognized at the synod assembly, he added.
      "This was a really important moment for the congregation, for our synod and for the ELCA. I was honored to be a part of that," he said in an interview.
     Despite its removal from the ELCA St. Francis has maintained relationships with congregations in the Sierra Pacific Synod. Members also attended synod assemblies but could not vote.
     "There is a sense that this is a new life," Holmerud said. "In my sermon, I said they are one of over 10,000 congregations in the ELCA. They understand the focus of their ministry continues to be about justice and representing the ELCA well to the city of San Francisco."
      Holmerud presented the congregation with a certificate recognizing its ELCA membership. The congregation presented Holmerud with a copy of its new constitution and a letter of intent. Members also presented the synod with a statue of St. Francis made of wood.
     Meanwhile, members of First United Lutheran Church attended St. Francis' celebration, including their pastor, the Rev. Susan M. Strouse. She said First United members are discerning "whether or not to join the ELCA."
     Members have met with Nelson to begin work on required changes to the congregation's constitution and plan to submit it for review in April, Strouse said. She added the congregation plans to continue discussions about the pros and cons of rejoining the ELCA.

Seminarians Plea for Mercy from Harrison

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) -":

The LCMS (or some synod within a synod part of LCMS) is sending a missionary to Philadelphia (video link below). The way the LCMS runs missions, they require a million bucks to field each missionary. I understand the IC gets a big cut of the pie. I cringe whenever I see President Harrison go on a Mercy Journey since he's probably distributing a million buck each time. He ought to go on a Mercy Journey to his own seminaries and distribute a million in cash to needy seminary students:


GJ - How about blowing a million dollars suing four elderly women, so Missouri can steal the church property?

There is no pizzazz in supporting seminary students. World missions create free world travel opportunities.

The LCA world hunger boss managed to travel to every country in the world, to inspect his field of labor.

Pope John the Malefactor went on world trips to celebrate the harrowing of the Little Sect on the Prairie.

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) -

Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) -

GJ - Tony Kubek wrote to Rick Techlin on the blog, Light from Light, so Tony is sympathetic:

Light from Light

Dear brother Rick,

I agree completely with your frustration!

I have had discussions with some of the same men you have regarding unresolved doctrinal issues in the Northern Wisconsin District of the WELS. I have not been satisfied by their responses. Understanding that the church militant will never see perfection this side of Heaven because of our sinful nature, my hope is that the divisions in our district’s congregations and, among its members, will be resolved expeditiously by those entrusted with the care of doctrine and practice.

In Christ,
Tony Kubek

He is a member of Mt. Olive.


Toney (sic) Kubek set priorities

Author: Barry Jennerjohn and Stephen Wolfrath

Tony Kubek is a familiar face to many people involved with Fox Valley Lutheran High School in Appleton, Wisconsin. Baseball fans undoubtedly see him often during the season doing play-by-play on NBC. Yet, for many here, Kubek is more familiar because he is seen at the school games. He has even coached some students during their years at FVL. Being so close to him makes one think of him as just another face in the crowd--not the well-known personality he is.

While he seems like an "average" guy, he's quite a remarkable person. While his achievements are many and his work schedule very busy, he still finds time for all who ask for it.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Dictatorial Doug and His Infamous Letter":

Layman Tony Kubek is one who was CC'd.

Kubek now lives in Appleton, Wisconsin and is a supporter of the Fox Valley Lutheran High School and its baseball team

Also, development Coordinator at Fox Valley Lutheran High School

And with classic (W)ELS proof reading flair here's an article titled: Toney Kubek set priorities


GJ - He must be toned, toney, because of athletics.

Oh my, the results of a superior ejukationul system!

Jeff Gunn is the big hero at Church and Change, for being anti-Lutheran. There he is Jeff Gun (sic).


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) -":

Churches - How to Build One From Scratch
Pastor Jeff Gunn

Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ
Pastor Gun (sic) is also a great resource for:

Marketing a Church a Target Community
Small Groups - Starting them Successfully
Contemporary Music - Doing it up
Outreach Methods - Getting Involved
Researching Alternative Ministry Methods and Models - How To Do It and Pull Workable Ideas From It


Also, photos from (W)ELS DP Pastor Jon Bucholz (sic)*&offset=320&query=White


Kubek living Hall of Fame life outside of baseball

Sports050a Tony Kubek's induction Sunday into Major League's Baseball Hall of Fame was a homecoming of sorts for the former New York Yankee shortstop and longtime TV announcer.

After 37 years in the bigs that included three championships, three all-star nods and a Rookie of the Year honor, Kubek got out and didn't look back. The call to Cooperstown last December put his name back on the sports pages and to those who connected with the game while listening to Kubek and Curt Gowdy on NBC's "Game of the Week," this was a surprising but welcome development.

Sports Couch Potato

Enthusiasm and the WELS Low-archy*

I designed a new window for St. Peter in Freedom,
but it would be hard to explain to the Pentecostals when the building has to be sold.

The Church of Rome is a font of Enthusiasm, but others covet their Enthusiasm and copy it, maladroitly.

One sign of Rome's Enthusiasm is the infallibility of the Pope - and not just any pope but all popes. "The Holy Spirit will not allow him to err."

The Holy Spirit and the pope work together, according to this strange opinion. But Ichabod readers know that the Holy Spirit works only through the Word and never apart from the Word. For that reason, "the Word" can be substituted for "the Holy Spirit" in many passages of the Bible.

KJV Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost [through the Word] which is given unto us.

KJV Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost [in the Word].

KJV 1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth [in the Word]; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Therefore, Rome teaches falsely that the Holy Spirit will not allow the Pope to make a mistake in doctrine, because the Word teaches us that all men are fallible, that only the Word is infallible.

One WELS pastor told a layman, "I have to agree with the Circuit Pastor, because the Holy Spirit put him in that office. I am not going to argue with the Holy Spirit." John Lawrenz said he debated the Third Person of the Trinity, but the Holy Spirit won, after a long struggle.

The WELS constitution has the Doctrinal Pussycat appointing the Circuit Pussycat, perhaps leading some to confuse the DP with the Holy Ghost. Doug Englebrecht, captain of the Leakin' Lena, must think he is the Holy Ghost. He is already writing about himself in the third person. I know how DPs like to brag about their power, but not about the power of the Word, which they never use.

The DP often has the Circuit Pussycat on his own staff, and the CP is the only one who can bring charges against the DP. That leads to the SP saying he has no power over the DPs or CPs, only over the budget.

The pastors duck whenever these galoots clear their awesome throats, so that leaves the laity in charge of wielding the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word.

The ordained eminences make sure that only the get-along-go-along laity serve on the boards and committees, so the laity who wield the Sword are outsiders...or soon will be. The laity did not attend the beerfests at Watertown and Mequon. They did not balance a jimmie on their knees in Greek class. They are not theological experts who can make Zwingli sound like Martin Luther.

The first pope to reject infallibility realized that the concept would be used to tie his hands. He dodged that one, but Pope Pius IX embraced it many centuries later. One cardinal argued against him, "Dad, you are not infallible. Mom told me so." Pope Pius won and punished all who doubted Him, fulfilling the prophecy of 2 Thessalonians 2. The Pope makes himself to be God within the temple of God and is treated as if He were God. (Some Catholics capitalize the pronoun, because the Pope is allegedly Christ on earth.)

Lutheran Enthusiasm, which is not Lutheran at all, embraces the infallibility of Holy Mother Synod, whether LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC (sic), or CLC (ugh), etc. That has tied up everyone in knots, because the political seminary faculties cannot address any issue except to say "Amen!" to Holy Mother Synod. Needless to say, these seminary professors are as useless as a milk bucket under a bull, as my dairy farmer uncle used to say.

To be precise, the infallible Roman organization is called indefectible. Naturally, they confuse all passages about the invisible, true Church with their own demon-factory.

All the Lutheran synods are united in doing exactly the same thing. Suggesting that the organization might be fallible is reason enough for automatic expulsion and heavy-duty shunning.

The Mennonites could take lessons from Lutherans in shunning, and that applies to all of the Lutheran groups, from ELCA on up. Lutherans have added "the stare." The look is is potent as the basilisk's, as deadly as Medusa's. Having leprosy would be a social improvement for the outcast Lutheran. No wonder so many mouth the platitudes of Sweet, Stetzer, and Driscoll. They fear "the stare."

The solution is a careful study of the Book of Concord, not another immersion in the Pietism of the olde Syn Conference. Some of those authors had good points, and I am glad to quote them when they are in harmony with the Word. But the recent writings of the Syn Conference do not compare with the Lutheran Confessions, Luther's Sermons, Chemnitz' books, or Chytraeus.

* - Hierarchy seems too elevated for a tiny sect of the Upper Midwest, so I am adding Low-archy to the Icha-slang dictionary. Memorize the term and use it often in complete sentences. Example - "Doug Englebrecht is a member of the WELS low-archy."


sober-spirit ( has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm and the WELS Low-archy*":

Always remember that Doug Englebrecht as a member of the WELS low-archy endorses and promotes disorganized religion – another way of saying that anything goes.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Enthusiasm and the WELS Low-archy*":

That's what people have been saying for years--that with the WELS mix of written and unwritten rules against finding fault with the synod or pastors, and its doctrine of UOJ where they are forgiven of any sin even before they sin, that for all intents and purposes, they hold the same infallibility doctrine that Rome does.

Words of Wisdom from Another Blog

Anonymous said...
I'm with you on that idea Adam! I have consistently heard through the years and continuing to this day, that the word "synod" means "walking together".

There are just so many people, and that includes these clergy members as well as others,that have decided to take some hikes of their own off the path so well marked in God's Word, blazed for us by our Savior Jesus. They don't want to "walk together" and are so proud of their new paths and the "success" they are having along the "new" trails.

Well, I may be outwardly trying to hang on to the shreds of youth that I have left, but as a result of the experiences I've had in my spiritual life, I've gained enough wisdom to know the following is true: When a person is following God's Word and trying to follow Him, life is going to be a struggle because Satan wants you in his sheep pen and won't be happy until you are.

Likewise, things are substantially easier when we follow our own paths... Satan doesn't need to bother with what's already his.

I believe it's time to do a little gardening pull the weeds from the trail as well as the dead wheat on the rocky ground that are obscuring the path that God laid out for those who are walking together on the narrow path... "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Matthew 11:15) Let's all be listening to the true God - the one in the Bible! Linda Sasieta


GJ - I do not know Linda S., but her words jumped out as a concise summary of the entire issue.

Evilution Steps In to Comment

evilution ( has left a new comment on your post "Why Do Lutheran Churches Boast Movie Screens and P...":

Step aside “There is a God.” Evilution is here. As evilutionists we value our freedom and exercise it to the fullest. Mark N. Avoid Jeske is our role model. Just as he has thrown off the shackles of doctrine, we believe and act as we please. Yes, we ad lib, and you are jealous of our freedom.