Saturday, June 11, 2011

Joe Krohn on Forgiveness - The Gospel as Law

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Gospel as Law

An anonymous poster commented on a previous blog concerning the forgiveness of sins not being in the Second Article of the Apostles Creed which speaks of the atoning sacrifice of Christ; His propitiatory satisfaction for the sins of the world.  But that the forgiveness of sins is the work of the Holy Ghost given through faith.

 "I believe you may be on to something, highlighting the location of "the forgiveness of sins" in the Creed.

It does not read, "...was crucified, died, forgiving the sins of the world whether they believe it or not, and was buried."

It does not read, "On the third day he rose again from the dead, distributing forgiveness to the entire world."

The Gausewitz catechism did not speak of a blanket forgiveness of the world, apart from the Means of Grace.
"263. To whom does God forgive sins? To me and all believers.
264. Where are sins forgiven? In the Christian Church on earth."

There was a noticeable change in the Kuske catechism's treatment of the forgiveness of sins. Strangely, the word "forgiveness" is not even used in the following questions/answers from the "Forgiveness of Sins" section!

"253. How many people did God declare righteous? God declared all people righteous (Objective justification).
255. Why is it important, then, that the Holy Ghost work faith in me? It is important that the Holy Ghost work faith in me so that I do not trust in my own works but only in the righteousness God gives me by grace in Christ (Subjective justification).""

And yet God proclaims in Proverbs 17:15 "Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent — the LORD detests them both."  In Isaiah 5:23 "who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent."  And this from Exodus 23:6 "...for I will not acquit the guilty."

This from Martin Chemnitz 'Loci Theologici' II, 251 states:  "Luther correctly said, God remits no sin unless justification has been rendered for it to the Law. . . .And so because God does not justify out of fickleness or carelessness or mistakenness or injustice and because nothing can be found in man by which he can be justified by God - and yet the righteousness of the Law must be fulfilled in the one to be justified (Rom. 8:24) - it is necessary that a foreign righteousness intervene.  This foreign righteousness is such that the payment of guilt and the complete obedience of the Law satisfied divine wrath.  And the result is that there can be a propitiation for the sins of the whole world.  To this righteousness the sinner, terrified and condemned by the voice of the Law, flees with true faith." (emphasis mine)

Our perfect God who was, is, and forever will be has never changed.  All men are guilty before God prior to faith, repentance and the remission of sins.  The extreme false teaching of Objective Justification proclaims that the ungodly who are still outside of faith (hence not in Christ) are forgiven.  As the Children of Israel in the Old Testament looked to the brazen serpent in faith to be saved, in like manner all believers of all time look to Christ in faith for salvation.  Extreme OJ falls flat on its face when one tries to reconcile it with OT believers as well as unbelievers.  How could a condemned dead unbeliever's sins be forgiven before Christ paid for them?  They weren't...he would have needed to hear the Word and the promise of the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ all worked by the Holy Ghost.

The problem with this extreme false teaching of OJ is that it has done away with the Law.  Since all are already forgiven, the preaching of repentance can go out the window.  The very issue (Antinomianism) that OJ is trying to avoid (even exacerbates) still just have to believe it.  The message of all times in scripture is repentance and the remission of sins.   But OJ makes it all about forgiveness and then there are all kinds of schisms wrought with a warped sense of responsibility to forgive someone whether they are repentant or not.  How responsible is that to the offending party?  (Much worse an unbeliever who comes to church and hears the message of OJ and figures...'hey I'm golden, what do I need to come here for?'...but that is another issue)

About three years before I met my wife, she was in a physically abusive relationship (to her and her boys and dogs); malicious abandonment of vows; and embroiled in counseling with a WELS pastor who ranted uncontrollably (when she refused to forgive) that even though her husband did not admit what he did, nor was he sorry for what he did, she was still obligated to forgive him...and if she didn't, it was her fault for the broken marriage.  Where does this come from other than OJ; that Christ has forgiven all sinners and therefore we are required to do the same...without contrition from the offender?  The accusation from pastor was 'what did you do to make your husband so angry that he had to hit you...and I've gotten rough with my wife before and she never called the cops on me'.  She ended up leaving that congregation after that same pastor bashed her in the tooth so hard (she thought it was broken) with the common cup during communion that it splashed down her clothes.

I have heard of similar situations where a woman has had to endure years of her husband viewing porn (adultery) all the while being counseled by the pastor and being told she has to forgive...even though it goes on.  Or the woman who is verbally and physically abused (malicious abandonment of vows) who is seeking a scriptural divorce and is told she must forgive and not file for divorce. If she does not forgive and continues towards divorce, she will be excommunicated.

Even God forsook His people after a time when they broke His covenant with them.

Another problem is the preaching that says since Christ has forgiven you, now you have to do this for Him. (Guilt - Gospel as Law)  We have sermons that have the pastor sounding more like a life coach instead of a servant of the Word.  We are told to live our lives sacrificially and that includes forgiving other people whether they are sorry or not.  Not that good works are bad but it reeks of a self righteousness and is just plain upside down theology.

Worship and church life to a Lutheran is a sacramental life.  We can't do anything on our own that is why we look to Christ (in Word and Sacrament) because He has already done it all for us.  It lets us off the hook so to speak.  It is enough to have faith...and we know He will give us good works to do.  It's a package deal that comes with the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

Peddling Insurance for Thrivent.
Supporting Hab/Hum and Salvation Army!
Note Pan-Religion Stained Glass

More information is posted here.

Everyone in the LCMS is peddling life insurance, but from only one company - Thrivent.

In return for the monopoly granted to Thrivent Insurance (Appleton, WI) for promoting its products and gaining the membership lists of congregations, Thrivent gives Missouri $50 to 60 million a year.

That makes the synod, the districts, the congregations and schools little business centers for Thrivent. The agents get membership lists from the pastors. Failing that, they get the lists from one of them members.

The members and pastors think they are best off giving their insurance money and investments to Thrivent, because they are getting all that loot back again in grants.

The same can be said for WELS. I am not sure how deep the Little Sect is.

Thrivent takes but does not give back so well. Thrivent gives money to the Salvation Army, which is another denomination, not just a charity.

Thrivent has an enormous ongoing grant to Habitat for Humanity, over $100 million. So much for "our" insurance company!

The multi-religion stained glass window (pretty ugly, eh?) is another Thrivent project.

Best of all - Thrivent channels a lot of money to ELCA. If Missouri gets $50 to 60 million, how much more does ELCA get. The ELCA is about twice as big as Missouri.

If the branch system works the way it did under AAL, the Syn Conference is completely enmeshed in ELCA at the local level, just as it is at the national level.

Thrivent likes to get everyone together at once, at all levels. Wave a $100 bill in front of conservative Lutherans and they are suddenly more ecumenical than Ghandi, more evangelical than Jesus.

Thrivent has united the Big Four already, helping them collapse toward one another. Make that Big Five, since the CLC has some participation too (on the sly).

Ontario Reader Comment on Pope Paul Without a Call


My sympathy of having to listen to the likes of Paul McCain -- the man's comments were vile.

Modern Philosophy Is a Construct:
So Is Modern Theology and UOJ

I used to wonder why I wasted all those years studying modern theology. One thoelogian leads to studying another, just like following college and pro football. If someone follows the Packers, every pro game has significance. College football is just the same. I get emails about Notre Dame, with multiple Big Stories each week. For Domers, the alcholoic wide receiver is big news, and so is latest recruitment success or failure. For that reason, I watch very little football all year, college or pro.

My seminary professors were very big on Tillich, but my advisor at Notre Dame (Hommes) and his colleague (Fiorenza) were Tillich fanatics. Thus I read and took notes on Tillich. Karl Barth was important for Hauerwas, my dissertation advisor, but Barth actually taught my dissertation director, John Howard Yoder. In addition, Fiorenza (now at Harvard) was president of the Barth Society, so he was considered an expert on the Communist pastor of Safenwill.

Barth is important for all Lutherans, because he remains the official theologian of Fuller Seminary. Barth's students at Fuller were responsible for turning Fuller from mild inerrancy to anti-inerrancy.

Bonhoeffer is a modern who seems safe for all synods. SP Harrison quotes him adoringly. Bonhoeffer taught at Union Seminary in NYC, aka The Devil's Playground. Tillich tuaght at Union as well. Both men were Nazi sympathizers, if you look below the talking points about both theologians. Is that better or worse than being an advocate for Communism, as Barth and his hawt mistress (Kirschbaum) were.

Don't get me started on Schleiermacher, another rationalist from Halle. He never settled his doubts about the Christian faith, so he became the pivotal theologian for the moderns. He learned to write elegantly about the Christian faith without believing in the Word of God. Some wits call this faith without belief. ELCA oozes faith without belief, and the Syn Conference is dominated by it via Fuller.

All these theologians and many more are indebted to Kant, the 19th century philosopher. Modern theology--with a few rare exceptions, like Sasse--is a combination of rationalism from philosophy and Biblical terms from the past.

Jesus was born during the beginnings of the Roman Empire, since the Republic was already dead. The Roman Empire's culture was Greek, and all educated people spoke and wrote Greek, quoting it liberally in their letters. Greek was the soi-disant French language of the time. Therefore, the Christian faith was often articulated in the language of the philosophers. Augustine was a genius in this culture, and his conversion meant that all future theologians would share the language and thought of the philosophers.

Luther was suspicious of philosophical thought, but not because he was untrained in it. As an Augustinian monk of the Middle Ages, he knew Medieval philosophy and theology better than the pope. He also realized where that mindset could lead, based on assumptions. The ultimate Medieval philosopher and theologian was Aquinas, part of a college course in Medieval Latin. The Angelic Doctor, as he is called, used syllogisms to form his massive works.

Although Luther could argue with the best of theologians, using his vast knowledge of history and philosophy, he chose to use the Word alone as the basis for all assumptions.

For instance, if we accept the assumption that God would not let His vicar (the pope) make an error, then anything from the Antichrist is true. With a few changes in place, this is the assumption of Syn Conference and ELCA pastors: God would not allow Whorely Mother Synod to make a mistake. Therefore, any deviation from Holy Mother is a breach of fellowship, worthy of excommunication and shunning.

Fuller Means Barth and Kant
Laity have trouble with the agenda of the Lutheran synods (ELCA on down) because most people think in Biblical terms, like Luther, rather than in secular terms, like the Fuller-trained businessmen who run the synods.

They are not very good businessmen, because they have run their organizations into the ground. Any other retailer would fire them, offering many of them up for prosecution on felony obstruction and fraud charges. But these yahoos know how to take care of one another while fooling the laity.

UOJ Means Schleiermacher and Kant

Those who spend their time with Luther's sermons and the Bible have an immediate allergic reaction to Universal Objective Justification.

UOJ depends on logic, beginning with rationalistic assumptions. The Stormtroopers are unfazed by their own side-stepping of Biblical revelation and Confessional clarity. They do not realize they are channeling Barth, Schleiermacher, and Knapp because the Syn Conference con artists have portrayed a very select group of writers as the ultimate in orthodoxy. They also try to fool people into thinking that Means of Grace theologians embraced UOJ before it was invented by the Pietists.

I can go through my database and find UOJ people mentioning Calov, Gerhard, and Luther as their allies in "God declaring the entire world forgiven." But actual quotations prove otherwise.

UOJ, like ELCA, Is All Condemnation
The most energetic UOJ guardians are also the most condemning. In the name of all-grace and all-forgiveness, they spend most of their time reviling and excommunicating. As Luther said, lacking faith means there is nothing but Law.

For example, ELCA condemns anyone who questions the necessity of ordaining homosexuals and performing homosexual marriages. Although ELCA questioned those policies only a few years ago, to do so now is an invitation for scorn, abuse, and shunning. I told 29a he was a bigot, then a racist, for doubting ELCA's wisdom. He laughed, knowing what I was doing.

Tim Glende's anonymous blog is nothing but condemnation, albeit carried out in a clownish and illiterate fashion. Everyone is forgiven without faith, so he condemns with the law (his law) because he is all law. St. Peter in Freedom will die without Groeschel being plagiarized. But if someone identifies plagiarism as such, Glende will fire him (the circuit pastor) or excommunicate him (Techlin) during Holy Week.

Likewise, Kudu Don Patterson is open minded about all religious teachers. He gathered WELS church workers together to hear the pan-demon confab at Orlando, Florida. Let us spoil the Egyptians and rob them of their precious gems, gold, and silver. Confidential to VP Patterson - it costs a lot of money to carry out this spoiling, no?

But such diversity of thought is not to be tolerated in the congregation. If someone questions UOJ or criticizes blowing $35,000 on Cornerstone, he is cut off, excommunicated. The VP of the district, Patterson hisself, will be glad to visit with Joe and Lisa Krohn, as long as the newly excommunicated simply sit and listen. Only a short time ago, Joe was appointed an elder in the congregation. That means he can be an elder as long as he follows orders with glazed eyes and an empty mind.

But -
In the midst of this, there is love. Yes, there is no love like that of one UOJ Stormtrooper for another. Nothing binds people together like the joy of kicking out sincere members who want to discuss doctrine.

Get your Shamwow hankies out. Kudu Don Patterson and Tim the Bully Glende became Facebook friends in May of 2011. Blest be the tie that binds.

Luther to Zwingli - You Have Another Spirit
Luther knew that Zwingli was a rationalist, an Enthusiast who did not attribute all things to the Holy Spirit working through the Word. He refused to shake Zwingli's hand, saying, "You have another spirit."

That is true of the UOJ/CG Enthusiasts of today. They have another spirit. They are making plans, marketing the Gospel, entertaining the seekers, popping popcorn and brewing coffee for the Old Adam and Old Eve.

The Syn Conference pastor says, "My future rests in the hands of Holy Mother Synod. I must obey or I will starve to death. I must submit or I will not have a congregation."

The Word of God says that the Triune God is more powerful than any synod official, that the treasures of the Gospel are worth far more than a bowl of lentil soup.

UOJ Crippled by Man's Logic, But Unhampered by God's Word, Or the Book of Concord, Or Calov

Propter Christum has left a new comment on your post "DP Buchholz Offers First Contribution In the Beyon...":

FC SD, III, 57: "But, since it is the obedience as above mentioned [not only of one nature, but] of the entire person, it is a complete satisfaction and expiation for the human race, by which the eternal, immutable righteousness of God, revealed in the Law, has been satisfied, and is thus our righteousness, which avails before God and is revealed in the Gospel, and upon which faith relies before God, which God imputes to faith, as it is written, Rom. 5:19: For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous; and 1 John 1:7: The blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, cleanseth us from all sin. Likewise: The just shall live by his faith, Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17."

Doesn't this explain and rightly relate and contrast the objective sense of God's atonement for all people and His imputation of this righteousness only to those who believe? Saying that someone has his Knapp-sack on because he confesses UOJ would be to say that someone is a papist if he confesses the real presence, or that he is Reformed if he rejects the papacy! Luther taught UOJ. He called Jesus the solus peccator in his 1535 Galatians lectures. So did Jesus not take away the sins of the world? Did He not become sin? Did God not reconcile the world to Himself? God doesn't merely make it available for your sins not to be counted against you. Rather, Paul tells us that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their tresspasses (sic) against them.


Daniel Baker has left a new comment on your post "DP Buchholz Offers First Contribution In the Beyon...":

Propter Christum said:

"So did Jesus not take away the sins of the world? Did He not become sin? Did God not reconcile the world to Himself? God doesn't merely make it available for your sins not to be counted against you. Rather, Paul tells us that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their tresspasses against them."

It seems to me that this is a non-sequitir. Just because Christ paid for the sins of the entire world and reconciled the same unto Himself, it does not logically follow that all men are de facto forgiven. If this is the case, of what use is the Church and the ministry of the Keys!?

Christ clearly says: "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; [and] whose soever [sins] ye retain, they are retained" (John 20:23). He does not say "You can assure men that their sins were remitted when I died on the cross."

More than this, of what use are the blessed Sacraments!? Were our baptisms not for the remission of sin? Does repentance not continue the same? Is the Sacrament of the Altar not a participation in the body and blood of Christ given for the forgiveness of sins?

Yes, all of this is always and only possible because of the objective fact of Christ's substitutionary and atoning work on Calvary; certainly, our faith should be placed in that truth rather than "having faith in faith," as some put it.

However, to suggest that forgiveness is applied to all people everywhere before they were born and regardless of time is not only illogical, but it negates the point and purpose of the Sacraments and ministry of the Church. Moreover, it gives way to the very thing it purports to prevent - an undue emphasis on our ability to "believe" - "Christ did everything; He even forgave your sins before you were born! All you have to do now is believe it!"


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "DP Buchholz Offers First Contribution In the Beyon...":

Kermit, you use of Romans 5:18 to contend that God Justified - forgave the whole world outside of the Means of Grace working contrition and faith in Christ teaches the same Universalism as Buchholz.

"Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men." - Romans 5:18

If outside the Word God gives all that is Christ's (righteousness for the forgiveness of sins) "leads to justification" then you also teach universalism because the same passage states, "leads for all men." Life is salvation and thus you teach Universalism.

The Confessional Lutheran teaching concerning Romans 5:18 is that all righteousness is in Christ and never apart from him. Therefore by faith in Christ, worked graciously by the Holy Ghost through the Means of Grace (Word and Baptism), He is in us and we are in Him. We have his righteousness for the forgiveness of all of our sins through faith. Through faith we die to sin and are raised to Life in Christ to no longer live under the Law but under Grace. This is all through faith - that very righteousness of Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

So indeed the Gospel, the promise of the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ, comes to all men but they do not partake of it and neither does God declare them justified or righteous outside of faith in Him.

The Confessions faithfully declare that God does not consider anyone just outside of faith in Christ.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer


GJ -

Kermit is Andrew Preus -

Propter Christum is Andrew Jacob Preus. Is he the same one? I am not sure. I need all three volumes of the Preus Family Directory. Here is a brief outline:

Governor Jake Preus had two sons, JAO Preus (LCMS president, formerly Springfield Seminary LCMS president) and Robert Preus (president, Springfield-Ft. Wayne Seminary).

JAO Preus had one son, Jack, who is a college president.

Robert Preus had around eleven sons, including Daniel Preus (former LCMS VP) and Rolf (who also had many sons). Rolf's sons seem to be the ones posting here and on LQ.

Klemet and Peter Preus, both pastors, are sons of Robert Preus.

As I noted before in a comment, this is a younger Preus taking issue with what Robert Preus wrote in Justification and Rome. Robert Preus quoted Calov with approval.

I am publishing all four Preus graphics below.

The young Preus argument is the same sort of rationalization I see repeated many times over, and it came from Norwegian Pietism. The Swedish Augustana Synod took issue with it in the 19th century.

  1. Here is the logic - if Christ took on all sin in the atonement, all people became righteous (justified).
  2. A second wobbly leg in their tripod of proofs is Jesus being justified in the Spirit. Because He was justified, declared righteous, all people are also declared righteous.
  3. The third wobbly leg is Walther's statement that God absolved the world when Christ rise from the dead. If CFW said it, no one can doubt it, even though it makes Law and Gospel a bundle of contradictions. Thus they cited Romans 4:25 even though the entire verse in context opposes what they claim to be true. They do not want to admit to Pietist Georg Knapp, whose double justification formula was in print before Father Walther landed in the Big Easy.
I am sure Dr. Lito Cruz would agree that the wobbly tripod is placed on quicksand and admired without reason. The quicksand is a group of authorities who have been raised above the Scriptures and the Confessions: Walther, F. Pieper, the 1932 Brief Confession, Stoeckhardt, Kretzmann, Jungkuntz, and a few others. ELCA has the same universalist Gospel. Justification by faith, in contrast, is taught by:
  1. The Scriptures.
  2. Martin Luther.
  3. Melanchthon.
  4. Chytraeus.
  5. Chemnitz.
  6. The Book of Concord.
  7. Gerhard.
  8. Calov.
  9. Quenstedt.
  10. Krauth.
  11. The early LCMS in its German catechism and its current KJV catechism.
  12. The Gausewitz catechism.
  13. Lenski, although he seems to have tried a compromise in language.
  14. Robert Preus, in Justification and Rome.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Crippled by Man's Logic, But Unhampered by God...":

Daniel makes very good points. As Daniel shows how Objective Justification is opposed to the Sacraments and The Book of Concord clearly states the same here:

BOC: 6] Let any one of the adversaries come forth and tell us when remission of sins takes place. O good God, what darkness there is! They doubt whether it is in attrition or in contrition that remission of sins occurs. And if it occurs on account of contrition, what need is there of absolution, what does the power of the keys effect, if sins have been already remitted?…"

Here are additional BOC quotes that show that no one is justified in God's sight without faith in Christ.

Defense of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV Of Justification
67] "Faith cometh by hearing. And proof can be derived even from this that faith justifies, because, if justification occurs only through the Word, and the Word is apprehended only by faith, it follows that faith justifies."

71] "but we maintain this, that properly and truly, by faith itself, we are for Christ's sake accounted righteous, or are acceptable to God. And because "to be justified" means that out of unjust men just men are made, or born again, it means also that they are pronounced or accounted just. For Scripture speaks in both ways. [The term "to be justified" is used in two ways: to denote, being converted or regenerated; again, being accounted righteous. Accordingly we wish first to show this, that faith alone makes of an unjust, a just man, i.e., receives remission of sins".

Propter looks to Luther's Galatians essay for proof that he taught UOJ but unfortunately it cannot be found there. Here is a quote from that essay (and there are many!) that rejects the doctrine of UOJ:

74. But what is the process whereby Christ gives us such a spirit and redeems us from under the Law? The work is effected solely by faith. He who believes that Christ came to redeem us, and that he has accomplished it, is really redeemed. As he believes, so is it with him. Faith carries with it the child-making spirit. The apostle here explains by saying that Christ has redeemed us from under the Law that we might receive the adoption of sons. As before stated, all must be effected through faith. Now we have discussed the five points of the verse.

There is no universal reconciliation with Scripture, Luther or the Confessions. Christ indeed died and paid for all sins but all righteousness is in and of Christ. Without being in Christ and Christ in us by faith we do not have access to His Righteousness for the forgiveness of sins, Justification, righteousness and eternal life. These three are enjoyed instantly and fully only through the gracious work of faith, worked by the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace alone.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Here Is a New Graphic for the UOJ Stormtroopers To Hate

Fortunately, someone got a photo of a WELS or Missouri pilgrim attending one of those pan-religious conferences at Fuller Seminary.

UOJ means that no confession of faith really matters, since everyone is already forgiven and saved, before being born. WELS and Missouri scholars are divided about whether this takes place in the first or second trimester.

No one needs to wonder why the UOJ administration of McCain-Otten-Barry did nothing about DP Benke's deliberate act of worship in the pan-religious ceremony at Yankee Stadium. The Hindu, Muslims, and Druids were all declared forgiven and saved before they were born, too. DP Benke prayed with fellow saints. Why would UOJ fanatic McCain lift a finger or encourage Barry to do more than frown?

WELS Replaced Its Lavender Cross (tm)
With Something More Manly,
A Version of the KKK Logo

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Doctrinal Graphics Are Posted in Facebook, Martin ...":

WELS logo:

KKK logo:

Was the main reason WELS changed its logo because it looked too much like the LCMS logo? The current one is not an improvement IMHO.

WELS, Missouri, and the Rest of the Litter,
Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the KJV,
By Desecrating Its Memory

Doctrinal Graphics Are Posted in Facebook,
Martin Chemnitz Press Page

I started using the Martin Chemnitz Press page on Facebook to post the doctrinal graphics.

That page is open to everyone to read, so readers do not have to be my friend to read or copy the graphics.

I normally include the text below, with the citation, to make it easier to use the quotation by itself.

The graphics are easy to borrow and use on the FB page.

LutherQueasine Art:
"Oh, Those Missourians!'
To Quote the Pope

Pope Paul the Unlearned, aka Paul-With-No-Call, is earnest about keeping LutherQueasy famous for its ankle-biters and bottom-feeders. They never get their facts right, but that does not deter them. Sometimes they run out of imaginary targets, so they turn on each other.

I am looking for some contribution from them, evidence of actual study, research, or writing.

Genuine research includes learning other views and accurately portraying them. For instance, Luther knew papalist doctrine better than the Romanists. But the LutherQueasies only recite their narrow group of double-justification heroes.

Unfortunately--for them--many people are becoming astute at naming that teeny-tiny group of Waltherians who quote Knapp in a snap. UOJ Enthusiasts utterly ignore their own justification by faith catechism (CPH, KJV) and Gausewitz' justification by faith catechism. The Gausewitz effort is especially noteworthy because he was a Synodical Conference leader, not just a Wisconsin Synod pastor.

I could also mention the early 1900 German Missouri catechism, which was justification by faith, lacking any mention of UOJ.

But the LutherQueasies think they can make their case by showing off their nightmarish personalities - too lazy to study, to hateful to listen to Lutheran doctrine, to ignorant to look beyond their works-righteousness.

They are helping the daily page-reads, which are a definite trend, ten times more than when I started. More importantly, many official synodical statements and PR spin efforts are aimed at material posted here.

SPin-doctor Mark Schroeder (WELS) found it necessary to have the truth turned into a lie on the front page of Christian News. The book review Schroeder disliked so much was posted here first.

The over-priced seminaries are reacting too.

Paul-With-No-Call pretends to be amused, through gnashing teeth, but he also wishes I were just "peddling life insurance." Who says I am not? I do more research in a week than he has done in a lifetime. McCain's own synod condemned his Book of Concord as a pile of garbage and refused to approve it.

"Oh, those Missourians!"

McCain's Epic Fail

Paul McCain has no call and never earned an advanced degree.
Nevertheless, McCain still thinks he is Barry's assistant,
and pretends to be the SP-in-waiting.

LCMS Commission on Doctrinal Review
Decision regarding challenges filed against Concordia:TheLutheran Confessions.AReader’sEdition(CPH, 2005).

It is the decision of the review panel of the Commission on Doctrinal Review that the doctrinal review certification of Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. A Reader’s Edition be revoked because of numerous passages and features of the volume which are “inadequate, misleading, ambiguous, or lacking in doctrinal clarity” (Bylaw 1.9.2.g). Specifics of the objectionable passages and features are discussed below.

When Concordia Publishing House released Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. A Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord in June of 2005, the volume was widely anticipated, vigorously promoted, and quickly distributed. The book was beyond doubt very attractively produced, and a low price also encouraged rapid sales, even among people with little or no previous familiarity with the Book of Concord. The first printing of 40,000 copies sold out within about four months.

There is a great deal to celebrate and praise about a “reader’s edition” of the Lutheran Confessions. No one questions the obviously appealing presentation of the volume. The inclusion of historical commentary, timelines, and illustrations enable readers (especially laypeople) to find their way into the texts of the Confessions which might otherwise remain unknown to them. We note with joy that the publication seems to have stimulated a renewed interest in reading and studying the confessions, and we commend the publisher for making such an important book available. Our Synod can be richly blessed by a widespread and deep study of the doctrine to which our congregations, pastors, and teachers pledge themselves.

Despite the many positive aspects of the new volume, some features drew criticism. Almost immediately after the release of the book, formal challenges were submitted to the Commission on Doctrinal Review, as allowed in Bylaw The chairman received three such official challenges from members of the Synod, two of which were identical in substance, and he appointed three members of the Commission to serve as the review panel in compliance with the procedure outlined in the Bylaws.

That panel’s careful review of the volume has dismissed a number of the challenges raised, but has also identified some passages and features which are problematic in various ways, some of which must be described as “inadequate, misleading, ambiguous, or lacking in doctrinal clarity” (Bylaw 1.9.2.f). We have identified lapses in sound historical scholarship, ambiguous or questionable doctrinal statements and explanations, unexplained peculiarities in the translation, and (perhaps most seriously) a general failure to distinguish clearly between what is actually the text of the Confessions and all other nonconfessional material.

While all members of the review panel agreed on the identification of these problems, we wrestled long and hard over how to respond to them. Many of these problems might have been overlooked or ignored in another kind of publication, since they do not involve direct statements of false doctrine. In the end, however, the panel decided that an edition of the Book of Concord should be held to a higher standard than other writings, because it will itself be used as a standard by which other books are judged and evaluated. By that higher standard, we think the volume here under consideration stands in need of serious improvement. For that reason we have decided to mandate such changes by the only means available to the Commission (i.e., by revoking the book’s doctrinal review certification).

The publication of this new edition of the Book of Concord was met with enthusiasm and genuine interest, for which we are grateful. That enthusiasm is a sign of the love for and commitment to our Confessions throughout our Synod. But the great attention gained by the volume also makes the doctrinal challenges raised against it more serious. The members of the Commission on Doctrinal Review and the review panel have no desire to discourage this upsurge of interest in the Lutheran Confessions. We do not want to reject the edition outright, for there is a great deal to be applauded in any book which helps make the doctrine of our church more widely accessible. Much less do we want to discourage the wide reading and study of the Lutheran Confessions by clergy and laity alike. Our goal in presenting the following recommendations is to help make the volume as good as it can possibly be, to the end that our Synod may be strengthened in genuine unity, through the clear and bold confession of the truth of the gospel in all its articles.

Recommendations and Summary of Changes Needed
The review panel appointed to consider doctrinal challenges to Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. A Reader’s Edition have identified the following points for correction and improvement before rerelease of volume.

A. The most important point in need of revision is the clear and unambiguous distinction throughout the volume between the actual texts of the confessional documents themselves and all other material (editorial introductions, historical explanations, section titles, Bible references inserted, etc.). In many cases this can be accomplished by changes in format or arrangement of the material (so that there are clearer distinctions than presently in the volume), or by specific attribution of editorial comments.

B. In order to make clear to the reader how the volume was produced, the material now in Appendix C (“About This Edition”) should be combined with the Preface, and supplemented with some explanation about how the editors consulted different original texts and variant readings, and what criteria were used for selecting a reading for this edition. The Preface should explain the editorial choices between the Latin and German texts in more detail than the current paragraph at the bottom of p. 680. It is probably better to put Appendix D (“Preface to the Concordia Triglotta”) with the other front matter, as well.

C. Sufficient explanation must be given about the inclusion of texts or documents (such as the Saxon Visitation Articles) which were not part of the original Book of Concord, especially in cases where the material was not included in the underlying Bente/Dau translation. Similarly, the editors must indicate and offer the reader explanatory notes when material that could arguably be included in the Book of Concord (such as the Marriage and Baptismal Booklets) is not included. The question of what is and is not part of the confessional text is an important matter to any church which regards the Confessions as authoritative.

D. Substantive departures from the translation of Bente/Dau should be noted and explained, and the reader provided with the older Bente/Dau reading for reference. Examples of such departures would include (but are not necessarily limited to) the passages discussed below at LC, Creed, 66, and Tr 11. This is particularly important in a volume which does not claim to be a new translation, but rather to “update” Bente/Dau.

E. Generally, the editors should refrain in the introductory material from asserting as facts statements which present applications of confessional passages to contemporary controversies, about which there is legitimate theological or scholarly debate. (An example of this difficulty would be the matter discussed in point 11 in the following section.)

F. Care should be taken not to alter the translation of passages, or phrase introductory material, in a way that opens the door to a view of the pastoral office which is not in agreement with the public position of the Synod. Examples of such points of concern include the translation of Tr 11 and 72, and perhaps also the inclusion of (previously omitted) material in the SC Table of Duties, and introductory comments to AC V and AC XIV.

G. A number of unclear or imprecise formulations in the Glossary should be rectified. (E.g., the definition given of “Sacrament” ascribes a “sacramental” significance not just of the pastoral office but of the person of the pastor, in a way that moves beyond our church’s position. Definitions of “Keys” and “Saint,” for example, are likewise in need of revision.)

H. Because the book was so widely and actively promoted, and because it sold rapidly in large numbers, it will not be sufficient simply to make the changes indicated here and rerelease the volume without further public comment. Some sort of explanation of these concerns and the ways they are being addressed should be publicized as widely as possible, to make it possible for people to continue to use the first edition without confusion. Indeed, even if the publisher should decide not to release a revised edition along the lines we describe here, it would still be necessary to make widely available a description and explanation of the items identified by our review.

I. Revisions undertaken to address these concerns should reviewed independently of the original doctrinal review. The sheer importance of the volume suggests that multiple reviewers might be employed. Steps should be taken to ensure a proper degree of objectivity and confidentiality in the selection and work of the reviewers.

Detailed Discussion of Points Raised by Challengers
The primary task of the review panel was to evaluate the specific objections which were brought forward, and this (as will be seen) was a sizeable task. In the following discussion of concerns raised by challengers, each objection will be summarized in bold type, and the review panel’s evaluation and decision will follow in regular type.

It is important to recognize that the challenges were of very different kinds. Of the 44 points raised by challengers and evaluated below, the review panel found 21 to present no significant doctrinal concerns at all; these were primarily small matters of style or nondoctrinal editorial choices. Ten raise legitimate concerns over textual issues. Nine identify inadequate, misleading, or inaccurate statements in the editorial material. Four point out passages where at least some additional clarification or explanation is needed to account for significant changes from the underlying Bente/Dau translation.

1. The translation of Large Catechism (hereafter LC), Creed, 66 (page 432) (“Even if we concede that…”) is misleading or erroneous, and distorts Luther’s meaning; introduces new teaching into the Large Catechism; conflicts with Romans 1 & 2 and with Acts 17. This change is “an unwarranted, incorrect, misguided, and misleading editorial comment.”

The rendering is a rather loose paraphrase of the German, and introduces an interpretive slant that reads Luther’s concessive clause as a contrarytofact conditional. This is not the plain meaning of the German grammar here; such a construction would normally require a subjunctive rather than the indicative, which the original has here. But whatever the
weaknesses of the translation of this passage, the McCain edition rendering does not do violence to the substance of the paragraph, which is that mere monotheism leaves a person under God’s wrath and without the promise of his forgiveness. In other words, even if the translation is wrong, it does not involve false doctrine.

There is concern that this editorial change was prompted by recent controversial use of this particular passage, and not by any clear inadequacy or error in the underlying Bente/Dau text. The change from Bente/Dau at this point could be perceived by some as an attempt to “spin” a passage of the Confessions in order to settle a contemporary argument. This appearance of
some kind of manipulation of the confessional text is both inadvisable and unnecessary.
Since the new rendering of this text departs significantly from all previous English
translations, it would probably be best to place it in brackets alongside the translation on
which this new edition is based (Bente/Dau), and an explanatory note might be added.
2. The translation of Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (hereafter Tr), 11 (page 321) (“He also teaches that the Church is more than the ministers.”) is misleading
3 4
or erroneous, and changes the sense of both Bente/Dau and Kolb/Wengert , which use different words to assert the superiority of the church over the clergy.
For convenience and brevity, this discussion will follow the general convention of referring to English editions of the Book of Concord by the name of the primary editor(s): Jacobs, Bente/Dau, Tappert, Kolb/Wengert, etc. It is not the intention of this usage to assign personal responsibility for every detail of the text under consideration to the lead editor of Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. A Reader’s Edition.
Cf. the short “theological observer” column by Charles Arand and James Voelz, “Large Catechism, III, 66,” Concordia Journal 29.3, 232234, which is a response to John G. Nordling, “Large Catechism 111, 66, Latin Version” on pages 235239 in the same issue. Another helpful “theological observer” is Thomas Manteufel, “What Luther Meant,” CJ 29.4, 366369.
The editors of Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. A Reader’s Edition present their version as “based on the English translation in the Concordia Triglotta [1921] by William H. T. Dau and Gerhard F. Bente” (page 7). The Triglotta English version, in turn, was based closely on the 1882 translation of Henry Jacobs. The English translation included in the Triglotta will be referred to here as “Bente/Dau.”
The change seems to follow the German, even though both Bente/Dau and the rest of the present edition seem to be based on the more original Latin. No reason is given for opting to follow the German at this point, a decision which departs from the Bente/Dau text which serves as the basis for the McCain edition.

Melanchthon’s argument in this section has to do with refuting papal claims of superiority, and the McCain edition’s rendering seems to miss this context. The traditional English translation (“superior to” or “above”) is preferable, on both textual and contextual grounds.
Some might perceive this as another example of reading a contemporary issue into the Confessions, rather than as a simple translation issue. Those who favor a stronger emphasis on the authority of the pastoral office would not be attracted to the Bente/Dau or the Kolb/Wengert reading, since both of those put the clergy under the authority of the church. The new McCain edition reading would at least allow a certain parity between pastor and church.
3. Scripture references not found in the original are inserted (very often throughout the volume). This changes the original text, since it is not clear that the authors had such verses in mind, or would have interpreted the verses in the way implied by their inclusion in the various articles. This is done without comment or clarification, thus introducing the implication that the Confessions themselves understand these passages in a way not necessarily intended by the original authors.

This editorial practice can at times be very misleading. It cannot be argued that such additions and insertions into the confessional text constitute merely an “updating” of the Bente/Dau translation.

One example can illustrate the problems inherent in such a practice. In the text of AC VIII, the McCain edition interpolates a reference to Matthew 13:2430 (the parable of the wheat and the weeds), implying that the original would have us understand Jesus’s parable as a picture of the church. Of course, the nonspecialist reader (to whom the McCain edition is directed) will not have any way of knowing that the Bible reference here is not part of the original text of the confession. If he is very careful, however, he will notice that such an application of the parable to the church contradicts the explicit reference (which is in the original) in Ap VII/VIII.19, where “the field” is clarified as referring to the world, not the church. (Incidentally and inexplicably, the McCain edition puts the word “not the Church” in italics in this place in the Apology, implying some kind of emphasis which is entirely lacking in the original text. The use of italics for emphasis throughout the text must be carefully checked for accuracy.)

Bible references which are not part of the actual text of the Confessions themselves should not be interpolated into the text without some kind of clear indication that these references
The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, edited by Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, translated by Charles Arand et al. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000). This edition is referred to here as “Kolb/Wengert.”
DR Decision re: Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions. A Reader’s Edition 5 of 15
are editorial additions. The method of BSLK, where references to Bible passages (that are apparently alluded to in the text) are printed in the margins, might solve this problem. Alternatively, square brackets might be employed, following the editorial practice of Kolb/Wengert. But the practice in the McCain edition blurs the distinction between the text of the Confessional documents and editorial material, a problem throughout the volume. Because this volume presents itself as the authoritative Confessions of the Lutheran church, that distinction should always be unambiguously drawn. What is at issue here is not really a question of whether the editorial material is “correct” in its interpretation or explanation or not (although such correctness is obviously an important matter in its own right), but rather the necessity to faithfully and accurately present the text of the Confessions themselves without omission, addition, embellishment, or distortion. The McCain edition as it stands does not do this consistently.
4. The editor’s reference in the introduction to Augsburg Confession (hereafter AC) XIV (page 64f) to “the apostolic rite of ordination” emphasizes ordination rather than the call itself, which is the central point of AC XIV. This seems to make ordination a requirement for a valid call, rather than the public recognition of the call. It is unclear what is meant by “an official call from the Church,” or why “Church” is capitalized in this context.

There is a history of argument among American Lutherans (even between groups who want to remain faithful to the Lutheran Confessions) about church and ministry. There have also been recent tensions in our own Synod between, on the one hand, those who would emphasize the congregation’s call of individuals to carry out the functions of word and sacrament, and on the other hand, others who would stress the office of the holy ministry as a distinct and divinely instituted “Stand” into which a man is admitted through ordination. Given this history and tension, it is easy to read the editor’s references to “the apostolic rite of ordination” as somewhat problematic. It may also be noted that while ordination is here called an “apostolic rite,” the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion are called “Church rites” in the glossary (p. 691, under “sacrament”). Even if it is not the intention of the editor to promote an understanding of the pastoral ministry which is not consonant with the Synod’s position, it can easily be supposed that some would make such use of this passage as it currently reads.

The question of why “Church” (singular) is always capitalized in the McCain edition while “churches” (plural) is never capitalized remains unanswered. Some nuance or distinction seems to be implied, but the readers are left to figure it out for themselves. Suffice it to say that this distinction reflects neither the German, nor the Latin, nor Bente/Dau. The distinction hardly seems to correspond to common modern English usage. If no distinction in meaning is intended, then this consistent editorial practice is misleading and should be changed.
5. The edition is based on the Bente/Dau translation of 1921, which was in turn based partly on inferior and inadequate texts of the original documents. The present edition
Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelischlutherischen Kirche, 11th edition (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1992).
ignores the real advances in scholarship and research since the 1920’s, and thus cannot be considered an adequately accurate version of the Book of Concord today.

The question of the underlying text of English translations of the Lutheran Confessions is vastly more complex than a reader of the McCain edition is led to suppose. Bente/Dau was based on the German edition of 1580 and the Latin of 1584. Since the Bente/Dau English version appeared alongside the German (of the 1580 Dresden edition) and the Latin (1584, Leipzig), that English version’s occasional alternation between following the German or the Latin in various documents and passages could not confuse the reader for long (at least a reader who was able to check the original languages behind that translation).
However, the new McCain edition neither follows Bente/Dau consistently, nor offers any clues about where or why substantial departures from Bente/Dau are incorporated in the new text. This much is sure: the present McCain edition does not present the reader exactly with a translation of either the 1580 Dresden text or the 1584 Leipzig text. The English presented here is really a hybrid text which incorporates readings from both the underlying 16th century editions used in Bente/Dau, even though those underlying editions are here used somewhat differently than in Bente/Dau (that is, the McCain edition will sometimes follow the Latin where Bente/Dau followed the German, and vice versa).

Of course, textual eclecticism is not wrong or indefensible; practically every English Bible is based on an eclectic “hybrid” text of many Biblical manuscripts. What is problematic is the complete lack of any discussion of this approach, or even any indication that there could be a discussion (or even disagreement) about what are the original, or best, or authoritative texts of the various documents included in the Book of Concord. This silence is probably intended to simplify the reading of the text for nonspecialists. But it seems to push simplicity to the point of obscuring genuine and legitimate questions about the meaning of the Confessions. The understanding and sophistication of modern lay readers of the Book of Concord should not be underestimated.
.6. In the AC, the present edition covers over the important and often illuminating differences between the equally official German and Latin originals, by presenting a single English text which does not really reproduce either the Latin or the German accurately, but invents a kind of hybrid paraphrase.
.Please refer to the earlier comments about textcritical issues under point 5 above.
.7. Similar to the complaint about the text of the AC, there is a problem with the Tr. The editors of the present version have picked readings from the Latin and the German without any clear reason or logic for the alteration, and have failed to indicate where such changes between text traditions occur. They have also reproduced some textual errors from the Bente/Dau (e.g., Tr 66: “enemies of the Church,” where the original reads “enemies of the gospel”).
.Please refer to the earlier comments about textcritical issues under point 5 above.
2. 8. In the Small Catechism (hereafter SC), Table of Duties, the section entitled “What the Hearers Owe to Their Pastors” is inserted, even though it was not originally part of the

SC, nor was it included in the editions of the Book of Concord said to be used by the editors. (It was in a 1540 edition of the catechism, and there included some further Scripture references which are not included in the present volume.) Also, the section entitled “What Subjects Owe to the Rulers” was neither original in Luther’s 1529 text of the SC nor included in the Book of Concord. (It seems to originate in a 1542 edition of the catechism.)
To a certain extent, this is another question of which text the McCain edition is following. Obviously, as the challenger concedes, there is nothing objectionable about the Bible verses included in these sections. The challenge calls into question whether these verses, arranged under these topics, and placed into this location, are in fact to be included into the “official” text of the Confessions.

On the one hand, the McCain edition does not pretend to tackle such questions afresh, but rather claims to present an “update” of Bente/Dau. On the other hand, passages such as this one clearly demonstrate that this “update” can and does include significant departures from the Bente/Dau text. That being the case, it is important for the editors to alert the reader by means of footnotes to places where such substantive departures have been made, and to offer the reader guidance about what justifies or motivates these departures.

.9. Both the Marriage Booklet and the Baptismal Booklet are omitted from the present edition, even though they appear to have better attestation in editions of both the catechism and the Book of Concord than the material mentioned above in the Table of Duties.
.Please refer to earlier comments about textcritical issues under point 5, and the observations about significant decisions of what material should be included under point 8 above.
.10. In the Large Catechism (hereafter LC), Commandments, 46 (page 389), following an early distortion of the text, the present edition inserts a “not” and misreads the sentence which should read: “Just leave it to the devil and the world to deceive you with their appearance…”
.This is an example of an imperfect translation following an inferior underlying text, but it is a minor point and does not involve a doctrinal error.
2. 11. The editor’s introduction (page 514) asserts that Formula of Concord (= FC), Epitome (= Ep) X cannot be used to defend liturgical diversity among individual congregations, claiming that the discussion only refers to German territorial churches with their consistories, superintendents, etc. This opinion of the editors should not be included as if it were an uncontestable fact.

The editors may be correct in the historical point that “churches” in FC X probably referred to territorial churches rather than individual local congregations. But that reference was by no means the point or focus of the article, and such a historical observation does not explicitly support the bald assertion about contemporary application made in the introduction. There are too many differences in history, polity, and social environment between churches of sixteenth century Germany and twentyfirst century America to permit such a facile equation of principles and practices of worship.

It is generally inappropriate for the editor to insert such absolute claims about debatable contemporary questions, when the question of how to apply the Confessions to today’s life in the church is by no means settled in every case.

It is important to remember here that we are not dealing with a private writing about the Formula of Concord and its historical background, or with a book in which a modern author makes an argument about the proper application of the Confessions to issues facing us today. Rather we are considering a volume that presents itself as the public and official doctrine of our church. There would be no objection to the editor making such an argument in a book about the Confessions or in an essay or article; in fact, this is exactly the sort of assertion and argument one would expect in such a work. However, in a volume that presents itself as “The Lutheran Confessions” the editors should take pains to avoid offering tendentious opinions in their comments, and to restrict themselves to factual information (which should, as mentioned elsewhere, always be adequately identified as editorial material) that will help readers read and understand the documents themselves.

12. Following the Bente/Dau edition, the Catalog of Testimonies (page 651ff) and the Saxon Visitation Articles (page 676ff) are included, the latter with no introduction to clarify its relation to the Book of Concord. This creates the impression that they are to be regarded as part of the Book of Concord.
It is difficult to know what to make of the inclusion of these documents, especially the unexplained appearance of the Visitation Articles. Also it should be noted that some of the appendices are documents that approach “confessional” status, while other appendices, formatted in either exactly the same way or very similarly, are modern editorial material. Tucked away as Appendix C (“About This Edition,” page 680) are some very brief comments which should have been in the Preface. Appendix D reproduces the introduction to the Concordia Triglotta (which included the Bente/Dau English version on which the McCain edition is supposed to be based), and this should also have been placed at the beginning. Such matters of inclusion and arrangement of the appendices certainly do not involve doctrinal error, but they contribute to the general ambiguity in the whole volume about the boundary between confessional text and editorial comment.
2. 13. Throughout the volume, headings and section titles are inserted which are not in the original text. Introductory and editorial comments are interspersed before each article of the AC and elsewhere, with no explanation anywhere to make clear that these comments are not part of the original text. A whole section of editorial material, “Controversies and the Formula of Concord” (pages 521531), is inserted between the Ep and the Solid Declaration (= SD), and this section is not unambiguously identified as material inserted for the present edition. It is set in the same size and font of type as the FC itself.

The point about section headings seems trivial at first glance. But the general problem of interspersing editorial material throughout the text of the documents is much more serious.
Some of the editorial material is printed in a slightly different font, but the difference is slight, and (more importantly) that distinction is nowhere pointed out or explained to the reader. The insertion of the “Controversies” section between the Epitome and the Solid Declaration is especially confusing. As the challenger has pointed out, this material is not distinguished from the Formula of Concord itself by a different font, and it is not identified anywhere as new material added by the editors.

Should we be concerned with editorial matters such as layout and fonts? Ordinarily such things would not need attention in a process of doctrinal review. However, in this case the layout contributes to ambiguity about what is (and isn’t) the actual text of the Confessions, and that ambiguity is a very serious matter, even if it does not involve a direct statement of false doctrine.

.14. In the introduction to AC IV, the editor presents a “purely forensic doctrine of justification” which is an inaccurate reduction of the true doctrine presented in AC IV and the relevant article of the Apology (= Ap).
.The challenger is perhaps reacting to a socalled “forensic” reduction of the gospel to a “legal fiction,” but that is not the only or proper understanding of “forensic” justification, which (properly understood) is clearly the Lutheran position. This challenge does not have any merit.
.15. In the introduction to AC V, the editor introduces and asserts a “clerical” view of ministry rather than reflecting the article’s own stress on the means of grace.
.By itself, this point would probably not raise substantial objections. But it can easily be construed as part of a pattern of “editorializing” in support of a particular theological faction or current in today’s church, under the guise of offering introductory comments to the Confessions.
2. 16. In the introduction to AC XIV, the editor’s phrase “theologically qualified” tends to imply “seminary trained” as a sine qua non for called and ordained ministry. It also introduces the phrase “apostolic rite of ordination,” which is never used in the Confessions and is never clarified or defined by the editors.

The objection to the phrase “theologically qualified” is not substantial. One cannot necessarily infer “seminary training” from a comment about theological qualification for ministry. After all, the notion that pastors should be theologically competent and well qualified is thoroughly biblical, and the editor does not claim any seminary or any other educational system as mandatory.
On the other hand, there is a need to change or explain the phrase “apostolic rite of ordination” to avoid a wrong understanding of the pastoral ministry. Please refer to the earlier comments this phrase under point 4 above.

17. In the introductions to both the Smalcald Articles (hereafter SA) (page 282) and the FC (page 530), an unfair and inaccurate caricature of Philip Melanchthon is repeated, following Bente. The onesided charges have been refuted by recent scholarship, but are here repeated and perpetuated, distorting the historical truth and introducing an antiMelanchthon bias especially to the understanding of the Formula.
The historical assessment of Philip Melanchthon is not a doctrinal matter. But repeating Bente’s notorious antiMelanchthon bias is not an adequate presentation of the current state of confessional scholarship. As mentioned elsewhere, an edition of the Book of Concord must be held to high standards, also in terms of historical scholarship.
.18. In the introduction to SA III, 10 (page 308), the editors say, “Only men who have been judged capable of discharging the ministerial office should be ordained.” However, the article does not designate the sex of pastors, and the male reference here distracts from the main point, which is to ensure that the church is not deprived of pastors by the refusal of Roman bishops to ordain evangelical clergy. The editor’s contemporary concerns (in this case an opposition to women clergy) are inserting themselves into the Confessions here.
.The challenger seems to have a different axe to grind here. It should be stated that the Lutheran Confessions give neither theological nor historical support for the ordination of women to the pastoral office, and it would be inappropriate to manipulate a translation of the Confessions in an attempt to create such support. However, it is worth asking whether the McCain edition is intended to appeal to a broad spectrum of Lutherans who are genuinely interested in the Confessions, or only to those who support the Missouri Synod’s conviction that only males should be ordained to the pastoral ministry. In other words, is this meant to be a ‘Missouri Synod Book of Concord”? The guiding principle should be that the edition should not allow contemporary issues or interests (such as, in this case, guarding against the unbiblical practice of women pastors) to be determinative of how texts of the Confessions are translated or introduced.
.19. In the introduction to the Tr (page 326), the editors inappropriately introduce a critique of 19th and 20thcentury Roman Catholicism into discussion of 16thcentury document.
.Anachronistic polemics are not a matter of doctrine with which our review should be

.20. In introductory comments for the Eight Commandment in the LC (page 414), the editor misrepresents Luther’s explanation when it is said, “The greatest violators are false preachers who, by their false doctrine, speak ill of God and His name.” This thought is not part of Luther’s explanation, and seems to be aimed at the conduct of our contemporary controversies.
.This item may highlight a relatively small slip of scholarship in the editorial introduction, but does not constitute a doctrinal error which is substantially “inadequate, misleading, ambiguous, or lacking in doctrinal clarity.”

.21. In the introduction to the FC, the editors identify “the Bible, and the Bible alone,” as the sole source of doctrine. In doing so, they deny the biblical doctrine that all human beings have a natural knowledge of God’s existence and power and attributes.
.This passage is unobjectionable. The challenge raises a broader question about the Reformation principle of sola scriptura. The text of the McCain edition can certainly be understood in a way congruent with that principle. The editor’s comment does not seem to be directed against the natural knowledge of God among nonChristians, but against the erosion of Biblical authority in the church.

.22. In introductory comments to FC Ep II (page 495), the editors express the opinion that “We should stick to the pattern of sound doctrine and refrain from introducing novel ways of speaking about Bible teachings. We should use the very words and phrases used in the Lutheran Confessions to explain the Bible. It is very unwise to take timetested words explaining one thing and use them to explain another. This only leads to confusion and error.” This impulse toward “repristination” is not the emphasis of the article itself, and distorts the meaning.
.The editorial comment in question is inadequate and misleading, because it misrepresents the content and argument of FC Ep II.

.23. In the section on “Controversies” (page 521f), Editors claim that no one who denies the 3rd use of the law can be regarded as truly Lutheran. But this distorts the argument, and puts forward the claim that Christians can encounter the law without threat, which conflicts with the teaching that lex semper accusat.

.The challenger takes up the long argument about the third use of the law, but the McCain edition material here is not erroneous. It would have been helpful, perhaps, to describe in a historical introduction how and why Lutherans who want to be faithful to the Confessions have disagreed so sharply about this question.

.24. In FC Ep X, 3 (page 514), and very often elsewhere, the editors have attempted to update Bente/Dau by recasting the sentence structure in a way that twists the meaning or emphasis of the original text. In other words, an effort to simplify has resulted in oversimplification, and sometimes distortion. In the passage from FC Ep X mentioned, the new version suggests that there are some Church ceremonies which are commanded by God’s Word and are thus part of divine worship—an idea very far from the thrust of the article in question.
.The challenge refers to small matters of translation which do not constitute serious flaws in the McCain edition. Any translation of such a large and complex work can probably be improved or polished in various places, but not every translation error (or weakness) is fatal.

.25. Throughout the volume, the new version refuses to use “inclusive language” but uses male pronouns where references would permit a more inclusive rendering. Such a practice belies the claim to “update” the version of Bente/Dau for 21stcentury American readers.

.While a generic use of male pronouns and the words “man” or “men” (meaning human beings generally) may no longer be considered standard academic usage, neither is such usage clearly archaic or erroneous. This seems to be a matter of stylistic or editorial preference, not a doctrinal issue.
.26. Throughout the volume, notes which would have explained nuances or ambiguities in the text are absent, resulting in an oversimplified text that does not reflect the full meaning of the original.
.Please refer to the earlier comments under points 1 and 5 above.
.27. In the Preface to the Augsburg Confession, the edition mixes Latin and German texts.
.Please refer to the earlier comments about textcritical issues under point 5 above.
.28. In AC XIII, the version here translates the German “einsetzen” as “ordain” rather than “institute” as it usually does. This is misleading and unclear.

.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
.29. In AC XXVIII, 5 (page 84), “commandment” is inaccurate translation of the German “Befehl.”
.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
.30. In AC XXVIII, 66 (page 88), the edition omits phrase “for a time” which indicates that some apostolic mandates were temporary.

.This is probably a minor mistranslation or a simple oversight. On the other hand, such an omission could offer an opportunity for someone to construct an illegitimate argument about the permanence of all “apostolic mandates.” This should be corrected in a future edition.
.31. In AC XXVIII, 67 (page 88), “canon laws” is an inadequate and misleading reduction of “ancient canons” (German).
.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
2. 32. In Ap IV, 5, the edition follows Bente/Dau, and mixes Jonas’s version into the Latin original and implies that the law comes only in the Old Testament and the gospel only in the New Testament.

.33. In Ap V (III), 78 [i.e. Ap IV, 129] the Latin “igitur” (“therefore”) is left untranslated.
.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
3. 34. In the Tr 67 (page 330), the Latin “hominibus” in Ephesians 4:8 is rendered as “to men,” which can be read as negating the important and helpful gifts given to female teachers and church workers.

.35. In Tr 72 (page 330), the new version departs from Bente/Dau to translate “by having their pastors do it,” which is a paraphrase of “adhibitus suis pastoribus.” Bente/Dau and Kolb/Wengert simply translate this phrase, “to ordain pastors for themselves.”
.This is one of those places where the manner in which the McCain edition departs from its “basis” (Bente/Dau) implies a bias in favor of a strong emphasis on clergy authority. It is difficult to read this change as anything other than an effort to bolster the role of pastors. It is unjustified on strictly linguistic grounds, and the Bente/Dau rendering of the phrase was certainly not archaic, complex, or unclear.
.36. In Tr 79 (page 331), the phrase “these men” is not in the Latin or German.
.This challenge seems to arise from oversensitivity to the gender issue which can be noticed in some other items that were challenged. The translation does not contain an error or substantive inadequacy at this point.
.37. In the LC regarding the Ten Commandments, 172 (page 404), the translation should read “civil and spiritual government” rather than this version’s “civil and Church leadership.”
.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
.38. In the LC, Commandments, 179 (page 405), the translation should read “you shall not kill” rather than this version’s “you shall not murder.”
.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
4. 39. In FC Ep VI, 4 (page 504), the phrase “start evil and selfcreated forms of worship” is unsupported by the Latin, and does not reflect accurately the German.

Please refer to the earlier comments about textcritical issues under point 5 above.
This is not an error, but a minor translation issue, or rather another example of the editors’ choice to use male pronouns and words in a generic way.
While this could be viewed as a rather minor issue of translation, the challenger suggests that this passage is part of a consistent pattern of changes and editorial comments in the McCain edition which militate against innovation or variety in worship forms (cf. point 11 above concerning the introduction to FC Ep X). The editor also comments dismissively about a pastor writing new liturgies (in the “Controversies” section inserted between the Epitome and the Solid Declaration, page 524).
Even if one is sympathetic to the position favored by the editor on worship matters, it is questionable whether it is appropriate to introduce changes (not clearly supported by the original text) into the translation of the text of the Confessions to promote such a contemporary agenda.

1. 40. In FC Ep VI, 5 (page 504), the German “soviel” (Latin “quatenus”) is translated as “because” in the McCain edition (“These works are done by believers because they are regenerate”), rather than as “to the extent that.”
.41. In FC Ep X, 7 (page 515), the German “wann sonst” (Latin “si modo”) mistranslated as “as long as” rather than “when otherwise.” The implication is that this mistranslation makes the article seem to focus on when it might be proper to condemn another church.
.This is a relatively minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
.42. In FC SD Rule and Norm, 1 (page 536), the edition introduces a thought alien to the article when it renders the sentence, “we should have a unanimously accepted…” and “all evangelical churches should confess…” The German states simply that there is such unity.
.This is a relatively minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
.43. In FC SD VI, 2, the translation of the sentence about the works of believers being acceptable to God is incorrect. It is claimed that the paraphrase of Bente/Dau here results in a serious distortion of the meaning.
.This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.
2. 44. In FC SD X, 14, the German “den hohen Artikel” is translated as “the outstanding article” when a better rendering would be “the eminent article” (as in Bente/Dau).

This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy. This is a minor translation issue, and does not constitute a substantive error or inadequacy.

LutherQueasy Enthusiasts Should Read Luther,
Once at Least:
Luther Destroys Their Case in One Sentence

"Therefore wherever there is faith in Christ, there sin has in fact been abolished, put to death, and buried. But where there is no faith in Christ, there sin remains."
Martin Luther, Lectures on Galatians, 1535, ed., Jaroslav Pelikan, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1963, vol. 26, p. 286. Galatians 3:13.

KJV Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that
we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Luther's Own Argument about Paul's Epistle to the Galatians

"First of all we must speak of the argument, that is, of the issue with which Paul deals in this epistle. The argument is this: Paul wants to establish the doctrine of faith, grace, the forgiveness of sins or Christian righteousness, so that we may have a perfect knowledge and know the difference between Christian righteousness and all other kinds of righteousness."
Martin Luther, Lectures on Galatians, 1535, ed., Jaroslav Pelikan, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1963, 26, p. p. 4.


Medium Rare:

"I also noticed how intense this is becoming. More and more are hearing. More are going to Ichabod because of the great falling away. Like myself, your readers and listeners are receiving teaching and encouragement.

The UOJ discussions are gaining momentum. Of course some will be angry and attack. God willing, some will be joyous and will be compelled to take a stand. May God keep us!"