Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mark Jeske - A Taxing Issue

Does he pay taxes on his house,
since his school business is tax-reliant?

 bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "The Sunday after Christmas: Galatians 4:1-7":

With Gov Walker's expansion of School Choice, i.e., lifting the cap on the number students who could enroll, St. Marcus is doubling the size of their school to a 1,000 students. The $12 million school building addition is well underway. I'd say Jeske is more of a public servant than a WELS or LCMS pastor right now, plus he's a public school teacher union buster:


In the parental choice program, the 22,500-pupil cap is gone, and students will now be able to attend private schools beyond the city of Milwaukee's borders.