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Monday, February 6, 2012
Johnny goes marching home again
Johnny goes marching home again:
Sadly, a few decision-makers never forgave Baker for dropping out. When he was nominated in 2004 for Moline High School's Hall of Honor, he was rejected. Even though school officials had excitedly awarded him an honorary diploma upon his return from war, it wasn't good enough.
Gary Koeller, Moline's principal at the time, added that more than "just a single phenomenon" was expected of a Hall of Honor inductee.
But even before President Lyndon Johnson hung the Medal of Honor around Baker's neck for selflessly saving the lives of eight Americans, the 5-foot, 2-inch soldier was awarded the Bronze Star, Silver Star and Purple Heart. He completed 300 missions as a "tunnel rat," crawling through tunnels and planting explosives where the enemy traveled.
In 1989, Baker retired from the U.S. Army as a master sergeant after serving 24 years.
After that, he went to work as a computer analyst for the Veterans Affairs hospital in Columbia, S.C., one of the largest VA hospitals in the country.
He long served as vice president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. And he was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2002 to serve on the National Cemetery Association's advisory committee on cemeteries and memorials.
He accepted invitations to speak at more than 1,000 public schools. The Interstate 280 Bridge was renamed Baker Bridge.
He was no one-hit wonder.
But the decision-makers at the high school refused to back off. One of Baker's former stepsons launched a relentless attack, claiming Baker was an alcoholic and was abusive to his mother after returning from Vietnam.
Even after an investigation by a retired FBI agent and a former member of the Secret Service revealed no such darkness in his past, school officials clung to their snubbing.
Ironically, the purpose of the Hall of Honor is: "To honor Moline High School alumni who have achieved distinction and positively influenced the lives of others."
Read more: http://www.qctimes.com/news/opinion/editorial/columnists/barb-ickes/johnny-goes-marching-home-again/article_da95f362-4719-11e1-8e26-0019bb2963f4.html#ixzz1lcIKWdHy
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GJ - Synods are far more petty, excelling in driving members and ministers away.