rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "All Glory Laud and Honor":
Thanks for including photos of historic old St. John's in the last two hymn postings. However, the photos do not do justice to a walk around the exterior and a careful study of the interior. Last summer, a sightless friend of mine came along with me to the organ recital at St. John's. He was so impressed by every aspect of this beautiful old church. He climbed the staircase into the pulpit and went up into the wrap around balcony just to get an idea of the layout inside. So much of the architecture is a symbolic proclamation of the Gospel. The solid construction of these Gothic style churches is not just eye candy. My friend was also impressed with the solid brass eagle lectern and the marble baptismal font and the whole layout of the altar. What does a blind, agnostic, recovering Roman Catholic know that the promoters of stadium type mega churches do not know?
GJ - The Wisconsin Sect pours money into a bar-church in Appleton, a short walk from another downtown WELS congregation, while ignoring the the Mother Church of its own history.
The Enthusiasts at the Love Shack hasten to announce absolution for heinous acts against defenseless children but nurses grudges against anyone who has questioned their precious Church Growth fad.