ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Sunday, March 25, 2012
Rolfian Rationalism:
Joe Krohn Should Agree with an Absurd Contradiction
Rolf Preus:
Jesus was justified. Those whose sins he bore were justified. Since he bore the sins of the whole world, the whole world was justified. That's what the statement says. That's what Walter A. Maier affirmed in signing that statement. It is a clear affirmation of objective justification.
Again, do you agree with the statement that "God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven all sinners all of their sins"? You say it flies in the face of John 3, 18. But if you affirm the statement that WAM signed, you must also affirm my statement with which you have taken issue. For you cannot hold to two mutually exclusive assertions at the same time. You cannot affirm objective justification and reject it at the same time.
GJ - The UOJ Factory--which pounds out universal forgiveness 24/7--never addresses the clear and compelling teaching of the Scriptures and the Book of Concord: - that no one receives grace apart from the Means of Grace.
The UOJ Factory workers should study Isaiah 55 and Romans 10, two chapters that teach the Means of Grace with special clarity. They would rather return to the veneration of the Great Walther and the infallibility of everyone in the Synodical Conference (tm) who taught UOJ.
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Rolfian Rationalism: Joe Krohn Should Agree with ...":
"Jesus was justified. Those whose sins he bore were justified. Since he bore the sins of the whole world, the whole world was justified.
And so the whore reason raises her ugly head. It's that kind of reasoning that got us:
"Since God elected some to salvation, then he must have elected some to damnation."
These guys need to stop thinking so hard. If Objective Justification "in Christ" were* so obvious - and so important to salvation - then why didn't the Reformers see it and phrase it that way?
GJ - * Were is correct here, because this is contrary to fact.
The Book of Concord authors and editors were strangely negligent in this regard, too. If they had known that people would rely on the plain, clear teaching of the Word, they would have left behind several volumes proving that the entire world was justified. Samuel Huber tried to help, but they rejected his arguments and terminated his job at Wittenberg.
Since Walther is the Great Prophet, with statues and shrines dotting the Missouri landscape, we do not need the Bible or the Book of Concord. The Great Prophet explains it all. Those who disagree with him are obvious false teachers.
The Joel Osteen article linked previously points out that the Grinning Reaper has only a bachelor's degree from Oral Roberts University - in communications. That reminded me of Walther, who only had a bachelor's degree from the rationalists at Leipzig and Pietistic oversight from the syphlitic bishop-to-be.
Why pay attention to Luther? He went to a Catholic university, where he earned a doctorate in Scripture. He supervised monasteries and lectured on the Bible. He did not kidnap a single person. He was kidnapped himself, but that does not count. Instead of robbing people, he gave away gifts sent to him. He always taught the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace.
Luther is too clear and plain for the Waltherians. They want sect members who subscribe to their strange notions and bow to their authority, even though they have little reading comprehension and no spiritual discernment at all.
Rolf Preus,
UOJ Enthusiasm