BOLO issued for Bishop Obare
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Bishop Obare and John Nunnes |
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3148
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 - 6:36 pm:
Somehow this hasn't made it into the Lutheran Witness or the Reporter. From the March 1, 2012, Kenyan newspaper, the Star, "Police arrest warrant for evangelical head":
A warrant has been given for the arrest of Archbishop Walter Obare Omwansa of Evangelical Lutheran Church, Nairobi, for contempt of court. Omwansa had been restrained from calling church meetings. The bishop is wanted by Central Police station CID officers. Omwansa had been restrained by a magistrate's court from conducting elections at all church branches.
Church officials opposed to him and their lawyer Erich Achoki moved to court and obtained warrant. Two detectives accompanied Achoki and a church member Samuel Atunga to the church's headquarters at Lutheran Plaza, Nyerere Road, opposite Uhuru Highway but it is alleged he managed to escape. Omwansa is wanted at Kisii chief magistrate's court for further directions.
The arrest warrant may have something to do with problems reported in linked news articles provided in the December, 2011, BJS posts, #7 and #10.
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3160
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 8:59 pm:
The fit has hit the shan!
On March 9, 2012, Rev. Robert L. Green, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Parma, OH, sent a letter with documentation to:
•Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, President of the LCMS (Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod)
•Rev. Herbert C. Mueller Jr., First Vice President of the LCMS
•Rev. Dr. David Stechholz, President of the English District (district chosen by Rev. May at his ordination)
•Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, Director of Church Relations and Special Assistant to the President
•Rev. Terry Cripe, President of the Ohio District (district where Rev. May and his family are members)
•Rev. Dr. Robert Rahn, Lutheran Heritage Foundation-America
On March 22, Rev. Green sent the same materials to:
•Rev. Dr. John C. Wohlrabe, Jr., Second Vice President of the LCMS
•Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, Third Vice President of the LCMS
•Rev. Daniel Preus, Fourth Vice President of the LCMS
•Rev. Dr. Scott R. Murray, Fifth Vice President of the LCMS
Rev. Green has now posted the letter on his church's website, along with the fourteen documents that can be opened, read, and downloaded here .
It is a damning story of corruption, slander, and attacks against a faithful servant of the Word and missionary, Rev. James May.
It involves not only the leadership of ELCK, but also some within the LCMS who should have stood up and defended Rev. May, as Rev. Green has done.
Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Advanced Member
Username: Ptmccain
Post Number: 749
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 11:05 pm:
I know it is the modus operandi of this site to rush to judgment and assume the worst, but...
James May is no longer serving with the Lutheran Heritage Foundation and is on restricted status in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, just FYI.
John Eberhart (Radidio)
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Username: Radidio
Post Number: 314
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Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 11:50 pm:
It's not assuming the worst when all the documentation is represented by faithful parties. Is it necessary to deny the credibility of Rev James May when many statements by Bishop Obare are deceitfull and at the best missrepresentations?
54 million aborted babies replaced by 24 million illegal alliens.........and still going strong.
What a deal!
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3161
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 12:07 am:
As noted on Bethlehem Lutheran Church's Missionary webpage, Rev. May heads up the Lutherans in Africa, a 501(c)(3) organization. Rev. May explained in his April/May 2010 newsletter:
"The economic crisis has had a catastrophic effect on mission work. As a result more missionaries have been called home. Last December the director of LHF called me and said the financial situation necessitated my return to the USA. My wife and I were devastated. We had just moved to East Africa and had learned Kiswahili. Additionally we saw the needs of people all around us and decided in the end that we could not abandon the people....
"Due to the economic circumstances, LHF's need to cut the budget, and our desire to stay here in Africa, my salary is no longer being funded by LHF. As a result we have become independent missionaries relying on your support. For now you can send support to our home congregation, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 7500 State Road, Parma, OH 44134-6102 (indicate “support Lutherans in Africa”)."
Rev. May's resignation was also noted on a LHF webpage announcement.
As for the Rev. May's restricted status, that is what Rev. Green's letter discusses with substantiation (remember that term, Paul?), and points out:
"Rev. May has been restricted on the word of Bishop Obare (and Rev. Halakhe), not on the facts."
Based on the documented evidence, Bishop Obare's word appears less than credible. It was shameful and despicable for DP Stechholz to place Rev. May on restricted status.
All of the restraining orders against Bishop Obare and General Secretary Halakhe by the Kenyan courts are now more understandable. One only wonders how Bishop Obare is able to get out of Kenya (or enter the U.S.) with an arrest warrant out on him. Maybe someone will ask him in his upcoming meeting with President Harrison and others at the Purple (Blue?) Palace.
Rev. Green's letter closes with:
"Therefore, I urge all the recipients of this letter, I even beg you, to take swift action to remove Rev. May from his restricted status so that he is free to continue his God-pleasing work of blessing those on the continent of Africa with God’s Holy Word!"
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3162
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 12:50 am:
The 14 documents posted on the Bethlehem Lutheran Church website include:
1.Pastor's Workshop on 8-11 November, 2010.
2.Southwest Diocese Pastors' Conference Grievances, 11 Nov 2010.
3.Rev. Thomas Nyabwanga, Memo Re: Appreciation for financial support which enabled us to hold a successful Pastors' Conference in ELCK South West Diocese from 8th Nov to 11th Nov 2010, November 11, 2010.
4.Rev. John Halakhe to Rev. James May, RE: Continued Interfereance in the Affairs of Lutheran Church, January 11, 2011.
5.Tom Asiago to Rev. James May, Re: Further clarification concerning allegations against Rev. JAmes May and the LHF work in south west Diocese, Januar 12, 2011.
6.Johnson Omboga, Advocate, to Rev. James May, Legal Opinion of Letter By Rev. John Halakhe, January 18, 2011.
7.Johnson Omboga, Advocate, to Rev. John Halakhe, General Secretary, ELCK, Re: Allegations of interference in the affairs of Lutheran church by Rev. James May, Jr. - our client, 18 January, 18, 2011.
8.Johnson Omboga, Advocate, to Rev. Dr. David P. Stechholz, Bishop and English District President, Re: Reconciliation Meeting between Bishop Walter Obare and Rev. James May Jr. - our client, 21 January, 2011.
9.Johnson Omboga, Advocate, to Rev. Dr. David P. Stechholz, Bishop and English District President, Re: Reconciliation Meeting between Bishop Walter Obare and Rev. James May Jr. - our client, 28 January, 2011.
10.Rev. Dr. David P. Stechholz, Bishop and English District President, to Rev. James May, Notification of Restricted status, 21 January, 2011.
11.Most Rev Dr Walter Obare, Arch-Bishop, to The Director, Immigration Services, Nairobi, Re: Complaint, March 9, 2011.
12.Office of the President, Provincial Administration and Internal Security Nairobi West District, Kibera Division, to Rev. James May, Order to Attend (Summons), March 2, 2011.
13.Various ELCK elders to Bishop Walter Obare, Subject: Threatening Situation in ELCK, August 17, 2011.
14.Office of the President, Division Headquarters, Nyamira, to the D.C.I.O. - Central Nairobi, Warrant of Arrest Accused: Bishop Rev. Walter Obare Omwansa, February 20th, 2012.
Karl Pierson (Karl_pierson)
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Username: Karl_pierson
Post Number: 1506
Registered: 1-2009
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 8:57 am:
What an interesting thread! Sad, but the fawning episcopophiles within the Missouri Synod will not be able to see the corruption in Kenya. They don't want to see it. They want to see episcopacy at work the way they think it should work, vigorously defending the pure doctrine, protecting faithful pastors, blah, blah, blah. That power corrupts, they don't want to see, because they, too, want such power for themselves!
Throwing Walther out the window, the ingrates create a vacuum into which demons rush to wreak havoc. Poor Pastor May is just one victim among many more to come!
Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
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Username: Ptmccain
Post Number: 752
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 9:23 am:
Insert eye roll here.
Karl Pierson (Karl_pierson)
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Username: Karl_pierson
Post Number: 1507
Registered: 1-2009
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 9:29 am:
But of course! You can't make a cogent argument! What else can you do but sneer?
Karl Pierson (Karl_pierson)
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Username: Karl_pierson
Post Number: 1508
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Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 9:46 am:
McCain is a perfect example of how power corrupts. As Al Barry's voice (Barry himself was a hopelessly self-referential theologically incompetent pietist) McCain learned at a young age to substitute political advantage for theological principles. Tossing principled pastors under the bus for the greater good of somebody's ecclesiopolitical career is second nature to him. In a contest between a big shot bishop and a lowly pastor there is no contest.
Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
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Username: Ptmccain
Post Number: 753
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 10:29 am:
Anything else you want to share Ken?
Thanks for underscoring my point.
Mike Gehlhausen (Mikeg)
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Username: Mikeg
Post Number: 5396
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 10:39 am:
Rev. McCain,
You wrote:
"Thanks for underscoring my point."
Exactly what point was that? I've scanned this thread and fail to see a single point that you've made.
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3163
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 11:05 am:
The warrant of arrest for Bishop Obare was issued on February 20, 2012. Obare was wanted for contempt of court. The warrant gave the address of the ELCK headquarters at Luther Plaza where the police could find, arrest and detain him. According to the news report, “it is alleged he managed to escape.” (That leaves a lot to the imagination.)
Interestingly, there is another report, in a chronological series of articles, on the LHM International blog, written by Rev. Douglas L. Rutt, director of International Ministries for Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM). Rev. Rutt travelled with ILLL President Mick Onnen and his wife, Nila, to Africa for a tour of LHM and other Lutheran personnel and facilities in a number of African countries. They arrived Monday night, February 20th, and the next day, Tuesday, February 21st (the day after the arrest warrant was issued), met with Bishop Obare and spent over an hour talking about ministry experiences and “were served a delicious lunch at their home.”
The next day, February 22nd, Rev. Rutt and Eric Gates, area counselor for Africa, took a short flight to Kampala, Uganda, to visit with the Lutheran staff there before heading back to Kisumu, Kenya, via a 7-hour bus trip on February 23 and meeting up with President Mick Onnen and his wife on the afternoon of February 24. Between February 24 and February 28 the group visited a number of Kenyan sites, including Kisii (where a letter of grievances against Bishop Obare had originated at a conference in Nov. 2010), before returning to Nairobi to attend worship services there, where they met with Missionary Shauen and Krista Trump, before leaving Monday afternoon, February 27, for Ethiopia.
In all of this there is no mention of Bishop Obare’s arrest warrant or the other problems presented in the documents on the Bethlehem Lutheran church website. This is not particularly surprising.
However, as some person repeatedly raised on a now-deleted BJS thread, Rev. Rutt, and President Onnen, and Mr. Gates should be asked, regarding the problems associated with Bishop Obare and the ELCK:
•What did you know?
•When did you know it?
•What did you do, or not do, with that information?
The same questions also need to be asked of each person on Rev. Green’s list of March 9 and March 22 addressees.
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3164
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 11:12 am:
Publisher McCain's posts are simply red herrings to divert discussion on this thread away from the issues raised in Rev. Green's letter and accompanying documents. These red herrings should be ignored.
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3165
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 11:28 am:
Document #2 (cw-Link down)on the Bethlehem Lutheran Church website is a letter of grievances against Bishop Obare, issued and signed by pastors attending an ELCK Southwest Diocese Pastors’ Conference on November 8-11, 2010. This letter was reported in a January 17, 2011, Star news article, "Lutheran [sic] threatened with split over elections":
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya is threatened with splitting up for failing to hold elections. The church has a membership of more than 200,000 and has its headquarters in Nairobi’s Central Park near the University of Nairobi. Southwest, one of the four dioceses of the Lutheran church, complained in a pastors’ conference held between November 8 to 11, last year. The meeting was held at Itiero in Kisii.
The conference later drew up a letter that complained of an apparent suspension of the church’s constitution by Bishop Walter Obare. It was sent to the bishop and copied to the general secretary and three other dioceses. Bishop Obare is the presiding head of the church.
The Itiero meeting accused Bishop Obare of high-handedness in his leadership style and corruption among other malpractices. The Southwest diocese observed that, "This known impropriety is an insult to our conscience and has the possibility to create distrust between partners and Southwest diocese."
Apart from the other issues raised, Southwest diocese and two other dioceses have questioned Bishop Obare’s continued stay in office. The Central and the Lake dioceses have complained of the failure to hold the church elections while the Northwest diocese is yet to take a stand on the matter.
The elections were supposed to take place in September last year. He said one is supposed to be in office for four years but after assuming office in 2002 elections were due in 2005 although they were not held.
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3167
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 11:50 am:
Here is one paragraph from the 4-page November 11, 2010, letter of grievances by pastors of the ELCK Southwest Diocese:
"[I]t is indicative that the Presiding Bishop [Obare] promotes nepotism in the church. This is evident by the actions of fronting his son for successful scholarships for further studies in America, fixing his daughter at the head office in an organization known as Heart to Heart, another as an administrator in Kibera School, two of his children studying at Moi university with full scholarships from the church and another at Maseno University also fully sponsored, his cousin being manager of Luther Plaza, another one working with the LCMS as MTC [Mission Training Center] Coordinator and the niece being the manager of Luther Guest House. And if that is not enough, he has misappropriated grants to the church to his own use by building magnificent houses and living large while his pastors are languishing in poverty. Some of these houses include the monumental building in Kisii town, the so called ‘church’ house at Kosele, rental houses in Oyugis and his luxurious home in Loresho, Nairobi not forgetting his ranch at Sikri, Rachuonyo."
Again, what did LCMS officials who met with ELCK staff know and when did they know it?
Mike Gehlhausen (Mikeg)
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Username: Mikeg
Post Number: 5397
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Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 12:14 pm:
This is far from as clear a legal matter as showing neglect regarding the placing of a child molester in a congregation.
The circumstances surrounding charges of corruption are difficult enough to understand in our American society. Trying to understand what is going in Kenya makes it incredibly more difficult.
The only thing I can clearly see that Bp. Obare may have done wrong was fail to show for a court appearance. What I have read and heard Bp. Obare write and preach has been solid and confessional.
I'm reserving judgment on this and trust the Kenyan authorities to work these matters out.
Rick Strickert (Carlvehse)
Senior Member
Username: Carlvehse
Post Number: 3168
Registered: 10-2003
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2012 - 12:30 pm:
The "it's another culture-we can't comprehend it" tapdancing insults the intelligence, education, and callings of the ELCK pastors and others who have documented, and stand by their claims of, what they see as problems in the ELCK.
Trying to pin all of these problems on some kind of nuanced tribal disputes is not going to fly (although the ALPB blog may try). Also, I don't think that Rev. May belongs to any African tribes in Kenya, and his wife, Tiina, is Finnish (maybe that's the long-lost blonde tribe of Kenya ).
It's another variation of "there's nothing to see here, folks, so just move along" mantra.
“The arrest warrant may have something to do with problems reported in linked news articles provided in the December, 2011, BJS posts, #7 and #10.
BJS documents cited 7 & 9 below, just in case ....
Carl Vehse
December 8th, 2011 at 00:22 | #7
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@Nathan Raddatz #6 : “Don’t bring the name Rev James May. He is not liked by synod.”
Mr. Raddatz,
Are you referring to a majority of the 9,000 individual members and 6,000 congregational members of the Missouri Synod not liking Rev. May, or are you speaking about a few executives or administrators in synodical offices?
And what could Rev. May have said or done that would bring such disliking? Could it have something to do with the restraining order issued by a Kenyan court against ELCK General Secretary John Halakhe communicating a defamatory letter against Rev. May pending a lawsuit filed by Rev. May against Halakhe? Or what about another lawsuit and restraining order against Halakhe, ELCK Archbishop Obare, and the Central ELCK Diocese, especially after Halakhe and Obare failed to appear in court (being, at the time, visiting friends in St. Louis)?
Nathan Raddatz
December 8th, 2011 at 01:01 | #8
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I graduated a year after James. He is a man of integrity and conviction. The theology he confesses, teaches and practices is flawless.
I should have said the issue lies with just a few synodical officials. Actually, I could pinpoint the issue to one in particular who has also seen fit to make a threat against me for sticking up for James.
I do not know all the facts, but I do know the way of which the leadership has handled it stinks to high heaven. They are on the losing end right now. They have made this matter far worse then it ever should have been.
The “bishop” of Kenya also preached at the installation of our synodical president, which means a loyalty exists there as well.
All said and done, the Rev James May needs to be encouraged in the work he is doing as a missionary (ordained pastor) not persecuted by our leaders on both the district and synod levels.
December 8th, 2011 at 10:28 | #9
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This post is very helpful for understanding how synod defines its missionaries. I thank Dr. Collver for making this more clear for laymen like myself. The only question I have is: “Does synod require doctrinal training and subscription for all of the missionaries it commissions?”
Carl Vehse
December 9th, 2011 at 11:32 | #10
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The situation of Rev. May, a missionary in Kenya, and problems in the ELCK can be seen from the following:
From Rev. May’s Lutherans in Africa July 2010 Newsletter:
[In late June, 2010] I returned to Kenya to host a seminar on “Eschatology” lead by Dr. Phil Giessler. Three days before the start we received a letter from a leader of the church saying that we must stop teaching the bible because we were “not authorized” to do so. To be honest I did not know how to respond to this. We are registered as a legal society in Kenya and there is freedom to assemble and freedom of religion in Kenya. The wisdom from my church fathers was to show the participants the letter and let them decide if they wanted to stay. To my surprise they all told me they already knew about the letter. They had met with their bishop before the conference and were told that no such decree was made. They were all sent with the bishop’s blessings and instruction to study and learn the Word of God in truth and purity so that they could better equip the flock.
It was reported on November 25, 2010, that, pending a lawsuit brought by Rev. May, a Kenyan High Court judge issued a restraining order against ELCK General Secretary John Halakhe from issuing any defamatory communications against Rev. May after a letter written by Rev. Halakhe was circulated earlier.
The reference in Rev. May’s Newsletter to “their bishop” is Bishop Thomas Asiago, who at the time was the bishop of the South West Diocese, the largest in Kenya, with about 25,000 members. According to a March 30, 2011, news report, in the Kenyan newspaper, The Star, Bishop Asiago was suspended last year by the ELCK’s head office and has challenged that decision in a case to be heard in court.
According to an August 15, 2011, Star news report, there is another Kenyan court case with Archbishop Walter Obare and John Halakhe among the defendents, related to problems in the Central Diocese. A restraining order was issued against Archbishop Obare, who later snubbed a September 7th court appearance, from installing Bakari Kea as bishop of the ELCK Central Diocese. A November 9, 2011, Star news report notes that a court magistrate has issued orders barring the ELCK’s archbishop from signing cheques or making payments on behalf of the church, at least until a lawsuit brought by the Secretary General of the ELCK Central Diocese against Archbishop Obare, Rev. Halakhe, and others, comes to trial in court.
December 9th, 2011 at 11:38 | #11
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@LW #9 ,
On the second page the “Rite of Commissioning for a Volunteer Missionary” for Dr. Giessler’s trip to Africa is printed. The commissioning was conducted at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, a member of the LCMS.
Carl Vehse
December 10th, 2011 at 13:34 | #12
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@Nathan Raddatz #8: “I should have said the issue lies with just a few synodical officials.”
Let’s see if we can narrow that down a little. Excerpted from a May 28, 2008, LQ post is some of a May 13th letter from Rev. James May:
I was sent to Ouagadougou to learn French. There are no Lutheran churches here. I was directed to take my family and worship at non-Lutheran churches. I was forbidden to plant Lutheran churches in Ouagadougou.
In my daily life I was often encountered by locals asking who I am and what I am doing in Burkina Faso. I explained that I am a Lutheran pastor and am learning French. Many people wanted to know more. In a country that is 80% Muslim and animistic, I was happy to confess my faith in the savior Jesus Christ. People wanted to know more.
I was insubordinate and started Bible studies, and the area facilitator said that the regional director would not be happy, and therefore, even though he was informed, he said that he would turn a blind eye. Later while in the language learning process a friend of mine named his first born son after me.
My regional director had expressly told me that if someone wanted to be baptized I should send them to the Baptist church and NOT baptize them. Again I was insubordinate and preferred to disobey that order rather than break a relationship by insulting him and refusing to baptize his son. The father, Etienne Sam, has used his tailor shop to publicize and distribute Good News magazines.
A second time a man came from Cote d’Ivoire and was very poor. He couldn’t afford to send his kids to school which costs about $4 per child. His youngest son became very sick with dysentery. During a two week span he ceased eating and we feared for his life. His father was a Catholic but had been attending our Good News classes. I asked him if his son was baptized and he said the Catholic Church demanded $15 per baptism and he didn’t have the money. The Baptist Church was not going to baptize the child. Again I was insubordinate and baptized him so that his parents would have the assurance that even if dysentery won, the devil would not because Jesus would make Victorien His child. Miraculously the day after his baptism he also began eating and the dysentery left.
Finally, Rev. Dr. Anssi Simojoki, the Vice President of LHF and director for the Africa region, was making a trip through West Africa and contacted me. His son is the godfather of two of our children. I offered our house for him to stay in. I received an email from Rev. Dr. Paul Mueller in which he stated that he had not given me permission to have Anssi stay in my house. I was not aware that my personal home is ruled by World Mission. Again I was insubordinate and allowed Anssi to stay at our house.
In my most recent conversation with Rev. Dr. Paul Mueller in Conakry, Guinea, he said it is due to these acts of insubordination that he has determined I am a detriment to the LCMS WM team in Africa and that I was directed to seek another call. He would not put this in writing, rather he stated that I am unwilling to live in a primitive village, and therefore should leave Africa. This is untrue. I was unwilling to move to a village where access to emergency care is unattainable during rainy season. I have a pregnant wife and four children, one of which already had a medical emergency and nearly lost her fingers. Planting of churches and visiting of those remote congregations could have been done from cities with hospitals. This request was denied.
God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
By His Grace alone,
Pr. James May
This year Dr. Paul Mueller became the executive director of the Art & Carol Wahlers Center for Applied Lutheran Leadership (CALL) at Concordia University in Portland, Ore. Before that Mueller was Administrative Pastor at Family of Christ Lutheran Church in Ham Lake, MN.
More details from Rev. May are provided in this May 8, 2008, LQ post, especially about where the mission money from Missouri Synod congregations goes… or didn’t.
Another question for this thread on “Who’s a missionary?” is, in a Lutheran view, whether anything has changed for the better. Check Rev. May’s Lutherans in Africa website to find out.
bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Bishop Obare":
The post says "Rev. Green has now posted the" and also says to check out "Rev. May’s Lutherans in Africa" site for details. However, it seems that the information has since been taken down.
Is there an abstract anywhere of what happened? It just seems as though Kenyan Bishop Obare must have rerouted LCMS mission money, as one can surmise from this quote: "mission money from Missouri Synod congregations goes… or didn’t".
GJ - I posted the information because Rogue Lutheran is good at dealing with such issues. It is being argued on LaughQuest, with Editor McCain spelling the bishop's name wrong while correcting someone about his own name.
Web pages gone? They are not even WELS! Both synods erase evidence whenever possible, so copy and paste in haste is your best weapon against synodical corruption.
Those who discuss these matters are the criminals, and the victims are criminals too. The only innocent ones are the overpaid synodical supervisors.
bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Bishop Obare":
Doesn't it sound as though McCain is saying that the LCMS has washed its hands of the embattled Rev. May, and therefore Rev. May shouldn't be a topic of discussion anymore? That would be like Pilate saying we should not discuss Christ any longer since Pilate washed his hands of Him:
Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Advanced Member
Username: Ptmccain
Post Number: 749
Registered: 4-2009
Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2012 - 11:05 pm:
I know it is the modus operandi of this site to rush to judgment and assume the worst, but...
James May is no longer serving with the Lutheran Heritage Foundation and is on restricted status in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, just FYI.
GJ - And I just heard "Dr." Phil Giessler is biding his time on this.
By now people can figure out that McCain is on the LaughQuest site to serve as Harrison's hatchet man and enforcer.
No wonder McCain was so touched by the death of Charles Colson, Nixon's hatchet man. Chuck Colson repented - big difference. He saw how empty power was.
Of course, being a bigshot in a dying sect is not anyone's definition of power, but those who tasted the joys of the Purple Palace long to warm an executive armchair again. To be somebody!
McCain's voicemail message starts out, "Do you know who I used to be?"