Legalistic Lutheranism (and Applied Finneyism) – Part 2 « Churchmouse Campanologist:
Today’s post concludes with the LCMS pastor — the Revd Matt Richard’s — journey to confessional Lutheranism.
Yesterday, he detailed his Folk Lutheranism. In Part 2, he describes the four main hurdles he faced in coming to a confessional understanding of the Christian faith. Excerpts follow, emphases mine.
Shift #1: My View Of Sin?
My Folk Lutheranism understood sin primarily as a series of actions that I did or did not do. Sure, I confessed that I was a sinner, but in all reality my belief of sin was narrowly focused on external actions alone …
I slowly began to realize that I wasn’t a sinner because of my sinful actions, but rather I was a sinner who sinned. This idea of sin was a much more serious problem than I had originally realized.
Read more on his blog.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012
Legalistic Lutheranism (and Applied Finneyism) – Part 2 « Churchmouse Campanologist