Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Lutheran Sects Have Been Shrinking Ever Since Discovering the Joys of Fuller Seminary

Steve Ames, posting on ALPB:

Pastor Kimball, Some stats from  -- number of congregations and members:
American Lutheran Church
1960 -- 4,625-- 2,242,259:
1986 -- 4,959 -- 2,319,443

Lutheran Church in America
1962 -- 5,834 -- 3,080,272
1986 -- 5,832 -- 2,896,138

Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches
1977 -- 210 -- 95,186
1986 -- 250 -- 103,263

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
1987 -- 11,133 -- 5,288,230
2008 -- 10,396 -- 4,633,887

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
1960 -- 5,215 -- 2,391,195
1987 -- 5,912 -- 2,614,375
2008 -- 6,123 -- 2,337,349


GJ - I do not believe any denominational statistics. They are far lower in reality. The best way to judge the issue is "How many are in church per Sunday?" Baptized members are really those still listed on the rolls the last time someone turned in a report.