Sunday, May 13, 2012

Robert Preus on Justification by Faith


GJ - I have put these together again to show how powerfully Robert Preus presented justification by faith while rejecting the errors of University Objective Justification.

Notice that justification by faith is defended and clarified through Luther, the Concordists, and the post-Concord theologians (Quensted, Calov, Gerhard).

UOJ is defended by citing Rambach (a Pietist), Walther (another Pietist), and the Pietistic followers of the Synodical Conference.

UOJ Enthusiasts ignore Robert Preus' last book, the Formula of Concord, Knapp's lectures at Halle University, and the Synodical Conference being founded by an abusive Pietistic cell group leader, Bishop Martin Stephan, STD. They also ignore catechisms that have not a word about UOJ: the Gausewitz catechism used by the Synodical Conference and the KJV catechism still being sold by Concordia Publishing House.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Robert Preus on Justification by Faith":

Preus said All Lutherans were in agreement that through faith the sinner acquires a righteousness which already exists objectively

That righteousness he speaks in that quote, I just wish to say, is not the righteousness that has been declared to the world already. That righteousness that exists IS THE Righteousness of Christ and not the righteousness that has been declared to anyone before they were born.

This is where the UOJers twist the meaning Preus' use of the "righteousness that exists".

This righteousness clearly in the BoC SD is the righteousness of Christ and not the righteousness that has been declared to the world already as UOJers imagined.