Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Universalism from the Glende/Ski WELS Theologians

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Watch the Tim Glende Videos":

Part 8 Good Friday in the WhoDunnit? series

Presented by Pastor Dustin Sievert
St. Peter Lutheran Church

7:22 - "He (the bad thief) doesn't realize that what Jesus is actually doing is saving him, and the entire world and all of you..."

If you're wondering if that was all of it - that statement couldn't be the sum total of what was taught - wrong - that was it. Watch it for yourself.

Guess who grabs the Thrivent, synod, and foundation loot for themselves?



GJ - That would bring them in. 

We need a Thrivent grant - Ten large rattle-snakes. De-fanged.