UOJ - Church Growth - Antinomianism |
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "The Large Catechism Has a Special Format":
It seems from the manner in which you portray the UOJ enthusiasts, that they have a difficult time identifying with the Apostle Paul when he struggled with the Old Adam: "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." [Romans 7:19]
I suppose it is always convenient to generalilze with Christ's sacrifice for human sin and stretch that umbrella of the Atonement so wide to cover just about anything and everyone. So, that seems to be the UOJ mentality. Hence, it is difficult for them to imagine that ".....God is angry with the wicked every day." [Psalm 7:11]
GJ - Bob Schumann came to St. Paul, German Village (Columbus, Ohio) full of Church Growth Enthusiasm. He is an atheist now, like fellow-Shrinker Curt Peterson.
Schumann said the Ten Commandments were obsolete. He was quite brazen about it.
As far as other things were concerned, people said, "He's a Jungkuntz." Let the reader understand.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Enthusiasts Are Antinomians":
There is no BOC style, this we believe and this we reject, confession of Universal Objective Justification. Scripture doesn't teach it and neither do the Lutheran confessions. UOJists perpetuate a massive fraud when they attempt to manipulate the Office of the Keys to fit their new man made rationalistic gospel.
Not having a single confessional article devoted to UOJ's teaching, the only documents they have are essays from modern theologians who studied under the Pietistic and self avowed Universalist Tholuck at Halle, along with more recent essays from wanna be papists. When pressed, they imply that only years of Greek study can enable a person to shed light on the grey morass of difficult passages in Scripture.
With essays and Synodical pronouncements being the only ways the false gospel has passed from one generation to another there has naturally appeared many conflicting versions of the teaching. Note how recently (W)ELS Pastor David Jay Webber was spanked on LutherQwest when he attempted to promote his version of the doctrine against that taught by the local mob.
(W)ELS' Siegbert W. Becker was one of the most significant authors of the teaching in recent years and utterly slaughtered Christian doctrine in the process and although the essay has been used incessantly to promote the idea of unbelievers being forgiven (W)ELS DP Pastor Jon Buchholz' 2005 (W)ELS Convention essay promoting UOJ took issue with Beckers version and established a new Post Modern version of Universal Justification.
Even more recently Joe Krohn took issue publicly with those of us who teach and defend One Justification Solely by Faith Alone as he swung toward UOJ and has been working out the parameters of his personal version of UOJ on his blog - a hybrid UOJ.
Concordist Hunnius theses--which made mince meat out of Huberianism (Samuel Huber seems to be the Godfather of UOJ) and Huberians out of modern UOJists--looks to have them choking on their tongues for the moment, had faithfully wielded God's Word against such a satanic doctrine. But even Hunnius' Theses will prove to be yet another opportunity for the unbelieving leaders of the Lutheran Synods to further harden themselves against Christ and His Church. Some, by the grace and mercy of God, will hear Christ's voice in the Scripture used to expose UOJ for what it is and return to teaching and defending Christ's central doctrine of Justification solely by faith alone. Many will not and this will continue to be the doctrine that separates the Sheep from the Goats.
Just my two cents.
In Christ,
Brett Meyer
solafide (http://solafide.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Enthusiasts Are Antinomians":
The UOJ seminary graduates are trying to use their "I graduated from Seminary after YEARS of study and therefore I know" reason to try and climb up to heaven and then shout from the rooftops that they did good.
This is the same type of reason that Luther called the "Devil's whore." That kind of reason corrupts the central doctrine of the church.
Febreze has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Enthusiasts Are Antinomians":
Once again, I concur with your comment. I especially appreciated your previous post about MLC. I was there not too long ago and the same exact things you described are still going on and being defended or ignored. In fact one kid (pastor track) got a DUI last year and wasn't kicked out for it. And I don't wanna hear about any 8th Commandment since he was pulled over right on MLC property in front of everyone. Just this year, in fact, there was an issue with one of the professors. But since it was dealt with privately I don't feel it appropriate to reveal the name and situation.
Also, it is very true and active that they will tell you not to read Ichabod. They will tell whole classrooms full not to (not just individually). In fact, they plan things around Ichabod hahaha! Can you believe that? They actually keep Ichabod in mind when planning things that will be streamed over the internet. Now those are two classic examples of Ichabod-effect I'll say.