What is a Lutheran? | Evangelical Lutheran Synod:
Through this completed work of Jesus, God the Father sees the whole world as not guilty, or justified. This teaching of “justification” is the central truth of the Bible.
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ELS Pastor Jay Webber is the J. P. Meyer Professor of UOJ. According E. Preuss, those babies were born forgiven. |
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Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "What is a Lutheran? | Evangelical Lutheran Synod. ...":
Ichabod -
Re: The pic of ELS Pastor Jay Webber - and, especially the caption below:
"According E. Preuss, those babies were born forgiven."
So, then, I understand, that it doesn't matter if these babies spend the whole of their lifetimes, denying their baptisms, by living like the devil, - they still will end up in heaven with all the faithful and martyrs.
It seems to me that I read somewhere that top WWII Nazi leader, Hermann Goering, was baptized as an infant. According to theory of UOJ - (universal objective justification) he will be in heaven waiting to greet adults, who, as infants, during their whole lifetimes, denied their baptisms, while allowing themselves to be captive to the devil's continual bidding.........
Nathan M. Bickel
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "What is a Lutheran? | Evangelical Lutheran Synod. ...":
Actually Rev. Bickel the version of UOJ taught by the (W)ELS doesn't teach that, although declared to have been imputed Christ's righteousness before faith, they are saved eternally without believing that they in fact are saved eternally.
This is one of the Satanic aspects of UOJ - the teaching that a person is not eternally saved even though they have been imputed, by the omnipotent God, Christ's righteousness for the forgiveness of all sin, justification and adoption as a child of God.
Other Satanic versions of the (W)ELS chief article of their religion - UOJ - teach that unbelievers are condemned to Hell because they are guilty of the sin of Unbelief. So, either God didn't forgive that universal sin when He forgave all sins, Christ's imputed righteousness doesn't cleanse men of the sin of unbelief or Christ did not die and pay for the universal sin of unbelief. And since UOJ teaches faith is an empty and withered beggars hand which does nothing, outstretched to simply receive what was already declared to be true, then the whole world remains eternally guilty of unbelief and the whole world will be damned to Hell.
Now if the various versions of UOJ held by individuals in the Lutheran Synods teach that Christ indeed died for the sin of unbelief and that His righteousness imputed before and without faith cleanses the sin of unbelief then they are in fact pure Universalists because if the very sin of not believing in Christ has been forgiven by God prior to faith then faith becomes inconsequential to the eternal salvation of the individual. Regardless of what the UOJist will then claim - their doctrine teaches universal imputation of Christ's righteousness for eternal life.
This is the point where another Satanic aspect of UOJ comes into play. If the unbelieving world is not saved eternally even though the omnipotent God has imputed Christ's righteousness to them - but God still requires they believe (UOJ's version of faith) they've already been imputed Christ's righteousness then it makes "faith" an aspect of the Law and not Gospel - for to establish a requirement for eternal salvation of someone who has Christ's righteousness and therefore has been declared by God to be guiltless is to make that requirement Law. Faith in the doctrine of UOJ is Law - the requirement to believe that you have already been imputed Christ's righteousness, declared by God to be sinless so that you can benefit from it.
What utter darkness there is in the Lutheran Synods and churches that these heinous doctrines are being taught and violently defended!
GJ - The WELS/ELS gloss is "forgiven but it does not count." If it does not count, then why is it so glorious, as E. Preuss claimed?