Today I created this graphic to illustrate Wayne Mueller's UOJ dogma. I also heard him say to the youth of WELS, "Evangelism is easy. We can say to anyone - you are already forgiven." The Ohio State University managers said that the WELS youth conference was the worst behaved group they ever had on campus. Would universal forgiveness, without the Word or repentance, be an encouragement for vandalism and malicious mischief?
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Deception plus double-talk qualifies someone for WELS leadership. |
WELS leaders are so proud of this dogma but they want to hide their Waltherian error at the same time.
The Fond du Lac WELS congregation wanted to promote the Reformation, I imagine, but dropped justification by faith from the quotation, because the pastor "ran out of space," as he patiently shouted at me over the phone.
Mrs. Ichabod, upon hearing this lame excuse, said - "Start a new page."
The Gospel is Justification by Faith.
The Chief Article of Christianity is - Justification by Faith.
WELS and the LCMS are in a bind. WELS cannot claim to be confessional while rejecting the Confessions, as Mueller clearly does in the quotation below.
Missouri cannot claim to be confessional while teaching against the Book of Concord by promoting the peculiar dogma of Walther and his syphilitic bishop, Martin Stephan.
"It is not by any preparation or work of your own that you become worthy and fit to partake of the Sacrament. This takes place through faith alone. For only faith in the Word of Christ justifies, makes one alive, and makes a man worthy and well-prepared. Without this faith all other efforts give birth to either arrogance or despair. For 'the just shall live' not by his preparation but 'by faith!' Therefore, you must not hesitate at all because of your unworthiness, for you, an unworthy person, come to be made worthy and righteous by Him who seeks to save sinners." [Luther. "Letter to Cardinal Cajetan." October 14, 1518]
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Advocating UOJ Means Rejecting the Book of Concord...":
Dr. Jackson -
I'd like to comment further about what your posting related regarding the youth gathering. Here, following, is the quote from the article:
"......The Ohio State University managers said that the WELS youth conference was the worst behaved group they ever had on campus. Would universal forgiveness, without the Word or repentance, be an encouragement for vandalism and malicious mischief?......."
My previous comment was that, "It's evident that the continual teaching of universal objective justification breeds lawlessness. I view it as a nasty form of Antinomianism."
I think that not only WELS youth are severely spiritually crippled by the erroneous teaching of UOJ - universal objective justification, but that adults are, as well.
When I think of all the "Christian" Lutheran influence of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota in the last presidential election, I believe my recall tells me that those states voted for our present White House occupier, putative president Obama, who supported Infanticide and whose liberalist policies, agendas and actions support and promulgate the continuing American abortion genocide. These states voted for a CINO - Christian in name only. So much for the voters' discernment. And, Lord only knows how many Lutheran "Christian" voters there are in these aforementioned states who only voted their almighty pocketbooks and goose stepped to their union affiliations, thereby perceiving that godless Obama was the better candidate, - and, thereby cast aside Christian discipleship principles.
Now, one might logically ask why all of the above may very well be the reality. Personally, I think that much of it is due to the fallout of UOJ teaching Sunday after Sunday, year after year. When blanket absolution forgiveness is the spiritual menu without regard to justification by God's grace through faith, these "Lutheran" "Christian" voters simply have no clear Gospel idea what Christian discipleship responsibility entails. Hence, their pitiful actions translated at the ballot box, mirror these blind Lutheran "Christians" who have been, apparently taught by the spiritually crippled clergy blind.
Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Advocating UOJ Means Rejecting the Book of Concord...":
Dr. Jackson -
I'd like to comment further about what your posting related regarding the youth gathering. Here, following, is the quote from the article:
"......The Ohio State University managers said that the WELS youth conference was the worst behaved group they ever had on campus. Would universal forgiveness, without the Word or repentance, be an encouragement for vandalism and malicious mischief?......."
My previous comment was that, "It's evident that the continual teaching of universal objective justification breeds lawlessness. I view it as a nasty form of Antinomianism."
I think that not only WELS youth are severely spiritually crippled by the erroneous teaching of UOJ - universal objective justification, but that adults are, as well.
When I think of all the "Christian" Lutheran influence of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota in the last presidential election, I believe my recall tells me that those states voted for our present White House occupier, putative president Obama, who supported Infanticide and whose liberalist policies, agendas and actions support and promulgate the continuing American abortion genocide. These states voted for a CINO - Christian in name only. So much for the voters' discernment. And, Lord only knows how many Lutheran "Christian" voters there are in these aforementioned states who only voted their almighty pocketbooks and goose stepped to their union affiliations, thereby perceiving that godless Obama was the better candidate, - and, thereby cast aside Christian discipleship principles.
Now, one might logically ask why all of the above may very well be the reality. Personally, I think that much of it is due to the fallout of UOJ teaching Sunday after Sunday, year after year. When blanket absolution forgiveness is the spiritual menu without regard to justification by God's grace through faith, these "Lutheran" "Christian" voters simply have no clear Gospel idea what Christian discipleship responsibility entails. Hence, their pitiful actions translated at the ballot box, mirror these blind Lutheran "Christians" who have been, apparently taught by the spiritually crippled clergy blind.
Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel