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Paul McCain keeps himself busy telling people to repent. For instance, he thought Rolf Preus should repent of the sin of criticizing Holy Mother Missouri Synod, etc.
However, McCain is an unrepentant plagiarist, and plagiarism is a crime. In the publishing world, plagiarism is especially heinous because there is no integrity in someone grabbing the original words of another writer and promoting it as if he created that column.
In the academic world, plagiarism leads to canceled degrees, lost honors, job termination, and shunning. Moreover, plagiarism is the crime that never goes away. Plagiarism remains on the academic record. At Arizona State, one plagiarized paper means expulsion from the school and the infraction left on the student's record. Good luck applying to the next school.
A journalist who passes around a popular column, without due credit, can lose his job in an instant. Why would he copy a column when he is paid to write new ones?
Why would a minister steal a sermon when he is called to preach his own sermons?
Paul McCain even linked his plagiarized posts on LutherQuest, even though some were verbatim from the Roman Catholic Encyclopedia, published on a papist recruitment website.
Today McCain repeated his old crimes. Here is the post -
Why Dialog Is Futile When It Comes To Truth and Error
At the bottom are these words - "HT: Justin Taylor." However, there is no link, so I had to look for it. The citation should have been at the top, to indicate that someone else wrote the post, but that is not Paul's MO, as one of his pals told me - while accusing me of violating the Eighth Commandment. McCain's MO is not telling the truth.
I had no problem finding several copies of the post, so I wondered, "Who is Justin Taylor?" He seems to be an Evangelical who has a better grip on justification than McCain does. Here is the staff of the Gospel Coalition.
The original post is from Kevin DeYoung - not Justin Taylor - of the Gospel Coalition. That makes me think McCain pulled it via a feed or a website that collects blog posts. Most people looking for the original on Google Search would get a number of hits, very confusing at first. If McCain had linked the original post clearly at the beginning of the "his" post, he would have given away its non-Lutheran source. If the post is so good, why be ashamed of its origins? If McCain wants to hide the original writer, why is he slavishly coping every word? He even copies typos in other cases.
Another piece of deception - the Barnabas post is still deceitful plagiarism, because the "source" is hidden by being embedded in that word - source. That reference is at the bottom of the post, leading people to believe McCain wrote the entire column, using that reference only for research facts or ideas. Clicking or hovering shows it to be the Roman Catholic website designed to draw people into the papacy:
- faith plus works,
- veneration of the Virgin Mary,
- belief in Purgatory,
- faith in papal infallibility,
- and the miracle of the scapular promise.
When I brought these things to the attention of Bruce Kintz, McCain's boss, Bruce unfriended me on Facebook.
LCMS members - those two men get a total of $500,000 a year in pay and benefits from Concordia Publishing House. Such behavior would get them both canned at a secular corporation, where the rule of law prevails. The shareholders would say, "We cannot afford a plagiarism lawsuit."
I consider it a Medal of Honor--no just a Good Conduct Medal--when I get panned by McCain on the Tim Glende anonymous blog. Glende and Ski are unrepentant plagiarists, too. They also copy from the Evangelicals, without giving credit for their thefts.
DP Doug Engelbrecht supports Glende and Ski.
SP Mark Schroeder and Missions Executive Keith Free reward Glende and Ski with oodles of WELS offering money.
In Missouri and WELS, the money goes to the liars and cheats. Bank on it.