Friday, June 15, 2012

WELS Church Lady Displays the Right Attitude

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Priestly Class in WELS - "I Studied Greek!"":

Good to see you Herr Hoenecke. You must have been vacationing in Germany for a while(?)

"And some of you think the NNIV will be defeated?" The NNIV is for fools! It WILL be defeated; mark my words! I have begun the steps of getting Medieval on those who would seek to promote the unGodly translation. Letter writing is not applicable for such feats as trying to fight evil. So, is the pen mightier than the sword? Do not get me wrong. If you live by the sword, then you will die by the sword.(yes it is not the exact translaton, but hey, bad translations seem to be the newest fad)

I will be forced to lift the veil and curtain that cover the promotion of the said translation.

In Christ,


California wrote:

1) When (probably if) the NNIV is adopted, what are the all those who protest it going to do?   Will the exit from WELS be imperceptible, underwhelming or headline creating?

2) If the NNIV is rejected will the return to  KJV even be considered in the mix for consideration sure to follow?

3) If the answer to #2 is "no", then the question is "why bother to oppose the NNIV" at all?


GJ - The KJV family was not even mentioned, let alone the KJV itself. They have trained everyone to spit out "literal translation" the way they used to say "Page 5 and 15," as if discussing AIDS or the latest felony arrest at The Love Shack.

A faithful translation is bad, even if the main translator studied under Luther and Melanchthon. But a creative, free-flowing and dumbed-down paraphrase is good - nay, excellent.

Awaiting orders from the Holy Spirit chosen leadership of WELS.