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Observe Mark Schroeder's navigation of the Wisconsin Sect. Meanwhile, the NNIV sails along, full steam ahead. |
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News: More Chicago-Style Thuggery from WE...":
Ichabod -
I wonder how many WELS members who were indoctrinated by the TEC's (Translation Evaluation Committee) 4 part Bible study (on translating the Bible) will be lay delegates to the synodical Convention, - which [convention] will decide upon an official synodical Bible translation.
I think the WELS TEC has done a marvelous (propaganda) job, setting the Convention stage for the translation choice vote, on whether to choose the new NIV 11 or not, - or, to prolong the indecisive agony for another future time.
I remember a previous comment I registered on Ichabod, regarding the WELS prolonged consideration of an official Bible translation. I kept a copy of it. Here, [following] it is:
"I have further thought about this long drawn out WELS process and the official WELS 4 part synodical Bible study about the translation process and implications. I can't help but think that all of this is a carefully contrived attempt by certain WELS professor / clergy and other clergy leadership, to condition and desensitize the membership for the acceptance of the gender neutral, new NIV 11. [Mind you, it makes no difference that the Southern Baptist Convention turned its thumbs down on this less than desirable translation]
Get a hold of that 4 part Bible study, engineered by the very same TEC - Translation Committee, which has already voiced its thumbs up approval of the new gender neutral NIV 11, - and, if you put 2 and 2 together, I think that you would honestly have to conclude that they are hell bent on having an official NIV 11 gender neutral translation for WELS synodical publications, purposes. This would include parochial school materials, catechisms, etc.
The very reality that the new NIV11 gender neutral translation was given equal consideration along with the Holman and ESV translations, tips one off to the WELS leadership intent. The Holman and ESV are only stalking horses for the future elevation of the new NIV11, gender neutral WELS standard." [Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]
Nathan M. Bickel - emeritus pastor
Koester on the Murdoch NNIV -
GJ - One graduate of the Sausage Factory told me everyone was promoting the NIV before graduation, about 30 years ago. That gave WELS a whole generation of laity to dumb-down. But it is still the fault of the laity for not standing up to the apostates, for trusting men rather than the Word of God.
Jesus did not warn the clergy alone.
The WELS clergy are experts at shunning anyone who thinks for himself, and equally adept at excusing doctrinal error among themselves. Why is the NNIV the last straw? the Rubicon?
DP Glaeske actually spoke against the NNIV. I watched it live and observed Paul Wendland steaming. Did Glaeske stop Church and Change in his own district, his own VP - Dom Perignon Patterson? No. He played it safe his entire career, so he can retire and watch the results of his torpor, lack of study, and institutional worship.
UOJ requires a bad translation and they have it in Murdoch's Living NIV Bible.
Does anyone stop to wonder why this Bible is so wonderful for Willow Creek, all the mainline churches, and WELS? It is because they all teach universal absolution.