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Piepenbrink is the latest WELS felon to plea-bargain. He did not receive a papal absolution, because he skimmed WELS money. That is considered usurping the power of The Love Shack staff. |
SP Schroeder has little to say. A chart with felony arrests of WELS staffers should be in each annual SP report, so he can say, "Felony arrests dropped 50% this year, but plea-bargains were up." It would add a note of reality to the traditional smoke and mirror approach.
The Murdoch NNIV gets puff treatment again in the latest TEC report, which is as objective as David Valleskey's analysis of the Church Growth Movement.
The language of the NNIV report proves how little those men are to be trusted with the Word of God.
For example, they write - translations may have doctrinal problems, but those are offset by other doctrinal passages in the Bible that teach the doctrine clearly. Everything is kept delightfully vague, but that principle alone should be enough to get the whole group tossed into Lake Michigan by an angry crowd. Instead, they will be praised and thanked, world without end, Amen.
The old NIV is treated like a favorite, beloved grandma who is slowly slipping away, shovel-ready in the words of President Obama. In reality, the old NIV travesty made the New NIV possible.
Mequon got WELS ready for the NIV by trashing the King James Version every chance they could get. The pastors obliged their overlords by carrying the message to the congregations. Now several generations are trained on the anti-Means of Grace and leaden prose of the NIV.
I may translate the entire report into Word and post it, with highlights, today or tomorrow.
This prediction just came in from a secure, undisclosed location in WELS - the Traitorous Evaluation Commissars will announce they have one more year of grace to use Grandma NIV - oh joy! They will continue to promote the NNIV and claim at the convention next year - "Time's up. We have to approve the NNIV now! Emgency! Blow the ballast tank! Sound the klaxon. The entire Kingdom of God is at stake."
That may sound extreme, some may claim. That is how they managed to buy Prairie and turn a failing Catholic high school into a failing WELS prep school, only to have it find success as a prison.
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Good news - Last year, Stroh helped close down the Latte Church with the female pastor. |