Friday, July 13, 2012

A Berean Notes the Allergic Reaction To
The Righteousness of Faith

A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Selections from the Formula of Concord, III. The R...":

It speaks volumes that even the term "the Righteousness of Faith" is no longer used in many circles. AND, when it IS used by an unsuspecting student, professors and pastors almost have an uncomfortable physical reaction while they try to define the term in a way that conforms to UOJ.


GJ - The paganism of UOJ goes directly against the language of the Bible, Luther, and the Book of Concord. Anyone who spends some time with Luther will see how clearly he taught justification by faith.

The UOJ fanatics are so Luther-ignorant that they seize on a passage they imagine is UOJ and jump for joy about it. They ignore its emphasis on the atonement. Nothing can penetrate the Stygian darkness of their minds.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "A Berean Notes the Allergic Reaction To The Righte...":

UOJers even say that you do not even have to use the term faith in your preaching etc.
Yet when you read Jesus in the Gospels he used it often.

So UOJ actually alienates the Christian from the Biblical language, he becomes ignorant of the Bible's idiom.