Monday, July 30, 2012

The Political Diaprax - Count Me Out.
The Word Is the Only Effective Approach

One Facebook contact ordered me to remove all my posts on Paul McCain. I found that demand strange, since I do not get on various Internet sites and order them to block his comments. Nor do I use other blogs as platforms. McCain does both.

The excuse for this order is to rescue Holy Mother Missouri Synod from its immanent doom. Steadfast Lutherans are supposed to do that. When ordered to stop discussing LCMS felonies, SL immediately obeyed and erased the discussion threads. How many children will be abused to protect the SynConferrence from legitimate lawsuits? LCMS policy is to destroy all evidence taken by District Presidents. People thought the Roman Catholic Church was corrupt and evil?

One LCMS case could cost them $10 million. Do you want to be the one who lets a child victim of LCMS pastoral abuse get that money - instead of missions?

The synod politicians in the LCMS, WELS, and Little Sect on the Prairie want people to engage in the political process. They set the pastors and members up like bowling pins for the Diaprax. Everyone has a managed voice before a managed decision is made. Minders manage each dissenting group so real action turns into an endorsement of the latest folly.

Writers California, Rogue Lutheran, and Church Mouse have been my instructors in Diaprax.

Herman Otten has used the political approach for 50 years. Write memorials. Gather groups. Back candidates. Certain people (for the moment) are above criticism because "they are on our side." Where has that led? Few realize that the SynConference leaders constantly manage the news through Herman Otten. He is always on the phone with them. Story spiked? No problem. Writer banned? Why not? The synod politicians get to loathe Christian News in public while guiding the tabloid in private.

The only issues are doctrinal. The SynConference is terrified of a doctrinal conference - and so are the lazy pastors.