A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Formula of Concord. III. Righteousness of Faith. S...":
I'm tired of this back-and-forth among these Lutheran dogmaticians between whether it's the merit of Christ that is offered by the Means of Grace and received by faith, or is it the verdict of justification (Walther) which is offered and received. Hasn't anyone ever noticed that difference??
GJ - Mr. Berean, you are making the Walther formula too much like Knapp's.
A. Berean : verdict of justification (Walther) which is offered and received.
Walther and his circle emphasized complete world absolution while Knapp's formula (as interpreted by Woods) sounded more like redemption/atonement being the Gospel message offered. The best way to see what people mean is to look at their explanations. Those additional claims are everything. The UOJ fanatics strive to out-absolve the rest, making Hitler and Judas guilt-free saints in Hell.
Some use the term OJ when they really mean redemption/atonement/propitiation. They give that interpretation away when they respond this way, "You reject OJ? Then what about expiation, propitiation, atonement?"
That is the problem with Objective Justification, General Justification, and Universal Objective Justification.
The correct, plain Biblical phrase of justification by faith has been turned into a philosophical construct that must be "carefully presented," as Jay Webber claims.
Most will still hear sound doctrine when a felony-stupid dogma is taught, because the Word teaches us to trust in God, not in man. Closeted, ordained unbelievers like this ambiguity, so they continue to spin the language and go back to justification by faith when it suits them and keeps them employed. The same principle is known in ELCA, where most of the congregation continues to believe in the articles of faith even though the pastors teach Tillich, Barth, and tree-worship.
Now that I mention it, the same is true of WELS and Missouri. The pastors teach UOJ while the congregation hears forgiveness through faith in the crucified Savior.
One way to undermine the congregation's trust in the Means of Grace is to promote Church Growth, appealing to the Old Adam, success, and money. Once material success becomes the goal, despising the Means of Grace is easy.
"Everyone else is doing so well. We are held back by the liturgy. We need a rock band, no organ, no liturgy, and a practical, fix-it message."
Gradualism has worked well in the Synodical Conference. Objections to Church Growth have been few, scattered, and easily ignored. Now it is so entrenched that no one dare confront the obvious problems, especially since Thrivent and Holy Mother Synod fund the worst examples.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "A. Berean and the Difference":
"The UOJ fanatics strive to out-absolve the rest, making Hitler and Judas guilt-free saints in Hell."
True - but you forgot to include the AntiChrist. Per the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification - the Antichrist has been absolved of all sin ~forgiven! declared guiltless and righteous in Christ. He is no longer under the wrath of God but in God's Grace as His dear child. Oh...if he would just believe it!
My bad - please include the end times False Prophet, Helena Blavatsky, Alistor Crowley, JZ Knight...
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Missouri and WELS answer, "Yes, of course we will permit it!" |