Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why Not Start an Anonymouse Blog Instead?

Anonymous said on Tim Glende's blog...

The termination of fellowship can be very much a private affair. It is among those parties who are involved. I would ask you what Scripture do you stand on that says everyone and their brother has an immediate right to know everything about everyone as it relates to the church. Even Jesus command to bring sin before the church is stretched if you think it means the Holy Christian Church and not a specific group of people.
If you wish to start your own synod where you and Greg can publish details about every single thing that happens whenever someone wants to know, please do so. Until that happens maybe you should wait for the DP report which is published for everyone and which will give the reason. If you wish to be rude and demanding that is fine but it will just make you look bad. Wait for the report. "Everything in a fitting and orderly way."


GJ - Sigh. Another hypocritical post on Glende's anonymouse blog. The announcement was public and is still published on the Internet.

Timothy K. Poetter - suspended from the ministerium, published in DP Buchholz' report, published here:

The congregation responded by sending around its own letter and the threatening letter from the WELS attorneys.

And the obvious - I had nothing more to say on the topic, but Glende began harping on it, since he has nothing else to say.

So - Buchholz and district praesdium - thank Tim Glende and his bar-buying friends for the publicity.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Why Not Start an Anonymouse Blog Instead?":

Ichabod -

Is this posting about the joint congregation whose pastor was suspended by WELS and whose chairman of the congregation stated in a well written letter, that the congregation's decision was to keep him as their pastor even if it meant having to leave WELS? 


GJ - Yes. The congregation supports the pastor, who was suspended, so WELS wants to grab the property.