Works from the Age of Lutheran Orthodoxy by Johann Gerhard:
After being out of print for nearly two years, Johann Gerhard's "An Explanation of the History of the Suffering and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1622) is back in print!
Originally published in 1998, Gerhard's "An Explanation" has been one of our best selling volumes over the years, but finances delayed a reprint for two years while several other new titles were added to our inventory.
Gerhard's concern as a theologian was, above all, pastoral, and this concern is reflected in his numerous devotional books and sermon collections. Gerhard's "An Explanation" leads the reader through many types and prophecies in the Old Testament pointing forward to Christ's suffering and death.
The work is divided into two introductory sermons and five 'acts' (I. In the Garden, II. At the Home of Caiaphas, III. Before Pilate, IV. Christ's Crucifixion, and V. Christ's Burial) for a total of 24 sermons.
Gerhard's knowledge of Holy Scripture and his ability to connect the Old Testament types with their fulfillment in Christ combine to make this a profound book.
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