Thursday, September 20, 2012

But because I am covered under the shadow of Christ’s wings

Wherefore let those who give themselves to the study of Holy Scripture, learn out of this saying: “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness,” to set forth truly and rightly this true Christian
righteousness after this manner; that it is a faith and confidence of the heart in the Son of God, or rather a confidence of the heart in God through Jesus Christ: and let them add this clause as a difference: which faith and confidence is accounted righteousness for Christ’s sake. For these two things (as I said before) work Christian righteousness: namely, faith in the heart, which is a gift of God, and assuredly believeth in Christ: and also that God accepteth this imperfect faith for perfect righteousness for Christ’s sake, in whom I have begun to believe. Because of this faith in Christ, God seeth not my doubting of His good will towards me, my distrust, heaviness of spirit, and other sins which are yet in me. For as long as I live in the flesh, sin is truly in
me. But because I am covered under the shadow of Christ’s wings, as is the chicken under the wing of the hen, and dwell without any fear under that most ample and large heaven of the forgiveness of sins, which is spread over me, God covereth and pardoneth the remnant of sin in me; that is to say, because of that faith wherewith I began to lay hold upon Christ, He accepteth my imperfect righteousness even for perfect righteousness, and counteth my sin for no sin, which notwithstanding is sin indeed.

Martin Luther, Kregel, Galatians 3:6, p. 129.