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Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Huberians Are UOJ and UOJ = Huberians
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Luther Concludes His Exposition of Galatians 2:15-...":
Some more gems from "Theses Opposed to Huberianism," by Aegidius Hunnius:
Thesis 127 (pp.44-45)
If all these things are brought together as stated, who can fail to see the monstrous audacity and vanity of Huber, who writes repeatedly that "it is not the consensus of Scripture-neither as a matter of phraseology nor as a concept-that believers are elected to life"; and that "it is a phrase foreign to the sacred writings that God elected believers to life"; indeed, that "God elected only unbelievers, which we all are by nature"; and that "it is a novel use of language and affirmed as false if someone asserts that God either elects or elected believers."?
I have seen posts like this on Steadfast Waltherans from the wanna-be theologians who espouse UOJ. More to follow...
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Luther Concludes His Exposition of Galatians 2:15-...":
Thesis 128 (p.45)
On the contrary, it has been demonstrated that this phrase is the voice of the Scriptures themselves, indeed, the language of the Holy Spirit. And it has been confirmed as catholic, that God pre-ordained believers to salvation in the Son, for we hear that "God chose the elect" (Mark 13). That of these, only believers are mentioned by name, not even Huber dares further to deny. Likewise, that He elected and, by reason of predestination, gave to his Son those who keep his Word, and believe in Him through the Word of the Apostles (John 17), who come to Christ, according to John 6, "Everything that My Father gives Me comes to Me."
GJ - The Great Antinomian, CFW Walther, hated the term faith and taught his cell group disciples to hate it as well. Grace, faith, the Gospel, the Means of Grace, the Holy Spirit - all these belong together. False teachers pixelate verses. They lift up one phrase, one part of a sentence and build their fantasies around it. If they would be honest, they would admit starting with their delusions and finding the fragments of verses that appear to support them. Any fragment can seem to support any dogma, as the papal party has proven, but that does not mean that the Scriptures in their entirety, as a unified Truth, even hint at their ignorant blasphemies.
The false teachers loathe and fear the efficacy of God's Word, but they believe in their word. They never stop chattering about their precious UOJ.
Samuel Huber