Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Joe Krohn Joins the Defenders of Plagiarism with This Misfire

Joe Krohn has left a new comment on your post "Book Review of Theses Opposed to Huberianism (UOJ)...":

For one who rails against plagiarism; and not giving proper citation etc...I hope you got permission from the publisher to reproduce from the book. It is explicitly stated so in the beginning...just saying...


Theses Opposed to Huberianism: A Defense of the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification [Paperback]

Aegidius Hunnius (Author), Paul A. Rydecki (Translator)

Book Description

April 17, 2012
Aegidius Hunnius (1550–1603) was among the “Champions of Lutheran Orthodoxy” who served on the faculty of the University of Wittenberg and was one of the early signers of the Formula of Concord. During his service at Wittenberg, he was also superintendent, and oversaw the visitation of the churches of Saxony, coauthoring the Saxon Visitation Articles (1592). In this work, Hunnius contends with the theology of Samuel Huber (1547–1624), a former Calvinist who was called to the University of Wittenberg in 1592. After arriving in Wittenberg, Huber introduced his own novel terminology and theology which put him at odds with the Formula of Concord and his fellow professors. Huber made the situation worse by accusing his colleagues of Calvinism when they did not assent to his theological opinions. In this book, Hunnius refutes Huber's errors regarding the doctrine of justification; as Hunnius wrote in the dedication to this work, “we propose ... not only to wash away the charges he has made, but especially to refute his shameful errors concerning the eternal election and predestination to eternal life, not only of the children of God, but also of the children of the devil (that is, all the impenitent); similarly, his errors concerning the universal justification of all men—of unbelievers no less than believers; concerning also the regeneration of hypocrites in Baptism, which is said to be conferred on them in that very act of treachery and impiety.”
GJ - Book publishers and writers love reviews, because reviews sell books.

Kregel asked me to review their books, and I get them free for doing so. I just got a Walther book for free, so I can review it for Herman Otten and the translator.

I bought my own Hunnius, Joe. You should buy it and read it some time. Each quotation in the review is carefully cited and marked so readers can discern what was written.

This blog is non-profit, so the Fair Use doctrine applies. I am not trying to copy someone else's work and make money with it.

That is what your pals do--Tim Glende, Paul McCain, and the Changers.

Please do some homework on the topic, Joe. It will prevent you from making false, puerile charges.