Friday, September 28, 2012

The Stalinistic Prison Camp, Called the WELS Educational System

solafide ( has left a new comment on your post "Gracepoints - The Fruit of Church and Change. The ...":

I agree Pastor Bickel, getting back to the basics is exactly what we need. The possibility of this happening, however, is unlikely because for far too long we've all been more interested in churning out "scholar pastors" instead of good pastors, some of which may be scholars.

The WELS is especially guilty of this, even going so far to "forget" that MLC and Seminary Professors are still sinful human beings. These people are to be revered, honored, and obeyed unconditionally, because of their years of service to the Church (Growth Movement) and their experience and training, which may include advanced degrees. To question a professor, even in private, is a fast track to getting your name on a list of people to be kicked out at the next faculty review. Questioning the faculty is viewed as heresy, so much so that at MLC, they took away the power of the President, an outside party, to grant student appeals and instead placed them all in the same staff that made the decisions in the first place.


GJ - WELS probably has the most abusive system among the SynCons (Synodical Confidence Racket). They consider any departure from the Fuller Seminary orthodoxy to be a terrifying threat to their easy money and soft life.

ELCA began the process of getting rid of all threats to their system, starting at the student entry level. WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect remove students for thought crimes. Some tell qualified students, "We will not let you apply for seminary. Just because."

Missouri is so decadent now that a man can invest a fortune in getting through seminary without getting a call. The school has his money from cash, scholarships, and student loans. He has a worthless but Yale-expensive degree.

Corrupt apostates will make sure they are backed up by additional corrupt apostates.

"Nothing personal, KJV. It's a business decision.
I always liked you myself."