Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Goose for Reformation Sunday:
Don't Tase Me, Bro

Huss means goose in Czech, which is why the pun is used,
"You are roasting a goose..."
Huss is also spelled Hus.

James Swan has left a new comment on your post "Beggars All: Reformation And Apologetics: John Hus...":

GJ - I thought the last sentence in the blog above was a bit dopey, but I left it in.

Hi there- Thanks for linking to my old blog entry. The reason why I ended my entry stating "Even Luther produced a botched quote, and did so to promote himself" is:

I've spent many years looking up obscure Martin Luther quotes (and putting them back in their proper contexts), particularly those put forth by Romanists. I've been accused many times by Romanists of whitewashing Luther or explaining away anything negative about him. On the other hand, I've demonstrated time and again that many folks, particularly Romanists, don't bother reading Luther in context, and are not doing a good job with history. Some Romanists are prone to botching quotes, usually without apology, even when corrected.

This particular entry that you've re-posted demonstrated that such charges against my blog entries are not true. I'll follow history wherever it leads.




GJ - James, I appreciated your post, which is why I mccained it. You put together a lot of facts, and that is good, because Huss began the Reformation.

Luther did so "to promote himself" is a stretch of logic. Identifying with Huss kept him in peril for many years, so it was not a PR move at all. There are plenty of opinions based on the facts. I simply disagreed with your opinion.

This statue was the center of protests against the Communists.