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Jack Kilcrease asked for his own Photoshop. Has he thanked me? No. |
Dr. Jackson,
I think we can be both honest that it was you who sent a mass e-mail to my employer about my list of favorite movies on my blog. I removed some of them even before I saw your article (Joel Lillo told me about your post only later) not because I'm ashamed in any way of my choices (in fact, it never even occurred to me that anyone would care!), but because I just didn't want to cause any trouble for my employer if people misunderstood my tastes. BTW, people at the Institute didn't take it seriously at all. They initially actually believed your name was Ronald McGovern and google searched you. They found a person who had recent fallen out of a building and been subject to a major head trauma, and so, the theory went for a while, that this person who had done this was suffering from a major brain injury. Another person thought it was simply "some psychotic" (direct words). So, this didn't do me any damage. I'm still on to teach New Testament survey next semester and they tell me that they're looking forward to meeting me in a few days at the conference.
Let me come to the point of my e-mail. I think that if your honest with yourself, you will recognize what you did is very sinful. In fact, impersonating someone and trying to get a person fired is in the region of criminal behavior. Following Matthew 18, I call you to repent from this sinful act. You may think that I am a sinful person for liking Kill Bill or whatever, but that's not a justification for lying about who you are and trying to harm me out of revenge. Whatever I've done, your actions are clearly sinful. Period.
Beyond that, I have fairly strong evidence of your sin. I've saved your admission on my blog that it was you. I've saved the harassing blog post you put up at the same time the e-mail was sent (not a coincidence). I've saved your e-mail itself. I have roughly 900 friends on Facebook and a pretty good readership on my blog. If I so desired, I can share all these pieces of evidence and reveal your sin to the whole world. BTW, I'm not embarrassed about any of the evidence. I think that you thought that you were going to embarrass me. But, in my world, who doesn't watch Quentin Tarratino movies? Many of my pastor friends have the same lists as I do. People view your attempt to get me fired as pretty crazy. My boss said in an e-mail response "I have no problem with your taste in movies."
Bear in mind, there are a lot of more moderate people who like you and what you’re about that would feel disgusted by your behavior in this incident. Also, your hardcore followers, even the most loyal ones, are going to have a very, very hard time with this. I have a hard time even seeing Brett Meyer say "Well, Dr. Jackson had to lie about his identity and try to get Jack fired. That's what Jesus would do." What you did is very hard to defend.
Now, I suppose you could lie and say that Ron Smith isn't you- right? You were a little ambiguous in your admission, so that could give a Brett Meyer some wiggle room.
But again, this would be another lie. Do you think that God would approve of this? What do you think Jesus would do? Do you think that Jesus is on your side and approves your behavior? Seriously.
I don't want to embarrass or hurt you. I believe that God calls us not to take revenge on others. So, I'm offering you a deal.
My side: I will not write a blog post about the incident and expose your criminal and dishonest behavior. I will also either edit or remove any posts that mention you (For example: in the "Rydecki Situation" post, I will remove references to you and what I think of your manner of argumentation). I will also never mention you on Facebook or on my blog again. I will of course continue to criticize your ideas, but I will not talk about you and your rhetoric specifically. I will also never comment on your blog again, and I won't comment on any of the blogs of your followers.
Your side: By October 31, you need to remove any reference to me on your blog. You need to erase all posts about my person or family members. The one exception is that you can still keep "Kilcreasing" as a word in your theological dictionary. I'm giving you until the end of the month so that you can save face with your followers and so that they don't notice the elimination of these posts. I know you need to save face with them. This is America after all, and you are of course free to continue to criticize my ideas. In fact I invite it. I will continue to criticize your theology as well. Nevertheless, you need to attack ideas and not people. I will do the same thing.
[GJ - The threat! Oh Noes!]
If you do not take this deal, I will reproduce your e-mail, the comment on my blog and the other evidence on my blog and on Facebook. I will explain to everyone what you did and, again, I'm having a hard time seeing how even the people most loyal to you will be able to defend this.
There's no need to respond to this e-mail (you of course can, if you want). I will monitor your blog and see if my name category and the posts in general mentioning me are gone by November 1st. If they are not, I will do what I have to do. If by November 1st you do take them down, I will at that point edit my blog and purge it of any reference to you or your followers.
All the best,
Jack Kilcrease.
PS - More Kilcrease delusions:
Dr. Jack KilcreaseOctober 20, 2012 8:04 AM
Dr. Jackson (as both Guerilla Lutheran and Ron Smith),
If you want to contact my department head at Aquinas, I highly encourage you to do that. I'm certain he will take you very seriously. My wife definitely wants you to do it. She would find his reaction especially amusing. So knock yourself out!
Of course, Dr. Jackson, we all know that seriously theologians lie about their identity and try to get people who they disagree with fired. That's what Jesus would do, right?
If you want to contact my department head at Aquinas, I highly encourage you to do that. I'm certain he will take you very seriously. My wife definitely wants you to do it. She would find his reaction especially amusing. So knock yourself out!
Of course, Dr. Jackson, we all know that seriously theologians lie about their identity and try to get people who they disagree with fired. That's what Jesus would do, right?
[GJ - I did not post anything to Kilcrease's odious blog. I suggest sealing all airplane glue containers tight before writing, Jack. It will help the clarity of your thought.
GJ - Poor Jack. I did not do anything more than reproduce his list of favorite films, from his blog. Like others, he is offended when his published information is published.
I thought it was odd that his list of films changed soon after I mccained it. He imagines that I wrote to his blog. I do not write to any blogs. Why would I want to associate myself with his Dreck?
No, I did not contact his ELCA online seminary. Why would I? The list of films is typical for ELCA clergy, and Jack was trained by ELCA - college and seminary both. He finished at that Jesuit school in Milwaukee, Brickette or something like that.
Jack is welcome to run a search on the emails, since I do not use fake names or fake emails.
The odd thing is the assumption of lying, false identity, criminal intent. Those are serious charges. He probably knows that his pal Paul McCain did what he is accusing me of, on Tim Glende's anonymous blog. Joel Lillo, another Appleton WELS pastor, used to post there too. The Glende blog folded soon after the attack aimed at me. It was not worth noticing, even though it was indeed illegal and lawsuit-worthy. I find it interesting that the Appleton gang is so close to ELCA types, back and forth, real friendly-like. I wonder if they get any work done, between moving The CORE from place to place.
Jack's deal is as funny as his threats. Everyone keeps saying my blog is not read and does not matter, but the efforts to silence me are constant.
I want ELCA pastors to waste their money learning drivel from Jack Kilcrease. I want his blog to produce more and more bilge. Glende's surrender and silence has left me short of material some days. Could it be that Kilcrease was also posting on Glende's blog? Not that it matters.
I am still trying to sort out the accusations above. If there is nothing wrong with making Boogie Nights a favorite film, why erase it from the list? If there is nothing wrong, according to the ELCA seminary online, why fuss about it?
If someone complained my favorite film was Music Man, with Robert Preston, I would smirk, not issue threats and deals.
Watch my blog, everyone, and see nothing disappear.
Jack has emulated his bosom buddy Paul McCain in making personal attacks against me in various places, often where I would never see them. My wife caught him at it on Facebook. His response was not an apology but a long, accusing message, followed by blocking her so she could not no longer see what he was up to. We laugh about the puerile behavior of both UOJ stylists.
My only mission is to convert nominal Lutherans to Luther's doctrine. Jack is a hard sell - I confess.
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Humpty Dumpty Threatens in Private - Makes False a...":
Yup, a UOJer would like the movies that Jack Kilcrease likes, and also not be afraid to publish the list on his blog in an anti-Pietist fashion, or should we say, antinomian fashion:
Guerilla Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Humpty Dumpty Threatens in Private - Makes False a...":
Open Letter to monkey-Dr. Jack Kilcrease,
I laughed out loud at your letter to Dr. Jackson. Precious. You talk about how nobody cares about your cinematographical antinomialistic indiscretions.
The "Theologian" doth protest too much.
Yes, it was I, not Dr. Jackson. I contacted your employer about your favorite movies because I was bored by your rhetoric. Your talk of *sin* is really over the top. I sign up for an anon email address and you call it sin? Boogie Nights??!!! I just figured a Christian College would want to know the sort of immorality one of their Adjunct professors was promoting. I would've contacted Aquinas too, if their name had been mentioned in your Google profile. As I compile the email addresses of the Board of Directors of ILT, with the intent of mass emailing them as well, I must confess, I am considering emailing Prof. Marko at Aquinas as well.
The other reason I contacted one of your employers about your Favorite movies is because you had the audacity to presume to teach a man like Pastor Rydecki, a faithful Christian pastor who is "risking it all" to question a dubious version of justification. (Something tells me he doesn’t enjoy the same movies you do.) You also have the audacity to presume to teach anyone else! Your favorite films illustrate that you lack Christian discernment; not only in their own perversity's sake, but also in that you are not even aware that you ought to be ashamed for enjoying them. In moments of weakness, I believe, all Christians do things or enjoy things they know to be wrong. The difference between you and I is that I am ashamed of those things. You publish them as "favorites".
UOJ is most certainly a Satanic lie. I hope you don a cloak of humility and read (before rebutting) what men like Dr. Jackson and Pr. Rydecki have to contribute. By professing that it is not purity and Innocence, but faith that grants a person heaven, you are making Faith a false god. That is dangerous. In reality, righteousness is the thing that God demands, and by his Grace he offers it to us in Christ’s sacrifice, through faith. This Righteousness (through faith) is accredited to the individual, but the righteousness is won by Christ; and the faith created in us by the Holy Spirit. I’ve said it poorly, but I hope you read those who’ve taught me.
But let me address one last thing. Let’s ponder a comparison between two courses of action: 1 Taking on a false name to expose a bona fide false teacher. 2. Publishing your real name and your real ungodly immoral tastes in film while attempting to belittle those thrice your age with thrice your wisdom.
Ron (alias) the guerilla Lutheran
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Humpty Dumpty Threatens in Private - Makes False a...":
This is what I notice about UOJers, they are happy to show how antinomian they can be and proud of it too.
For example I heard a UOJ pastor at Issues etc one time say that he purposely drinks alcohol in front of Babtist ministers. St. Paul said we should not flaunt our liberty so I do not understand why the apparent need to offend other people.
GJ - You are right, Dr. Cruz. Steadfast Waltherians sponsor a juvenile No Pietists Allowed section. The Missouri Synod was founded as a Pietistic sex cult to provide cover for Bishop Martin Stephan, STD, leaving his sick wife and children. Walther and the other ex-clergy pledged lifelong obedience to their syphilitic bishop.
Pietism is not the banning of cigars and booze, but the organization of life around cell groups, which was Stephan's speciality and WELS-LCMS' new love in the Church Growth Movement.
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Humpty Dumpty Threatens in Private - Makes False a...":
I also notice that Jack has a very wild imagination and he uses deduction a lot.
How can one assume that person X is impersonating person Y through an email?
What led him to such deduction?
GJ - Dr. Cruz - do not look for an apology from Jack Kilcrease!