Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jon Buchholz Lording It Over Others - The Iron Fist in the Iron Glove

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "One Sane Voice on LutherQuest (sic)":

I like the Daniel Gorman (Heinrich) comment. He says in the last sentence:

>>>>>>......."The gospel does not permit DP to be lords over churches and to secretly remove their pastors from Christian fellowship." <<<<<<<

I ask:

"Since when did WELS or other church hierarchy ever allow the Gospel to interfere with their capricious, untoward and unloving actions?"

What happened to Pastor Rydecki is in keeping with 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Those who attempt [and do] please the Lord will be the ones hit upon by those who have no compunctions.

Nathan M. Bickel



GJ - Several pastors told the previous Arizona-California DP to step down, and he did. Buchholz is even more heavy-handed than Jahnke was. The odd thing is - neither DP was heavy-handed about the Church and Changers.

Church and Change stars have never been disciplined.
They get the right hand of fellowship rather than the back-hand of the DP.

"Jesus is my rice" - a meditation by Jeff Gunn.