Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Johann Gerhard - Another Justification by Faith Th...":
I'm reading Buchholz' 2012 UOJ essay that you link above. He's certainly trying to address every refutation of UOJ that has been published - and fails miserably. Here he states that Gerhard and Rambach teach UOJ.
“But even some pietists were able to articulate the universal and objective nature of justification correctly. Johann Jakob Rambach (1693-1735)42 is sometimes flamed in the blogosphere today as one of the supposed inventors of universal objective justification, but in fact he taught in accord with the orthodox Johann Gerhard on the matter of vicarious justification in Christ, and he wrote nothing different than what Luther himself had written against the heavenly prophets in 1525 regarding justification acquired and justification appropriated. Rambach writes:
Christ was in His resurrection first of all justified for His own Person, Is. 50:5, 1 Tim. 3:16, since the righteousness of God declared that it had been paid and satisfied in full by this our Substitute, and issued Him as it were a receipt thereof, and that happened in His resurrection, when He was released from His Debtor's prison and set free. But since the Substitute was now justified, then in him also all debtors were co-justified" (Ausführliche Erklärung der Epistel an die Römer, p. 322). The same to Rom. 5:19: "The justification of the human race indeed also occurred, in respect to the acquisition, in one moment, in the moment in which Christ rose and was thus declared righteous; but in respect of the appropriation it still continues till the last day" (Ibid., p. 386) [italics and references in the original].43 Page 17
More on Pietist Rambach (Halle alumnus, along with Muhlenberg, Bishop Martin Stephan STD, Schleiermacher, and Hoenecke) here: [GJ - slight edit on who went to Halle University, center of Pietism and Rationalism. The Piepers went to another Pietistic school, Northwestern College, Watertown.]
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Johann Gerhard - Another Justification by Faith Th...":
Compare Buchholz to Gerhard's quote I posted above:
"We cannot help but be struck by the parallel structure of Paul’s sentence. He lays out side by side the condemnation of all through the transgression of Adam and the justification of all through the work of Christ. The judgment in each case is both objective and universal. Whether a sinner acknowledges it, or not, he stands condemned through Adam’s sin; the sin and condemnation are an objective and universal reality, regardless of personal perception. Whether a sinner acknowledges it, or not, he was acquitted through Christ’s work; the atonement and accompanying not-guilty verdict are an objective and universal reality, regardless of personal perception.
Page 11
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Make a decision for UOJ - Buchholz is recycling J. P. Meyer's false doctrine, which Buchholz once claimed to reject. But Buchholz was also against Gunn and Rick Johnson...supposedly. |