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LPC has left a new comment on your post "Martin Chemnitz, Justification by Faith Theologian...":
It is interesting indeed to find Pr. Webber citing Rambach. Yet if you read Rambach's interpretation of 1 Tim 3:16, it is obvious he was not agreeing with Chemnitz, it is because he was adding to what Chemnitz. Whereas Chemnitz stopped where Scripture stopped Rambach added more... he added..
But since the Substitute was now justified, then in him also all debtors were co-justified."
This is clearly a deduction, a rationalisation. [GJ - Roman Catholic dogma uses the same approach. The papalists say - Mary offered up her Son at the crucifixion, much like a priest offering the sacrifice of the Mass, so she can justly be called the Co-Redeemer, the Mediatrix of all Graces.]
I can only say that UOjers wanted to a.) make Rambach look as if he agreed with Chemnitz, b.) to support the additional sentence, the justification of the co-debtors automatically.
Chemnitz implied no such thing as shown by Pr. Rydecki.
UOJers do not only twist Scripture, they twist the words of orthodox Lutherans too.
GJ - Buchholz was so-o-o-o desperate in his latest UOJ pratfall that Rambach, a Pietist with sterling Halle credentials, became his life-preserver. The life-preserver was donated by the Portland Cement Company.
A Lutheran layman from way back contacted me. He reads Luther, the Book of Concord, Luther, Luther, and Luther. He was furious that anyone would promote forgiveness without faith. That is why the Synodical Conference wants to keep this from being discussed. Their one and only dogma is contrary to Scripture, antithetical to Luther, and opposed to the Book of Concord.
The more they are pushed, the more the UOJ Enthusiasts rely on Pietists - as they must. Whatever the origins of UOJ, the petri dish was Pietism.
Marquart did not rely on Luther or the Concordists, because he could not. A natural way to find an earlier Easter absolution was to latch onto Rambach, who has a hymn in The Lutheran Hymnal. Quite a few Pietists do, because the Concord era was followed by Pietism, Halle University, and then rationalism.
Like No Call Paul McCain, Jay Webber has not matured beyond his days at Concordia, Ft. Wayne, when Church Growth and UOJ blossomed and set fruit. Webber became the midwife for Buchholz' reliance on Rambach. That finally caused a dust-up, some months ago on the Intrepid Lutherans, when Webber promoted Rambach and another obscure figure, Quistorp, to back his hellish dogma. If you think Rambach is unknown, then try to find Quistorp on the Google radar. Quistorp makes Rambach look like a rock star in comparison.
So here is the line of authorities: Rambach to Marquart to Webber to Buchholz. The foundation of Luther and the Book of Concord is missing. When Webber or Buchholz tries to fix that with a citation, the deception is obvious. Above is the complete section of the Apology, when they cite only what they imagine serves their demonic dogma.
Below is the justification by faith section, which Webber and Buchholz omit. This happened also on LutherQuest, and I pointed out the obvious head-fake attempted there.
When District President Buchholz spoke to the congregation in New Mexico, he referred to Martin Luther as "Uncle Marty" more than once, grinning like the con-artist he is.
I contend that the DP's behavior is revealing - showing a contempt for Luther's doctrine at a serious moment in a congregation's life.
- I’d rather have Rambach with silver and gold;
I’d rather be Pietist with riches untold;
I’d rather have Rambach with houses and lands;
I’d rather be led by the Halle U. band.- Refrain:
And to be the king of a vast domain
And be held in sin’s dread sway;
I’d rather have Rambach than anything
The Gospel affords today.
- Refrain:
- I’d rather have Spener with men’s applause;
I’d rather be faithful to UOJ's cause;
I’d rather have Rambach and worldwide fame;
I’d rather be true to Halle U's name. - They're fairer than roses or sauerkraut;
They're sweeter than Thrivent grants without doubt;
They're all that my Old Adam needs;
I’d rather have Rambach and let him lead.
Pastor emeritus
Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Grasping
at Rambach Straws - Last Words of a Dying...":
Ichabod -
Excellent hymn, here:
"I’d rather have Rambach with silver and gold;......."
I would almost bet that if you would check with CPH'S, McNasty [Mary Lactation specialist enthusiast], that he could arrange his publishing company to publish your hymn. After all, isn't he and his CPH, publishing the Apocrypha?
Nathan M. Bickel
Ichabod -
Excellent hymn, here:
"I’d rather have Rambach with silver and gold;......."
I would almost bet that if you would check with CPH'S, McNasty [Mary Lactation specialist enthusiast], that he could arrange his publishing company to publish your hymn. After all, isn't he and his CPH, publishing the Apocrypha?
Nathan M. Bickel