Same Sex Blessing fever spreads throughout The Episcopal Church
More than two thirds of the domestic dioceses give their blessing to partnered same gender relationships
By David Virtue with Mary Ann Mueller
November 28, 2012
Since The Episcopal General Convention passed A049 at last July's General Convention in Indianapolis, the trickle of Episcopal dioceses that have authorized Same Sex Blessings has now become a veritable flood. According to Virtueonline's exhaustive research, 69 domestic dioceses have decided to fully embrace and allow for the provisional Same Sex Blessing ceremony to be celebrated within their borders.
Virtueonline called each diocese or churches within the diocese to ascertain if SSB was permissible; checking diocesan and congregational websites for their posted information on SSB; and researching the Internet for published stories about Episcopal bishops who have announced their intensions - for or against - concerning a pastoral response for partnered same-gender relationships.
VOL learned those dioceses giving a nod to SSB include: Arizona, Arkansas, Bethlehem, California, Central New York, Central Pennsylvania, Chicago, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, East Tennessee, Eastern Michigan, Eastern Oregon, Easton, El Camino Real, TEC Fort Worth, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indianapolis, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Long Island, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newark, North Carolina, Northern California, Northern Michigan, Northwestern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Olympia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, TEC Quincy, Rio Grande, Rochester, San Diego, TEC San Joaquin, Southeast Florida, Southern Ohio, Southern Virginia, Southwestern Virginia, Spokane, Texas, Upper South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington DC, West Missouri, West Tennessee, Western Michigan, Western New York, Western North Carolina, and Wyoming.
Even though these dioceses permit or will be permitting SSB, there are some tight guidelines. These guidelines vary from diocese to diocese. In some dioceses, the bishop is the final determiner on which couples can participate in the ceremony. Some dioceses allow for SSB in certain churches only. So there is a wide variation in how SSB is being implemented throughout The Episcopal Church.
As Advent approaches, the 19 dioceses which said that SSB is not a part of their liturgical offerings included: Alabama, Alaska, Albany Central Florida, Dallas, East Carolina, Eau Claire, Florida, Fond du Lac, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Northern Indiana, Oklahoma, Springfield, Tennessee, West Texas, Western Kansas, and Western Louisiana.
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