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Groups Want To Know":
About Christy Geiger of Synergy
Christy Geiger is a business coach and trainer based out
of Shakopee MN. After getting her BA in Psychology, masters in Marriage Family
Child counseling and working in corporate America in HR, Christy became
certified in life coaching and started her own coaching company, Synergy
Strategies, in 2002. In training Christy focuses on life balance and design,
time management, goal setting and strategic thinking. In all things, Christy
seeks to take the best from the “personal growth and development” field, and
through collaboration with her husband, Mike (pastor at WELS church, Good
Shepherd Lutheran in Burnsville, MN) take the relevant skills, process and
principles and apply them in a way that God-pleasing, consistent with Christian
principles and biblical teaching. As a ministry, Christy hopes to share
these relevant life principles to support pastors, church leaders and
Christians to have more effective and contagious faith lives. Christy enjoys
time with her family: Mike and their two daughters (Mikylie, age 5 and Mikenna,
age 2) and doing activities like scrapbooking, gardening, volleyball, and coffee
with friends. Christy will present a workshop focusing on how the Treasure
supports us in our daily lives.
Info obtained from the "Got Peace"
Women's Retreat 2010 Loves Park, IL. Her husband, Mike, is on the WELS Institute
for Worship &
From the latest Martin Luther College (WELS) Day of Enthusiasm:
Pastor Mike Geiger currently serves as the pastor of Outreach, Adult Discipleship and Worship at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Burnsville, MN. Prior to coming to Minnesota, he had the opportunity to begin a congregation in Cary, North Carolina. Moving a group through the startup and development stages allowed for many leadership challenges and opportunities. Outreach and leadership has always been at the center of his ministry both locally and synodically. He served for 10 years as the North Atlantic District Coordinator for Church Growth and currently is a member of the WELS Commission on Evangelism. With a love for leadership and helping others grow in this area, he has been certified with the world-renowned leadership personality, John Maxwell, as a speaker, trainer and coach. His dedicated wife Christy is not only active in various ministries, but owns her own business coaching company, Synergy Strategies. Together with their two girls, Mikylie and Mikenna, they love being part of growing God’s people and God’s kingdom.
I debated whether this blog was worthy of a response, but for one who speaks so freely and with seeming "authority", you seem free to sin against those of whom you write by publishing comments that are neither accurate or substantiated. I can only speak for myself, but what happened to Matthew 18 and approaching the person before making an issue public? Before you post my pictures and assumptions about me, my vicar year, and my wife that are inaccurate at best, I would have appreciated you calling me. I invite you to do so and ask that you do the same for all the people you mention in your blog. For one who seemingly wants to promote the truth of the Word, this practice is anything but godly.(919) 465-4400 - if you wish. Mike Geiger.
GJ - Typical WELS Church Growth - a string of vague and unsubstantiated accusations plus a command to phone. But did Mike Geiger phone me?
At this point it is fair to assume that any speaker for Church and Chicanery is firmly in their doctrinal grip.
Mike, you should read your Book of Concord. As Luther explained in the Large Catechism, public error does not require private admonition. Church and Change has been promoting its doctrinal errors in public for some time now.
Anyone in Lutherdom is free to criticize the substance of Ichabod. I noticed that the Church and Chance list-serve was quite verbose about me when Joe Krohn asked, "Are we really inviting a Baptist, Ed Stetzer, to speak at our next conference?" Apparently Krohn did not believe Stetzer's twitter, Stetzer's blog, or Stetzer's published schedule. So Church and Change answered Joe by attacking me, not addressing a pertinent question from one of their most devoted disciples. A few more exchanges like that and Joe may drop his bass guitar in favor of a Triglotta. Think of the loss, Mike! [January, 2009 - and it came true]
I think the odious Don Patterson Network has decided to fight back.
2012 Update.
What Have We Learned Today?
Don Patterson, at Holy Word (WELS) in Austin, Texas, gets free vicars every year, although the parish can also afford to send him to Africa to hunt the dreaded kudu deer. That is why his email name is kududon! How about lionking? or lyin_king? Geiger is one of those free vicars. All them end up Church and Change, perhaps because they started Church and Change.
Don loves, loves, loves Time of Grace, which LCMS pastors call Time of Wrath.
Don is not a Church and Change leader, according to Don, but the same names linked to him (including his own) keep popping up. Geiger went to the "last" Church and Change confab, although that was another smokescreen.
Every year, Martin Luther College's Evangelism Day has been a Church and Change convention. The only differences in 2012 were: 1) They hid the agenda, though not carefully enough. 2) Paul Calvin Kelm was not the keynote speaker.
Church and Change started in Appleton, which is Thrivent-City. The insurance business is dedicated to sales, not Lutheran doctrine. Some of the founders of Church and Change are:
1. John Parlow.
2. Jeff Johnson.
3. Steve Witte.
Note that Parlow got the Thrivent grant, so he hired Jeff Johnson (from his own parish) and Mike Geiger, Inc to use up more Thrivent grant money. Witte is busy running the Asian porta-seminary.
Mark Freier, covered in the post below, was one of the Shrinkers promoted by WELS, turning a supposed Lutheran mission (CrossRoads, S. Lyons) into a
Evangelical Covenant congregation. The non-Lutheran pastor of the non-Lutheran congregation used to thank three (3) WELS pastors for the gift, but that thank-you was erased from their history.
In keeping with all lying Shrinkers, CrossRoads claims to be non-denominational but identifies with the Evangelical Covenant Church on its own page. The only non-denominational claims I believe are from WELS and LCMS Shrinker locations. They truly have no confession of faith, no affiliation except to Mammon.
rlschultz has
left a new comment on your post "
Your Income By Joining the Don PattersonC...":
When I hear the title
coach, I think of a sports team. Perhaps this concept is easy for some to
identify with as so many in this country are rabid about spectator sports. I am
curious. What professional organization certifies life coaches? I understand
that in some professions, certification is a feather in the hat as there can be
a lack of consistency between degreed programs. But, one does not get a BA in
Life Coaching. It seems like this whole coaching nonsense started in the
corporate world and has crept into the trendy churches.
GJ - Note
my latest post, showing that people still refuse to believe how bad things are in WELS and Missouri, even though they can find out for themselves in five minutes of Google searching. I even did that for them on Facebook, and no one responded.
The life-coaches make people spend a lot of money to be certified as life-coaches under them. TV did an expose of them, so naturally the
Church and Change guys adopted the scam. Kudu Don Patterson is a life coach. Kudu Don's African safari buddy is behind Grace in Action, too.
For only $1300, Don will coach you for a year.
One of the Moldstads is behind "Grace in Action," and it seems to have plenty of support from the Minnesota WELS. The usual Church and Change nogoodniks are at Grace in Action: Time of Grace, Jeff Gunn, CrossWalk, Elton Stroh.
Mike Geiger and his wife, veterans of Kudu Don Patterson's church, are life coaches selling their services, via Thrivent, to Parlow's Church Growth hive in Fox Valley.
Good news - fans of the English language. I looked up the list of leaders of WELS, and they are no longer
"nenbers" as they were for many months.
Someone is reading Ichabod and saying, "Fix those bloopers."
ELCA still has one of their fired executives being
raised on an Iowa diary farm, and he has been gone from the Chicago executive job for months.