Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Looking for a Lutherdom to Rome Website

Mr. Jackson,
Since you seem to be the sole arbitrator of Lutheran Orthodoxy (and we both know how sad that fact is ), Could you point me to a comparative Rome Catholic site that would make the transition from Lutheranism to Rome Catholicism smoother, like slipping into a warm bath. I'm almost a pod person already as I don't care a wit about Scripture or doctrine.

this is a satire- don't publish my name


GJ - We made a deal not to reveal his name. I thought this was a good satire, because Rome has hundreds of websites devoted to turning Protestants into papalists - and they are successful. False doctrine is also efficacious, just as cancer and gangrene are effective. But the efficacy is demonic and serves their Father Below.

Where are the Lutheran efforts? ELCA is busy crawling into the lap of the Antichrist and purring for him.

The LCMS is training ministers at their seminaries to become Roman or Eastern Orthodoxy.

WELS is better at turning out Babtists, Pentecostals, and generics.

Here is the great failure of the Synodical Conference (tm):

  • No decent books about Roman Catholicism.
  • No websites about Lutheran doctrine versus Rome, EO, and Fullerism.
  • No honesty about their own doctrinal apostasy.

WELS and Lenski.
WELS and J. P. Meyer

This is another reason to loathe or love Lenski.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim":

Reformed opposition to Lenski can be found at: http://vintage.aomin.org/Lenskirep.html
It helps to know what your adversaries are saying.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim":

There he goes again.


Thank you for this information. I had a quick read and White does acknowledge by his attempted rebuttal support my contentions I made at Steadfast Waltherians blog.
There I said that Lenski enjoys the respect of non-Lutheran Protestants.
White's labor in trying to counter Lenski proves my point, that Lenski's views are compelling exegesis admired by other Protestant. For after all, why do that hard work if Lenski is not being taken seriously.

UOJers love to malign Lenski because his exegesis has detrimental conclusions for UOJ.

So we know who is the real Calvinist. It is not the Ichabodians or Team JBFA, it is really the UOJers. Now with the recent project of CPH to counter Lenski's exegesis, we even have more evidence that the UOJers are really the ones that are aligned with the Reformed.

We have made this accusation for many years.

The truth catches up on everyone one day, it just takes a while, but the truth eventually gets there.


J. P. Meyer is correct about this,
so where are all the J. P. Meyer fans in the Conference of Pussycats?

Thy Strong Word

Thy strong Word did cleave the darkness;
At thy speaking it was done.
For created light we thank Thee
While thine ordered seasons run
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise to thee who light dost send!
Alleluia without end!

Lo, on those who dwelt in darkness,
Dark as night and deep as death,
Broke the light of thy salvation,
Breathed thine own life-giving breath.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise to thee who light dost send!
Alleluia without end!

Thy strong Word bespeaks us righteous;
Bright with thine own holiness,
Glorious now, we press toward glory,
And our lives our hopes confess.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise to thee who light dost send!
Alleluia without end!

From the cross thy wisdom shining
Breaketh forth in conqu'ring might;
From the cross forever beameth
All thy bright redeeming light.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise to Thee who light dost send!
Alleluia without end!

Give us lips to sing thy glory,
Tongues thy mercy to proclaim,
Throats to shout the hope that fills us,
Mouths to speak thy holy name.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
May the light which thou dost send,
Fill our songs with alleluias,
Alleluias without end!

God the Father, light-creator,
To Thee laud and honor be.
To Thee, Light from Light begotten,
Praise be sung eternally.
Holy Spirit, light-revealer,
Glory, glory be to Thee.
Mortals, angels, now and ever
Praise the Holy Trinity!

Martin Franzmann, 1907-1976,
was an inerrantist fighting the new trends in Missouri.
His son was my client in St. Louis.

Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord

"Arm These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord"
by Christopher Wordsworth, 1807-1885

1. Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord,
With shield of faith and Spirit's sword.
Forth to the battle may they go
And boldly fight against the Foe.

2. With banner of the Cross unfurled,
They overcome the evil world
And so at last receive from Thee
The palm and crown of victory.

3. Come, ever-blessed Spirit, come
And make Thy servants' hearts Thy home,
May each a living temple be
Hallowed forever, Lord, to Thee.

4. Enrich that temple's holy shrine
With sevenfold gifts of grace divine;
With wisdom, light, and knowledge bless,
With counsel, strength, fear, godliness.

5. O Trinity in Unity,
One only God and Persons Three,
In whom, through whom, by whom, we live,
To Thee we praise and glory give.

6. Oh, grant us so to use Thy grace
That we may see Thy glorious face
And ever with the heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Hymn #332
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Eph. 6:13
Author: Christopher Wordsworth, 1862, alt.
Tune: "Erhslt uns, Herr"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Wittenberg, 1543

On My Heart Imprint Thy Image

Art by Norma Boeckler

"On My Heart Imprint Thine Image"
By Thomas Hansen Kingo, 1634-1703

1. On my heart imprint Thine image,
Blessed Jesus, King of Grace,
That life's riches, cares, and pleasures
Have no power Thee to efface.
This the superscription be:
Jesus, crucified for me,
Is my life, my hope's Foundation,
And my Glory and Salvation.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #179
Text: Luke 23: 38
Author: Thomas Hansen Kingo, 1689
Translated by: Peer O. Stroemme, 1898, alt.
Titled: "Skriv dig, Jesu, paa mit Hjerte"
Composer: Johann B. Koenig, 1738
Tune: "Der am Kreuz"

Thomas Kingo, Means of Grace Hymn Writer,

CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim

Two-volume commentary?

bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Missing the Love, Appleton Heroes":

Glende says Icha-buddies attack UOJ and promote JbF, but this UOJers never take a break from attacking sound doctrine. Today, I see McCain is attacking Lenski's justification by faith interpretation of Romans:

What’s Coming Next in the Concordia Commentary Series? Apr 2nd, 2012:


According to R. C. H. Lenski (Romans, p. 84), “the great theme of Romans is the Sinner’s Personal Justification by Faith.” Dr. Middendorf suggests that a close reading of the letter reveals that it is more about the community than the individual.


GJ - Here is the pseudo-academic quote from McCain, in royal blue, to match the new logo. To be fair, he is just kelming the PR blurb from his employer:

Dr. Middendorf suggests that a close reading of the letter reveals that it is more about the community than the individual. Even more importantly, Paul directs our attention primarily toward God and his righteousness, which is his gift to us in our Lord Jesus Christ.

This brief bio suggests he is part of the apostate doctrinal board of the LCMS:

Michael P. Middendorf is professor of theology at Concordia University, Irvine, California. He is the author of several books and articles including The “I” in the Storm: A Study of Romans 7 and “The Bud Has Flowered: Trinitarian Theology in the New Testament.” He also serves on the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Back in the good old days, the ALC (pre-1960 merger) did everything possible to silence Lenski, because he was a leader in orthodox doctrine. In contrast, Middendorf participates in the destruction of Lutheran doctrine. I wonder why McCain failed to mention the Commission on Bad Theology item. Could it be their odious reputation throughout the synod?

Middendor's own resume suggests that he never stepped out of the LCMS for his education: bachelor's, MDiv, STM, and Th.D. As John Johnson, a previous St. Louis president said, a Missouri doctorate is worthless outside of the LCMS.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim":

Reformed opposition to Lenski can be found at: http://vintage.aomin.org/Lenskirep.html
It helps to know what your adversaries are saying.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "CPH Will Improve on Lenski, They Claim":


Thank you for this information. I had a quick read and White does acknowledge by his attempted rebuttal support my contentions I made at Steadfast Waltherians blog.
There I said that Lenski enjoys the respect of non-Lutheran Protestants.
White's labor in trying to counter Lenski proves my point, that Lenski's views are compelling exegesis admired by other Protestant. For after all, why do that hard work if Lenski is not being taken seriously.

UOJers love to malign Lenski because his exegesis has detrimental conclusions for UOJ.

So we know who is the real Calvinist. It is not the Ichabodians or Team JBFA, it is really the UOJers. Now with the recent project of CPH to counter Lenski's exegesis, we even have more evidence that the UOJers are really the ones that are aligned with the Reformed.

We have made this accusation for many years.

The truth catches up on everyone one day, it just takes a while, but the truth eventually gets there.



Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Missing the Love, Appleton Heroes":

I just wish they'd post my comments. My most recent one was in response to their claim that they can't count "Jackson's followers on one hand". I tried to comment in this simple way:

"That's because they'll be excommunicated or forced to resign faster than you can say to an openly impenitent parishioner, "You're already forgiven!"