Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Melanchthon Did NOT Use Ambrose To Teach UOJ.
This Is NOT the Golden Casket Holding UOJ - Just the Opposite

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, IV

That We Obtain Remission of Sins by Faith Alone in Christ.

103] Here and there among the Fathers similar testimonies are extant. For Ambrose says in his letter to a certain Irenaeus: Moreover, the world was subject to Him by the Law for the reason that, according to the command of the Law, all are indicted, and yet, by the works of the Law, no one is justified, i.e., because, by the Law, sin is perceived, but guilt is not discharged. The Law, which made all sinners, seemed to have done injury, but when the Lord Jesus Christ came, He forgave to all sin which no one could avoid, and, by the shedding of His own blood, blotted out the handwriting which was against us. This is what he says in Rom. 5:20: "The Law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." Because after the whole world became subject, He took away the sin of the whole world, as he [John] testified, saying John 1:29: "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." And on this account let no one boast of works, because no one is justified by his deeds. But he who is righteous has it given him because he was justified after the laver [of Baptism]. Faith, therefore, is that which frees through the blood of Christ, because he is blessed "whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered," Ps. 32:1,104] These are the words of Ambrose, which clearly favor our doctrine; he denies justification to works, and ascribes to faith that it sets us free 105] through the blood of Christ. Let all the Sententiarists, who are adorned with magnificent titles, be collected into one heap. For some are called angelic; others, subtile, and others irrefragable [that is, doctors who cannot err.] When all these have been read and reread, they will not be of as much aid for understanding Paul as is this one passage of Ambrose.


GJ - One of the fads of UOJ is the use of Ambrose to prove UOJ in the Book of Concord. I am always open to argumentation, and I enjoy seeing how one of the great theologians makes his points.

First of all, this document is literally the Defense of the Augsburg Confession. To clarify how important the 1530 confession was, the Formula of Concord authors confessed with Luther that they were "theologians of the Augsburg Confession."

Luther identified with Augsburg, and the Concordists did as well.

Melanchthon was an early member of the Reformation and a lucid defender of justification by faith. Please show me in the 1530 confession where he departed from that stance, the very stance where he was a pioneer on his own. I asked Robert Preus about that, and Preus agreed that was true.

Second - what is the title of this section in the Apology?

That We Obtain Remission of Sins by Faith Alone in Christ.

A good writer will set up his theme and follow that theme, especially where so much is at stake. Therefore, the point of this entire section is justification by faith alone. As my friends say, JBFA.

Third - Melanchthon was clearly in harmony with Luther's distinction (made in the Galatians commentary) that there are indeed two justifications:

  • Justification by works.
  • Justification by faith.
Is the issue in this paragraph justification without faith? No, because the Reformers never considered such a ridiculous notion. That came from Samuel Huber and other heretics. This is Melancthon, who gave up a fabulous estate (of books) to stay with the Reformation. Remaining a Catholic would have made him a hero and the owner of a priceless library.

The Romanists were (and still are) arguing for faith plus works in justification. That means, for those addled from study at Mequon, that we must have works added to be forgiven. Therefore, Melancthon used one of the great theologians of the papacy to eliminate works from the formula. 

Nor did Melancthon stumble stupidly into the fantasy land of UOJ. Did he not teach the Means of Grace in the Augsburg Confession? Did he not teach the efficacy of the Word, Law and Gospel? The pea-brains of Mequon, Bethany, St. Louis, and Ft. Wayne cannot grasp the basics of Luther's doctrine, the truths of that tiny little booklet called the Augsburg Confession.

They remind me of the ideologues ranting about health insurance as a "Constitutional right" without knowing the lack of individual rights in the Constitution itself.

So how did Melanchthon lure people into thinking this paragraph is all about UOJ?

One must take into account the mule-headed ignorance of the UOJ crowd. They know everything. They do not need to study anything. Everyone needs to listen to them, because they never stop talking, censoring, accusing, weaving and dodging, hedging and trimming.

They love John 1:29 for UOJ, but the Fourth Gospel does not say that at all. 

KJV John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

The verb itself may mean either “to take up and bear” or “to take away,” “to remove.” For the latter compare John 11:48; 15:2; 17:15; 19:31 and 38, passages which show that this meaning is beyond doubt. If the meaning “to take up,” “to bear,” is preferred, the force of the present tense would be peculiar: the Lamb in the act of taking up. Something would have to be supplied, namely, the very thought brought out by the other meaning. For this Lamb will not again lay down its burden, will not carry its burden indefinitely, but will take it completely away. So we correct Luther’s version traegt and abide by our English versions, “taketh away.”
Lenski, R. C. H.: The Interpretation of St. John's Gospel. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House, 1961, S. 127.

The verse does not mean "the Lamb of God who absolves all unbelievers, without faith and without the Word." As Lenski wrote, it means not only to bear and carry those sins, but to remove them in the atonement.

UOJ salesmen are always crafty.

UOJ Storm-Puppets have a terrible hang-up with the atonement. They cannot distinguish between the atonement and justification by faith. Both become one and both become their Gospel. One must hear these addled leaders explain themselves to get the full impact of their error.

I have heard people like Wayne Mueller tell an audience of teens, "Mission work is easy. Just walk up and say to people - Yours sins are already forgiven." Luther said that people will respond to this like a cow staring at a newly painted fence.

I can tell the poor, suffering readers of Ichabod one truth - UOJ is the only dogma of WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie. They cannot see anything else. Everything is explained and excused with UOJ. And UOJ is the source of their crimes, scandals, and abuse.

Likewise, they cannot find justification by faith in Romans 5, even though the theme is clearly - 

KJV Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of 

I have mentioned many times that UOJists are allergic to faith, that this allergy leads to rash statements. This paragraph is their golden casket, but it contains JFBA, not UOJ. True to the theme announced in the heading, forgiveness comes through faith. They hold up this paragraph but warn against faith. Have they read this paragraph? I think not. The great Ambrose paragraph is another gem about justification by faith alone.

They are Biblical, these UOJ fanatics - The blind lead the blind and fall into a pit.

The message of the atonement is the Gospel, and the Gospel is received through faith.

Oddly enough, the UOJ Enthusiasts resort to Decision Theology, as Walther did, when they say that to be forgiven, one must make a decision in favor of universal absolution.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Melanchthon Did NOT Use Ambrose To Teach UOJ. This...":

Ichabod -

Nice mini commentary! I think you make the point how corrupted teaching is fomented and promulgated by corrupted leadership.

One of the major reasons for this corruption is, from the wrong interpretation of the text. You illustrate this (by quoting Lenski) when it is shown how John 1:29 is [only] translated to mean, “takes away.”

"Takes away" as Lenski says, can also be, "taking up," "bearing." Thus it is very easy to understand why the Lutheran theological academia crowd of universal objective justification enthusiast zealots, become entangled with their false doctrine. They overlook one of the basic hermeneutical tools which non seminary students of the Scriptures, use effectively; that being, comparing Scripture to Scripture.

Allow me to do some comparing Scripture with the John 1:29 Scripture:

I'll add the corollary comparing Scripture of Isaiah 53:4 - "Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows....."
Also: 1 Peter 2:14 - "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body....."

The emphasis in John 1:29 is on "bore;" or, "bare." Not on erasing [taking away] as the myopic UOJ disciples would have their congregations mistakenly believe.

Finally, you say:

".....Oddly enough, the UOJ Enthusiasts resort to Decision Theology, as Walther did, when they say that to be forgiven, one must make a decision in favor of universal absolution."

Yes! That is spot on. I've stated this "decision" mentality in another way in another comment. But, you have zeroed in on that aspect of UOJ mesmerized fixation - and, it can be traced to C.F. Walther as you adeptly illustrate with his black and white pic; and quote.

One other thing: Thinking of what you stated about WELS Wayne Mueller misleading teens, by saying:

"Mission work is easy. Just walk up and say to people - Yours sins are already forgiven." I say to that - No wonder why Lutherans in general have for umpteen years been bereft of much mission success; because their approach is man orientated rather than Holy Spirit led. The corruption of preaching universal objective justification to the sinner is as about as successful as telling an ugly wart hog that she can transform himself into a respectable farm sow.

Nathan M. Bickel




Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Melanchthon Did NOT Use Ambrose To Teach UOJ. This...":

Ichabod -

I just thought of something. I thought how the universal objective justification error is being continually reinforced in WELS [and other Lutheran church bodies]

Part of the liturgy song quite frequently, is:

"Lamb of God; You 'take away' the sin of the world........"


bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Melanchthon Did NOT Use Ambrose To Teach UOJ. This...":

UOJer's hit new low: The Gospel equals free beer:



bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Melanchthon Did NOT Use Ambrose To Teach UOJ. This...":

UOJers play to antinomian instincts with Rev. Fisk's new book:


Broken: 7 "Christian" Rules That Every Christian Ought to Break as Often as Possible



Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Melanchthon Did NOT Use Ambrose To Teach UOJ. This...":

Here's a recent comment from Joe Krohn - JBFA anathamatizer and UOJ advocate:

Joe Krohn said...
Christ came to save the world and not condemn it.

If I were a thirsty man and found a well, the well would not be real unless I drank from it.

There is no comfort in your gospel, fellas.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 11:09:00 PM GMT+10:00


The rationalism of UOJ in a teeny tiny nutshell.


LPC said...


I do not know what your metaphor is all about. At least this is what I know, the well is real whether you drink from it or not. Your action does not make something real or false.

Lastly, what you have is a gospel of false comfort, would you prefer that? Your formulation of the Gospel denies the faith created by the HS through the MoG.

In fact in your formulation, the MoG does not mediated such that the person comes to faith and thereby get justified at the point of faith. Your MoG declares already a reality that happened to them be they believe it or not.

Your position is inconsistent with your own doctrine of universal absolution/justification. Huber was a better theologian than you folks, for he rightly deduced that if universal absolution is true all the rest are superfluous, which is quasi-universalistic.


Open versus Closed Discussions:
Hate-Filled UOJ Fanatics Hate the Truth

Martin Luther - a new theologian to study - for Mequon graduates.

Pope Paul the Plagiarist says that I rob people of the comfort of forgiveness without faith. Lenski used to call that "carnal security." If I have robbed the poorly taught of their carnal security, I am pleased.

The UOJ Enthusiasts have been trying to silence me for many years, even though I have no position to threaten them, no money to give or deny.

In contrast, I want people to study the crafts and assaults of McCain, Cascione, Werning, Olson, Kelm, Valleskey, and Moldstad. The only way to defeat false doctrine is to know their weapons, take away those weapons, and throw the Gospel down in defeat. And bounce the rubble.

UOJ leaders hate discussion, unlike the Means of Grace people. I am thankful that the obdurate ignorance and false claims of the crypto-Universalists have gotten me into a study of the post-Reformation era. P. Leyser? I knew who he was. I used to own his edition of the Examination of the Council of Trent, in Latin. The book is now in a secure, undisclosed location. 

But I did not know anything about Leyser. He was chosen as an expert on justification by faith early in his career. He was an editor of the Book of Concord, 1580. And he demolished the UOJ of Samuel Huber. Note - there were conferences on justification during and after the Reformation. Those conferences led to the superb discussion of The Righteousness of Faith in the Formula of Concord.

This is how sad and sick Lutherdom has become - most Lutheran pastors and few Lutheran leaders have any grasp of the Formula of Concord. 

Lutherans have never been afraid of study and discussion. Papalists hate study and discussion. 

Looking Forward to the Galatians Commentary Study

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "New Bible Study - The Galatians Commentary of Luth...":

Looking forward to this study. Luther's Commentary on Galatians abolishes the false gospel of Universal Justification.

Here's a link to Luther quotes dealing with lies within the church. This one defends our claim that the Lutheran Synods and apostate clergy and laity who promote and defend the 100% false gospel of UOJ are of the devil (acknowledging that there are churches, pastors and laity who do not confess the Christ denying doctrine of UOJ and are still of Christ's Church. But there are few and fewer still who are willing to stand openly with Christ and publicly defend His Chief and Central doctrine of Scripture. A person cannot remain on the fence for long because it indicates a lack of faith and trust in God's Word and leads others to act in the same offensive manner.

"But to return to our point: They must themselves admit, whether they like it or not, that the church of Christ neither lies nor deceives... Therefore the holy church cannot and may not lie or suffer false doctrine, but must teach nothing except what is holy and true, that is, God's word alone; and where it teaches a lie it is idolatrous and the whore-church of the devil" (LW 41:214).

And many more...enjoy!


GJ - Thanks for the link, Brett. 

New Bible Study - The Galatians Commentary of Luther

Brett trumped my suggestion with this free edition:

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "New Bible Study - The Galatians Commentary of Luth...":

Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (1535)
by Martin Luther
Translated by Theodore Graebner
(Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1949)


This text was prepared by Laura J. Hoelter for Project Wittenberg by Robert E. Smith and is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to:
Rev. Robert E. Smith
Walther Library
Concordia Theological Seminary.
E-mail: smithre@mail.ctsfw.edu
Surface Mail: 6600 N. Clinton St., Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 USA
Phone: (260) 452-3149 - Fax: (260) 452-2126

This is the printed version of the Graebner, if you want to buy a book.

Kregel edition
 I was suggesting the Kregel green paperback, Luther's Galatians Commentary. I am going to post and use the Graebner edition instead.


This link seems to be the same one, the Kregel:


We will start the Sunday after this. We are finishing Hebrews 13 this Sunday.

I will be preparing an orderly set of graphics based on the Kregel, using those quotations and page numbers.

Another option is the American Edition, which is two volumes. That is more expensive, even on the used market. But if you have it - hey.

And there are other editions and the Kregel. The one I have posted on the blog (links above) is a shorter version. I wonder if it was an earlier effort. I have not found out yet.

The larger version is a late commentary, very mature in expressing Luther on justification by faith.

Another source for the green Kregel edition:



Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "New Bible Study - The Galatians Commentary of Luth...":

Ichabod -

Are you going to post a comment on the Steadfastscrubbing .org "Lutheran" website alerting them of this Luther [online] treasure, since they have been forbidden by their moderators and the McCaininites from accessing this site?


GJ - Steadfast blocked me without telling me. Some time ago I posted one or two non-threatening things, part of a discussion.

Abusive Churches: Leaving Them Behind

Pastoral care in abusive church bodies.
Abusive Churches: Leaving Them Behind:

In a previous article called Abusive Churches, I discussed the characteristics of abusive churches.(1) As a result of the questions and feedback I have received, I felt it might be helpful to share some positive steps to recovery from an abusive church experience.

Leaving an unhealthy church situation can leave some very deep scars. One example of the collateral damage is a very painful exit process. Those who leave an unhealthy church situation suffer isolation, bitterness, embarrassment, grief, and anger. This is coupled with confusion and wondering how God could let this happen. They also chide themselves for getting into such a group and staying in the organization as long as they did.

'via Blog this'


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Abusive Churches: Leaving Them Behind":

Ichabod -

This is an excellent article which you have linked. I especially like what it says about "abusive leaders." Sadly and pathetically, so, I believe that is happening in many Christian churches; Lutheran churches, included.

Here, is the portion of what I am referring [to]:


>>>>>>>> ........ Abusive leaders use their position to demand loyalty and submission. Ken Blue states, "I have heard many pastors say to their congregations, 'Because I am the pastor, you must follow me.' Their demand was not based on truth or the God-directedness of their leadership but on their title. That is a false basis of authority . . . any appeal to authority based on position, title, degree or office is false. The only authority God recognizes and to which we should submit to is truth." ....... <<<<<<<<


I still think that what seminaries and Bible [leader] schools lack is a practical training for their perspective pastoral graduates. Would that these schools pumping out candidates to fill Christian pulpits have "on the job" training on sheep farms, learning the whole process of tending and caring for a sheep fold. So much of the Scripture's terminology is related in Shepard and sheep metaphors. Also, in that same vein of thought, it would not hurt for perspective pastors to work in some vineyards; learning the cycle of planting to wine press pressing.

Finally, - and, I hate to refer again to the common error, now rampant in Christendom; that being, the preached and promulgated error of General Universalism; but, I see how that destructive doctrine hinders the full fledge teaching and preaching about the Holy Spirit. And, when pastors ignore the Holy Spirit; they become abusive. I believe that there is a direct linkage.

Nathan M. Bickel




solafide (http://solafide.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Abusive Churches: Leaving Them Behind":

I agree that there needs to be more emphasis on actually serving the needs of the flock instead of the constant pedestal building that happens, especially in the WELS schools.

Very few pastors overseeing vicars and teachers overseeing student teachers concentrate on the really important things. They're all too worried about learning how to write a sermon (they can't do this before vicar year?! seriously, I know pastors who spent weeks getting a vicar's sermon up to par) or teaching that perfect math lesson. Of course, these aspects are important, but the most important aspect is preaching and teaching the Gospel.

As I said, MLC is too busy building and putting teachers on pedestals with advanced degrees and certifications, and the "pastor" has always been put on a pedestal, and now WLS grads are making sure people know that they are better - they know Greek!

Denominations That Abuse Their Members and Pastors

"Anathema sit!"
Various articles on the Net remind me how abusive the denominations are today. The more they rely on the hierarchy, the more abusive they are. Nevertheless, congregations and pastors accept this for the most part, because they fear the abuse turning on them.

Pope John gave Rolf Preus a vacation
and got rid of him during the "vacation."
Ministers should take a stay-cation when this option is offered.

Pope John the Malefactor forced congregations to accept the newest variation on church and ministry. If not, the pastor and congregation would be kicked out of the Little Sect on the Prairie. After doing as much damage as possible, John Moldstad went on a trip around the world, at ELS expense, to see the Lord's work first-hand, taking some pals along.

The Episcopal Church is a leading example, mortgaging their headquarters so they can sue their own congregations and bishops. The ELCA has used similar tactics to enforce its rules, bragging about their reconciling attempts with those once denied rostered status.

There is no divide between the extreme Left and the so-called conservative groups. As the ELS has shown, even a tiny sect will bully and threaten people into submission.

Abusive Characteristics:

"A central feature of an abusive church is control-oriented leadership. The leader in an abusive church is dogmatic, self-confident, arrogant, and the spiritual focal point in the lives of his followers."

Control is everything in ELCA, WELS, the ELS, the CLC (sic). There may be illusions of participating, even with voting, but everyone knows the outcome before it starts. The process (see ChurchMouse) is there to eliminate dissent and to promote acceptance of the agenda.

The bishops, DPs, Circuit Pastors and camp followers have no concept of humility. Even the mildest questioning throws them into towering rages. They could tear up trees by their roots, as Luther once wrote.

"Abusive churches are characterized by the manipulation of their members. Manipulation is the use of external forces to get others to do what someone else wants them to do. Here manipulation is used to get people to submit to the leadership of the church. The tactics of manipulation include the use of guilt, peer pressure, intimidation, and threats of divine judgment from God for disobedience. Often harsh discipline is carried out publicly to promote ridicule and humiliation."

Shunning is the most obvious method used in various church bodies. Ministers and congregations fear being tossed into the outer darkness. They know from the past what it means to have 99% of their friends go silent or hostile. Best friends will even phone or visit to open up more wounds. One Missouri pastor told me how he lost all his friends the moment he left, only to get them back (as if nothing happened) years later when  
he rejoined. Bill Bischoff in St. Louis could not stand the fact that he could no longer take out books from his seminary library when he joined the LCR. He came back to Missouri. His wife could go to the ladies' meetings again. What joy. She even spoke to the national meeting. Acceptance - the fatted calf killed in thanksgiving.

Ridicule and humiliation? I have witnessed so many examples that I hardly know where to start. WELS likes to drive pastors out, break them, and welcome them back as shell-shocked survivors lucky to have any job at all. The prodigals who return will never murmur again - or be in contact with those who do. 

The shunned will hear all kinds of fanciful stories leaked to their friends. If they object to this, they are "bitter."

"The third characteristic of abusive churches is the rigid, legalistic lifestyle of their members. This rigidity is a natural result of the leadership style. Abusive churches require unwavering devotion to the church from their followers. Allegiance to the church has priority over allegiance to God, family, or anything else."
I translate this as Ten Thousand Unwritten Rules. One is - never question the leadership about anything. A minister can embezzle, molest children, or murder his wife. False doctrine is no problem - it is a resume enhancer. But if he questions the leaders, he is on the radar for elimination. 

People will say, "Write a letter," as SP Schroeder urges (meaning - Don't bother me). Or - you have to sit down with that person and explain what is wrong. But those are simply first steps toward being shunned, humiliated, and removed. And shunned some more. And having the family members and friends shunned for not joining in the shunning.

"In churches like these, people begin to lose their personal identity and start acting like programmed robots. Many times, the pressure and demands of the church will cause a member to have a nervous breakdown or fall into severe depression."

Another part of this is being a Keeper of the Lies. A pastor may be known for an openly degenerate life, but the lies about him must continue because the truth would reflect badly on Holy Mother Church. The professor was not arrested for being a drunken driver because the lawyer got that charge erased. Nobody went to Fuller because I just said so.

What I have found most disturbing is the robotic responses of WELS pastors to the same issue, a verbatim response. If D. James Kennedy's name came up, the response was, "He is an Arminian. At least they accept the universal atonement. The Calvinists have a limited atonement." I had two different men say the same words, in completely different circumstances. Another one was, "Don't say capitalist. Say free enterprise." One pastor said that, then another weeks later. The effect of such responses is to stifle independent thinking, even in the use of certain terms. I find it spooky and unsettling.

Many times the required response is a lie, and everyone knows it. To identify the lie as a deception means one is leaving the reservation, which is not allowed.

"...abusive churches usually denounce all other Christian churches. They see themselves as spiritually elite. They feel that they alone have the truth and all other churches are corrupt." 

Each Lutheran sect denounces all the others while working with all the others. The "conservative" Lutherans supposedly know all about the errors of Babtists, Meffdists, and the rest, but they spend an inordinate amount of time and money studying ministry with those same errorists. Do not point that out. Oh no. It is like the Mormon faculty member who wrote that the Mormon faculty at the Mormon college drank Coke all the time. Death threats followed.

Synod President Mark Schroeder and his homosexual Director of Communications, Joel Hochmuth, sent out a letter to everyone denouncing ELCA's honest stance on homosexuality. That letter was still posted on a WELS congregation's websty long after Hochmuth was arrested for swapping man-boy rape files with other degenerates. When I pointed out the irony, the letter disappeared from the congregation's websty - but I had already preserved it on this blog.

Try bringing that up at the next circuit meeting.

"The sixth characteristic follows naturally. Because abusive churches see themselves as elite, they expect persecution in the world and even feed on it. Criticism and exposure by the media are seen as proof that they are the true church being persecuted by Satan. However, the persecution received by abusive churches is different from the persecution received by Jesus and the Apostles.

Jesus and the Apostles were persecuted for preaching the truth. Abusive churches bring on much of their negative press because of their own actions."

Abusive church bodies hold themselves above the rest, so the leaders cannot be questioned and the lies must be kept in their secure lock-box. They do not teach the cross, but glory in their material achievements instead. Yet they sigh and moan about how difficult it is to be so pure among so many swinish denominations - the same ones where they worship and study.

Animal Farm is a good allegory for the denominations today.
I told one pastor years ago, "You are Snowball." He agreed.

"The seventh characteristic of abusive churches is that they tend to target young adults ages 18-25 who are in the middle class, well educated, idealistic, and often immature Christians. Young adults are the perfect age group to focus on because they are often looking for a cause to give their lives to, and they need love, affirmation, and acceptance. Often these churches will provide this, and the leaders frequently take the role of surrogate parents."

This is why parents should keep their children from abusive parochial schools. The purpose of those schools today is to promote the worship of Holy Mother Synod, to establish bullying and conformity in the next generation. The younger the children start, the more time the abusers have to mold them into denominational robots.

The education is decidedly third-rate, but provided at Ivy League prices.

"The eighth characteristic is a painful and difficult exit process. Members in many such churches are afraid to leave because of intimidation, pressure, and threats of divine judgment. Sometimes members who exit are harassed and pursued by church leaders. The majority of the time, former members are publicly ridiculed and humiliated before the church, and members are told not to associate in any way with any former members. This practice is called shunning.

Many who leave abusive churches because of the intimidation and brainwashing, actually feel they have left God Himself. None of their former associates will fellowship with them, and they feel isolated, abused, and fearful of the world."

I have to ask SynConference innocents - Do you really want to keep your children in a sect where evidence is routinely and systematically destroyed? Where people are ordered not to discuss the felonies of their felonious church leaders? And the confessionals agree to delete the facts?

If you really believe the true Church is invisible, then you will not let the visible organization bully you into submission.

There are great short-term rewards for going along with the abuse. The synod leaders will erase evidence against you and play stupid with the police. For some leaders, that is not too much of an effort. The leaders will also reward those who going along with the abuse and do a little rib-kicking themselves. Do you covet a better call? Back-stab a friend and rejoice in it. Would you prefer foreign missions? Kick and jab, or play dumb.

However, the abusive sect that rewards abusers will also toss them out for various reasons or no reason at all. Many clergy and laity have found themselves on infinite hold after being loyal attack Yorkies.

The long-term rewards mean bearing the cross. The Old Adam is tortured rather than soothed. It is not pleasant to know how much dross there is to consume.

The gold refined is the spiritual wisdom of the Word. Then one discovers the real Apostle Paul, the Anfectungen of Luther, the life story of Paul Gerhardt. The five-minute thumbnail sketches are gone, replaced by another understanding.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Denominations That Abuse Their Members and Pastors...":

Ichabod -

Excellent commentary on this denominational abuse of pastors and the laity!

It is so true what you say:

"If you really believe the true Church is invisible, then you will not let the visible organization bully you into submission."

Furthermore, I think for the most part, pastors and church members aren't often perceptive of Scripture's predictions [including Jesus' words] being played out in today's culture. Persecution is expected from the world; but the hardest to bear, comes from the visible church. It is most difficult to bear because it smacks of an "Et tu, Brute?" fashion.

And, if a church going Christian is not [spiritually] stabbed, directly; there is the subtle [spiritually abusive] shunning process (which you point out) which is the prolonged "molesting" process of outright denial of that Christian's presence; validity and importance in the overall [invisible] Body of Christ.

Nathan M. Bickel



San Francisco archbishop-elect arrested for drunk driving | Reuters

"I'll beat this rap.
Mequon loaned me their best DUI lawyer."

San Francisco archbishop-elect arrested for drunk driving | Reuters:

"(Reuters) - San Francisco Archbishop-elect Salvatore Cordileone, known for a conservative stance on same-sex marriage, has been arrested in his native San Diego for drunk driving, police said on Monday."

'via Blog this'