Luther Bunker has left a new comment on your post "Former Church Official's Probation Revoked | CBS 5...":
Hochmuth is no longer a WELS employee so it is not a WELS issue. I'm sure the WELS has a concern for his soul, but quite frankly, your yellow journalism is nauseating.
GJ - I always appreciate frankness from an anonymous email.
Is Hochmuth no longer a WELS member?
The WELS Synod President publicly absolved Hochmuth.
Tim Glende (WELS plagiarist) said on his kilcreasing blog that "Schroeder handled the Hochmuth matter well."
Someone arranged one of the most expensive lawyers in the state to plea-bargain Hochmuth.
Hochmuth was previously discovered by his wife and he was in counseling, as the court documents show. The counseling agency was legally obligated to report the child abuse. Was it the WELS agency? When a circuit pastor asked Mark Schroeder, there was no answer.
Everyone must assume that no one at the WELS Love Shack knew what was going on, a far-fetched notion. In a few months Hochmuth was discovered doing all kinds of weird things. The non-WELS people noticed, but WELS never did? And they say Manti Te'o tells tall tales.
Hochmuth is a sick person who was probably abused by adults when he was a child.
What nauseates me is the protection afforded criminals like him, allowing him to continue to offend.
The Book of Concord addresses this issue, in case Luther Bunko has never read it -
Martin Luther, The Large Catechism, Eighth Commandment
284] All this has been said regarding secret sins. But where the sin is quite public so that the judge and everybody know it, you can without any sin avoid him and let him go, because he has brought himself into disgrace, and you may also publicly testify concerning him. For when a matter is public in the light of day, there can be no slandering or false judging or testifying; as, when we now reprove the Pope with his doctrine, which is publicly set forth in books and proclaimed in all the world. For where the sin is public, the reproof also must be public, that every one may learn to guard against it.
The cover-ups speak loudly to victims and perpetrators alike.
Message to victims - Holy Mother Synod will never defend you, will never even listen to your pleas. Don't waste your money on the justice system. The synod lawyers will wear you down, obfuscate the issues, and slander you as the real criminal.
Message to perpetrators - Holy Mother Synod will rise to your defense. The greater the crime, the more loudly they will praise you, lie for you, and absolve you in public. Best of all, you will have the satisfaction of seeing your victims silenced by shame, slander, and powerful synod legal teams.
Where was the first Hochmuth story in Christian News? Page 17?
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We know where teaching against faith leads. |
bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Defender Is Nauseated":
Hochmuth's repentance and relapse into sin is just another example of the phony repentance and absolution that UOJ brings about way too often. When one assumes that one is forgiven all sins before one is even born, what kind of true repentance is possible when one never feels God's wrath for sin, and never feels God's withholding of absolution until one really repents?
Luther Bunker has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Defender Is Nauseated":
The WELS did deal with him publicly. The system has dealt with him publicly. What else do you want done? You claim to be an independent Lutheran. What pony do you have in this race?
GJ - WELS covered up for him twice, and the dog still returned to his vomit, as the Bible says. What is your stake in defending them?
Adolph Hoenecke has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Defender Is Nauseated":
The truth is a pesky thing, isn't it?
Luther Bunker has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Defender Is Nauseated":
I am not defending the WELS. Instead, wondering why you care? As I said, you have no pony in the race. Frankly, I don't see the connection that it is the WELS' responsibility for Hochmuth's sin. Hochmuth is. Again, what do you want the WELS to do to make you happy? If you are so concerned, my advice to you is to reach out and council (sic) Hochmuth. I would also advise that your blog would be more useful if you were more responsible and charitable in your reporting.
GJ - The typical Mequon thin-skinned response is filled with outrage and bad spelling.
I imagine somebody thinks this blog is useful, since there are more than 3,100 page-views today.
Luther Bunko is encouraged to read the Large Catechism, which is not "boring and irrelevant," as they teach at The Sausage Factory.
Luther Bunker has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Defender Is Nauseated":
You continue to deflect.
What can the WELS possibly do to placate you concerning the Hochmuth ordeal?
I have more advice for you that was offered by Krauth some time ago: "Every Christian is bound either to find a Church on Earth, pure in its whole faith or make one" (Con. Ref., 195). What are you doing?
Outraged? My pulse is at resting rate. :)
GJ - A good start would be FICKLE doing a cover story on Hochmuth - "Lessons We Have Learned From Neglecting Our Duties."
The editorial from Synod President Mark Schroeder would be a heartfelt apology to all the women, girls, and boys abused by WELS church workers.
From that time on, FICKLE would report in gory detail the arrest and conviction of each church worker, in real time, not just locally where people are reading the local paper.
WELS would also admit to covering up the Tabor murder and rushing to defense of Al Just.
Luther Bunko has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Defender Is Nauseated":
Fair enough, Ichabod. But is this even a reality? Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. Woe to the inhabitors!
I am sure many appreciate your reporting. But, alas, as I said it is very yellow. First the yellow, then the green.
Again, re: the Krauth quotation. What are you doing locally to find a faithful church? Is there one? It would seem to me if there isn't, and by the scholarship and reputation exhibited on your blog about yourself; it would preclude you to begin one.
GJ - If I wrote as badly as Bunko, I would stay anonymous too.