Monday, January 28, 2013

Comments on the Ichaslang Lexicon

LPC has left a new comment on your post "The Ichaslang Lexcion - Still Popular":

How come we are the only ones laughing?

UOJers do not get it, do they?



narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "The Ichaslang Lexcion - Still Popular":

The statement that No Call Paul is not a blogger is certainly true. Now that the Intrepids have followed suit of other blogs by giving him a "time out" for tantrum-infused behavior, No Blog Paul may actually have to spend his day at CPH working for his six-figure salary, instead of blogging all day.

When a fellow-parishioner recently asked me why "Luther's Small Catechism" can be purchased for less money from Amazon than from CPH, I gave him the obvious explanation. 


GJ - The Lutheran classics are free or inexpensive. The best Lutheran hymnal, The Lutheran Hymnal, can be found in piles in many different places, free.